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Summer Solstice

June 21st ushers in the Summer Solstice here in the northern hemisphere. One of the four seasonal points of the year, it is also known as Midsummer's Eve or Litha, and marks the first day of summer, as well as being the longest day of the year. This is a time of joy and celebration, and a very traditional time for marriages and handfasting. It is a time of community, and a time of sharing.

This is a time of fertility, and a time of growth. We have planted our seeds in the land, just as we have planted spiritual seeds in our souls. Now is the time to nurture them, so that they will come to fruition in the best manner possible. This is a time to release that which no longer serves us, so that the renewal in our lives has a sturdy foundation to build on.

It is believed by some that whatever is dreamed on Midsummer's Eve will come true - if so, perhaps this is a time to ask for a dream. :)

We can do many things with the Tarot to help celebrate Midsummer's Eve. We can use it for meditation, drawing cards from the Tarot as a focus. As Fire is prominent in celebrating Midsummer's Eve, one of the cards that we might choose to work with is the Sun, with its powerful energy of renewal. We might also choose to work with the King and Queen of Wands, or the King and Queen of Cups, as this is very much a time of fertility and growth. Or we can focus on a question, and draw one or more cards in response. We can do this in spread form, or as a free flow, free form reading.

As Midsummer's Eve is also a time of community, we might want to work in a group setting, creating our own ceremony to honor the movement from Spring to Summer, and the changes that this brings into our lives. We might want to include candles, to represent the spirit of Fire; water to represent the nurturing of life; and seasonal flowers or herbs to represent the abundance of Mother Earth.

I chose to present a variation of the Elemental Spread as one spread that might be used for this time of year. The elemental associations are the ones that I use - each reader needs to decide where they place the elements for themselves. I defined the positions as follows:


4 1 2


1. This represents the Seeker, and shows them as they are at the time of the reading. The Seeker is affected by all four of the cards surrounding them. How does the Seeker feel about the seeds that they have planted in their life? Are they comfortable with them? Are they nurturing them?

2. This is the direction of the East, associated with the element of Fire and Spirit. What seeds has the Seeker planted in their spiritual life, and how can they nurture them?

3. This is the direction of the South, associated with the element of Earth and the Seeker's physical environment. What seeds has the Seeker planted in their physical environment - either in their home or in their career? What do they need to pay attention to? What do they need to nurture?

4. This is the direction of the West, associated with the element of Water, and the Seeker's emotional environment/self. What is intuitively coming to the Seeker? What are their dreams telling them? What are they being told to release? What are they being told to nurture?

5. This is the direction of the North, associated with the element of Air and the Seeker's mental environment/self. What belief's have they planted? Are these beliefs helping them to progress, or are they holding them back? What does the Seeker need to know about their mental self?

My wish for each of you is a Midsummer's Eve filled with magick, mystery and merriment!

© June 2004
Bonnie Cehovet

The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.