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The following spread can be used when there are two distinct options to choose from. The layout that I use is a diamond shape: card number one on top, cards number two and three on the second line, cards number four and five on the third line directly below cards number two and three and card number six on the line, in line with card number one.
The position definitions are as follows:
1. The problem or dilemma.
Question: Should I stay in this relationship or leave it?
Answer (using the Ancestral Path deck):
1. problem or dilemma: The Devil
There are unresolved issues here - karmic issues. Look at how you are viewing the relationship, and at how your own actions affect yourself. They can be self destructive.
2. Option #1 (leave the relationship): Eight of Swords
This option is one that stems from your own personal fears. You are placing boundaries on yourself, perhaps because of societies perception of the relationship than from your own true feelings.
3. Option #2 (stay with the relationship): Queen of Sacred Circles (Pentacles)
Listening to the wisdom of the elders is indicated here. Forming the foundation of a close and nurturing partnership.
4. Possible outcome if you left the relationship: Four of Cups
Leaving the relationship would serve no purpose. There is a sense of depression and confusion here.
5. Possible outcome if you stayed with the relationship: Nine of Swords.
In staying with the relationship you will learn something about yourself.
6. likely outcome: The Star
Trust in yourself without fear - the decisions that you make will bring the love and sense of security that you want into your life. This relationship is an opportunity to experience new things and broaden your horizons. There is much happiness here.
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