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Celebrating The Tarot -
A Journal For Tarot Enthusiasts
I just received the latest edition of Geraldine Amaral's print newsletter Celebrating The Tarot - A Journal For Tarot Enthusiasts. Geraldine has done some absolutely outstanding work in the Tarot world - including her participation in the Washington, DC Tarot Society; her personal work as a Tarot reader and teacher; and the stellar book on Tarot and ritual that she co-authored with Nancy Brady Cunningham - Tarot Celebrations (Samuel Weiser, 1997).
Her newsletter is all things that we could ask it to be - filled with her own wisdom, as well as the wisdom of others in the Tarot world; tidbits of happenings in the Tarot world that keep us all up on things; reviews, articles ... and so much more!
The 2004 newsletter started out with scans from the Transformational Tarot (Red Wheel/Weiser). This was followed by news from the year 2003 - decks and books that had come out, Tarot in TV land and some of the special events that had occurred, such as the Readers Studio (sponsored by The Tarot School and Llewellyn Publications, April 2003) and The Toronto Tarot Symposium (co-hosted by James Wells, July, 2003).
The following is a brief run down on what this newsletter covered:
"Shoot" Your Enemy With Light and Prayer - by Geraldine Amaral
Bless This Deck - by Geraldine Amaral
The Tarot Mission Spread - by Geraldine Amaral
Emotional Characteristics of the Moon Card - by Mary K. Greer
The Illustrious DC Tarot Society Welcomes Valerie Priddle as New Facilitator - by Geraldine Amaral
Understanding The Devil - by Konstanza Greer
Tarot Poems - by Elise Kress
Words, Words, Words - by Thallasia
The Hidden Rooms In Our Psyche - by Ladyfogg
My Tarot Affirmation - by Nina Lee Braden
Tarot Traps - by John Gilbert
Ways To Practice Reading Tarot Cards - by James Ricklef
Mediumship and Tarot - by Queenie
The Celtic Cross Spirit Reading - by Queenie
Tarot and the Crystal People - by Bonnie Cehovet
Outstanding Tarot Contributions: The High Priestess of Community Building - An Interview With Janet Berres - by Diane Wilkes
Reviews of James Wanless' Workshops in VA:
Developing Your Intuition with the Voyager Tarot Deck - by Pat Harrigan
Finally Meeting James Wanless - by Judith A. Higgins
Out Of The Dessert - by Maria Whaite
Spiritual Muscle - by Paul Weiss
The Tarot of Transformation (by Willow Arlena & Jasmin Lee Cori) - by Marilyn Millstone
Tarot Dice (by Tartocy and The Harrow) - by Geraldine Amaral
Professional Tarot: The Business of Reading, Consulting & Teaching (by Christine Jette) - by Elise Kress
The Complete Idiots Guide To Tarot and Fortune Telling (by Arlene Tognetti and Lisa Leonard) - by Geraldine Amaral
Everyday Tarot Magic (by Dorothy Morrison) - by Geraldine Amaral
Learning Tarot Reversals (by Joan Bunning) - by Patrice Walker
The Pythagorean Tarot (by John Opsopaus) - by Patrice Walker
A Selection of Tarot Decks (from Lo Scarabeo) - by Frank Jensen
Ship Of Fools tarot (by Brian WIlliams) - by Frank Jensen
Tarot In the Spirit of Zen: The Game of Life (by Osho International) - by Sarah McCarron
Tarot Tells The Tale (by James Ricklef) - by Beej Jasper
Tarot Tells The Tale (by James Ricklef) - by Valerie Priddle
Tarot Art Calendar (by Arnel Ando and Leslie Cochran) - by Susan Decker
Tarot Card Combinations (by Dorothy Kelly) - by Susan Decker
The Egyptian Tarot (by Giordana Beri and Tibero Gonard) - by Konstanze Greer
The Quest Tarot (by Joseph Ernest Martin) - by Vicki Mattingly
The Quest Tarot (by Joseph Ernest Martin) - byJudi Edgar
Tarot For All Seasons (by Christine Jette) - by Barbara Dixon
A Femnist Tarot (by Sally Gearhart and Susan Rennie) - by Beth Russell
Murder By Tarot (Al Guthrie) - by Beth Russell
Tarot D'Amour: Find Love, Sex, and Romance in the Cards (by Kooch N. Daniels and Victor Daniels) - by Pat Harrigan
Tarot & Dream Interpretation (by Julie Gillentine) - by Y. M. Robinson
Tarot Tips (by Ruth Ann and Wald Amberstone) - by Marilyn Millstone
The Girls Guide To Tarot (by Kathleen Olmstead) - by Geraldine Amaral
Design Your Own TarotSpreads (by Theresa Michelson) - by Cindy Claxton
Pictures From The Heart - A Tarot Dictionary (by Sandra Thomson) - by Liz St. Rain
Pictures From The Heart - A Tarot Dictionary (by Sandra Thomson) - by Geraldine Amaral
The Witchy Tarot (by Laura Tuan and Antonella Platano) - by Terri Pitzel
Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thoth Tarot (by Lon Milo DuQuette) - by Sandra Lynne
Tarot 1-2-3 A Videotape Featuring Geraldine Amaral, CTGM - by Sandra A. Thomson
As you can see, there is a great deal of information packed into this small newsletter! Heads up to those who want to advertise services - Geraldine's rates are very reasonable!
For more information about this newsletter, contact Geraldine at: tarotcelebrations@erols.com, or visit her site: www.tarotcelebrations.com.
© April 2004
Bonnie Cehovet
The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.