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The following spread can be used for specific issues - when there is an existing situation.
Position #1 (middle card): Represents the present, the querant or the issue.
Answer (using the Ancestral Path Tarot):
1. the present: The Hanged One (The Hanged Man)
This is a time of transition for you. A time when you need to look at things from a different perspective.
2. past influences: The Prince of Swords (Knight of Swords)
3. future/influences yet to be felt: The Magician
The Magician embodies the power to be creative - in making this move - you will open yourself up to creative opportunities.You have all of the tools that you need to be successful.
4. the unconscious (the reason behind the question): Two of Cups
A bringing together of two energies or people is the motivation behind this move. This is a harmonious, perhaps even karmic, coming together. This can be a healing within the self, and a healing of issues.
5. potential/possibilities in this move: Three of Sacred Circles
Life becomes a balance of work, play and spirituality.
This is an excellent spread to use when wanting to look deeper into an issue. The cards are placed in a line, from right to left.
Positions 1 and 2 represent the past.
Question: Why am I drawn to this specific person?
Answer (using the Ancestral Path deck):
1. past: Nine of Swords
Change as far as how you view relationship has been coming on for some time.
2. past: King of Staves (Wands)
You have set the foundation for relationship - you know what you want, what you expect and what you are willing to give.
3. present: The High Priestess
You are tuning in to your own understanding of the female side of yourself. You are beginning to allow yourself to open your heart.
4. future: The Wheel Of Fortune
Actions will take place because of the energy that you have already sent to Universe regardingthe issue of relationship. This person coming into your life is both a present and a future action.
5. future: Princess of Swords
This person was brought into your life to help you overcome some internal questioning/conflic that that you had about yourself.
This spread is used when the querant is looking to bring balance into their lives.
Positon #1: East (Spiritual/Fire)
Question: How do I bring balance to my life?
Answer (using the Ancestral Path deck):
1. East/Spiritual: Six of Staves(Wands)
This is about self esteem and overcoming obstacles. Know that you have the ability to do that.
2. South/Physical: Nine of Staves(Wands)
Be aware that you need to conserve your physical strength - take breaks and pace yourself.
3. West/Emotional: Two of Sacred Circles (Pentacles)
This is the balancing of your two worlds - the physical and the spiritual.
4. North/Mental: Eight of Sacred Circles (Pentacles)
Mentally you are moving into a time of broadening your perspectives, of learning new things.
5. Querant: Nine of Swords
Ground yourself by listening to your dreams. Do not allow yourself to become overwhelmed by life.
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