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Celtic Tarot


number = 0 (Zero)
Hebrew letter - Aleph (Ox)
key number = 11(Scintallating Intelligence)
element = Air
astrological sign = Uranus

keywords (upright): beginnings, faith, spontaneity, carefree, childlike, trusting

keywords (reversed): fearful, rigid, careless

Our Tarot journey begins with the Fool. It is that childlike leap of faith that allows us to experience all things in life without judgment. The Fool is both the beginning and the end of the cyclical journey.He goes from the childlike Fool to the mature Fool - to begin again on a higher level.

Within the Fool lies the unlimited potential to know ourselves - the unlimited potential of the unconscious mind.

The wisdom that the Fool brings is that of giving you new energy, new direction. The willingness to take risks, to use your creative talents in different ways.


Affirmation for the Fool: "In my willing acceptance of the potential life has to offer, I celebrate both my endings and my new beginings."



Greer, Mary K. "Tarot For Yourself", Newcastle Publishing, 1984. ISBN 0-87877-077-1

Peach, Emily "Tarot For Tomorrow - An Advanced Handbook Of Tarot Prediction", The Aquarian Press, 1988. ISBN 0-85030-466-0

Reed, Ellen Cannon "The Witches Tarot", Llewellyn Publishing, 1997. ISBN 0-87542-668-9

©Bonnie Cehovet
December 2000

Illustrations from the Morgan-Greer, Tarot of the Cat People and Tarot of the Witches decks reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyrights ©1993, 1985 and 1974 respectively by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited.

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