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By Bonnie Cehovet
(note: This article first appeared in Geraldine Amaral's Spring 2002 newsletter "Celebrating The Tarot - A Journal For Tarot Enthusiasts".)
When I first began to work with magickal and energetic forces, one of the tenets that were impressed upon me was that grounding and centering were the first steps that needed to be taken before any work was done. This shows humbleness, honor and respect for what we wish to accomplish. On one level, this sets intent and helps us to focus. On another level - it is a major form of protection.
Those of us that work with the Tarot are working with a set of archetypes and symbols that act as doorways to another plane of knowledge. We are agreeing to enter these doorways for many diverse purposes: our own spiritual growth, personal knowledge in conducting our own lives, or we may be reading for others - acting as a conduit, bringing them information that they need for their spiritual growth or in conducting their lives.
We are working with energies that are both internal and external to ourselves. We need to remain focused on the purpose for our work - it is all too easy to allow random thoughts in, to lose the connection with the information that we are being given, so that all we have are individual impressions that have no relation to each other. It is also all too easy to allow ourselves to be overcome by the information that we receive.
On grounding ourselves we create a chord of light that flows from our crown chakra, down through our body, out our root chakra and into the center of Mother Earth. We are literally sending roots down into the earth so that there is a clear flow of energy - from us into the earth, and from Mother Earth back up through us. In this way we make certain that our charkas are open - that at no point will incoming energy be blocked and backed up, causing tension and possible physical illness to us. We also make certain that we do not become overloaded with energy, as any excess energy is automatically routed into Mother Earth. The energy coming back up through us from Mother Earth comes out through the crown chakra and surrounds us in a layer of protection.
It is helpful to us if we create some form of ritual around our use of Tarot. Rituals act to formalize our work - they are acts that we perform in the same manner each time that we do something, and they act to empower us, to help us focus and set intent.
We empower our rituals by simply believing in them. There are many rituals of protection that can be used with Tarot: calling on our Higher Self or a specific Guide or Angel for guidance during a reading, shuffling the cards to cleanse and purify them, smoking our cards with sage (protection) and/or sweetgrass (to banish negativity), mentally infusing your cards with white or golden light to cleanse and purify them. The following rituals can be performed all or in part when reading Tarot.
Preparing the reading area: How the area that you are reading in appears physically to you (and to your client, if you are reading for someone else), is of paramount importance. The area should be neat and quiet. You may wish to smudge the area periodically, or before each reading (definitely before doing any ceremony or ritual). Candles may be lit - white for protection, blue for communication, pink for universal love, or you may use any combination of colors that is meaningful to you. In place of incense you may wish to use scented candles. The area that you will be reading in can be covered with a pretty scarf or cloth - just be sure that it will not detract from the reading itself. You may also wish to burn incense or place a vase of flowers within view. Crystals may also be placed around the reading area - the type of crystal dependent on the purpose of the reading. In general, clear quartz crystal will act to increase energies, and rose quartz will act to open the heart to universal love, black onyx can be used for protection and to act as a shield against negative energy. I generally have my clients, when I read in person, hold a piece of rose quartz in their hands. This is my gift to them.
Preparing the cards: Your deck should be cleared between readings - either by smudging or by shuffling. If you offer more than one deck as a choice to your clients, make sure that they have all been cleared.
Preparing yourself: Before a ritual or ceremony, take the time to take a bath, adding any scents that are pleasing to you, burning candles to create a pleasant atmosphere etc. Use this time to clear your mind of all thought. In this manner, you not only take off physical dirt, but the water acts to wash negative energy from your bodies.
Prior to the reading: Prior to giving a reading, I go ahead and light my candles. If you wish to use incense, you may want to light that now also. Now is when I take a moment to calm myself, to open my channels and to ask my Higher Self and any other entities that I wish to assist me with my work. This can be done by simply remaining seated, with your feet flat on the floor, and allowing the thoughts of the day to leave your mind. Mentally run energy from your crown chakra down through your base chakra, through your feet and into Mother Earth, rooting yourself firmly in t he earth, and allowing for a free flow of energies. The following is a more formalized relaxation technique that I use. It is a version of a relaxation ritual that Donald Kraig gives in his book "Modern Magick".
Relaxation ritual:
1. Lay down, with your arms by your side and your legs straight out and uncrossed. Or sit in a chair, with you back straight, your feet firmly on the floor and your hands held in you lap lightly, palms up. Your eyes should be closed.
2. Visualize a ball of light surrounding your feet. Feel the tension start to leave your feet and ankles, and a sense of peace coming to you.
3. Bring the ball of light up your legs and torso, down your arms, up your neck and into your head. As it moves into each area of your body, tension leaves and your feeling of peace and tranquility increases.
4. Take a few moments to enjoy this sensation of total peace. Feel the energy flowing from your crown chakra and engulfing your body in a protective sphere of light.
5. At this time, I ask my Higher Self, as well as any Guides, Angels and other entities that I wish to be present to come and assist me. If I am reading for someone else, I request that their Higher Self also join us.
6. To bring yourself back to consciousness, take three slow, deep breaths, feeling energy and empowerment filling your body.
Ritually entering the Tarot cards themselves can be used as a form of protection, in that it allows us to receive information in a very grounded manner. What I have done here is somewhere between ritual, ceremony, and a simple Tarot reading. I have chosen to work with two tools that have proven to be powerful for me: the Native American Medicine Wheel and the Osho Zen Tarot deck.
Walking/living the Medicine Wheel is honoring and respecting the ways of the earth. It is a way of living your life - a tool that you use every moment of your life. It's symbol is the circle - having no beginning, having no ending, representing the cycles of life and acting as a representation of the Universe as a whole.
The Osho Zen Tarot, when it came into my life, immediately fell into the category of a meditative tool. I do not use it for general readings, and only on occasion even for spiritual reading for others. It acts as my tool for looking within myself. I don't always agree with the manner in which the cards are presented, but I look at this as a chance to see *why* they push my buttons.
This is a ritual meditation using the Major Arcana only. You can either separate the Major Arcana from the deck you choose to work with, or you can work with a Majors only deck, such as the Blue Moon Tarot. I choose to use only Majors as they are the archetypes in the deck, the forces for change.
This meditation can be done in many ways. You can shuffle and place the cards randomly, or you can deliberately choose the archetype that you want in each position - either by choosing the cards that you are drawn to, or by deliberately placing cards that represent either what you want to know more about, what you feel represents where you are now or what you feel represents where you want to be. You may choose the center card, the card that represents you, even when you draw the remaining cards randomly.
The definitions for the positions in the Medicine Wheel spread are as follows. (Please note: This is my personal interpretation of the Medicine Wheel - there are others that will be different but equally valid.)
1. East/Spirituality/Fire
The cards that I drew were:
1. East/Spirituality/Fire: New Vision (Hanged Man)
For this meditation, I chose not to draw the cards with a question in mind. I let them fall randomly, and, rather than trying to interpret them, I choose to receive their message by writing both a short meditation and an affirmation for each card.
East/Spirituality: New Vision (Hanged Man)
Meditation: "I am born through my earth roots, leaving this shell to fly freely through the universe. I am the earth - that which is physical, that which us seen and felt. I am Spirit - moving through space at time at will. I am one and both at the same time."
Affirmation: "I allow myself to experience life in all of its wonder."
South/Emotional: Courage (Strength)
Meditation: "I face my challenges with courage. I place no blame - on myself or on others. I choose to work through my challenges, learning the lesson, rather than allowing them to overcome me."
Affirmation: "I move steadfastly forward on my journey - knowing that I have the resources to meet any challenge."
West/Physical: The Rebel (The Emperor)
Meditation: "I control my own destiny. The only things that bind me are those bonds that I place myself. The opinions and expectations of others have no place in my life. I have left behind the roots of my past to move into my future."
Affirmation: "In knowing and understanding my strengths and abilities I empower myself to act on my beliefs."
North/Mental: Creativity (Empress)
Meditation: "I allow myself to experience my creativity in all of its myriad forms. I open myself to expressing the mystery of life in all of the ways that come to me.
I have no fear of living my passions. My creativity is a reflection of Great Mystery - it is through me, but not of me."
affirmation: "I open myself to life's mystery, allowing all that comes to me to be expressed with full passion."
Center/Self: Completion (The World)
Meditation: "In all of our cycles there are endings and new beginnings. Here is an ending - an expression of all that has gone before. Here I see all of the pieces of my life fitting together - all of my experiences, my emotions, all that I have acted on and not acted on. In looking at the picture of this part of my journey, I can let go and clear the space to begin new experiences."
Affirmation: "I bow and give thanks to Universe for each ending, each complete picture, knowing t hat my slate in clean and I can now begin anew."
There are many rituals that we can use in preparing to read the Tarot, and in reading the Tarot, that act as grounding and protection for our work. In taking care to ground and protect ourselves, we honor the work that we do and the gateways that Tarot opens to us. The rituals that each of us use are personal - no two people see things the same way, or have the same needs. The creation of personal rituals should be seen as an integral part of our work.
Amaral, Geraldine and Cunningham, Nancy Brady. "Tarot Celebrations". Samuel Weiser Inc. 1997 Greer, Mary K. "Tarot For Yourself: A Workbook For Personal Transformation". Newcastle Publishikng Co. Inc. 1984 Kraig, Donald Michael. "Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts". Llewellyn Pub. 1988 Meadows, Kenneth. "The Medicine Way: How To Live The Teachings Of The Native Americans Medicine Wheel". Element Books. 1990 Peach, Emily. "Tarot For Tomorrow: An Advanced Handbook Of Tarot Prediction". The Aquarian Press. 1988 The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.