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Morgan Greer
Hebrew letter = Gimel (camel) path = 13th (Uniting Intelligence) astrological sign = Moon element = Water keywords (upright): intuition, wisdom, mystery keywords (reversed): impatient, self-centered, superficial in knowing In the High Priestess, we see activation of wisdom through intuition and the use of psychic (unconscious) powers. Her wisdom is that coming from the work of past lives. She guards sacred secrets - that knowledge which we re-discover only by going deeply within ourselves. Her wisdom is that of assisting you in developing your own intuitive and creative powers. Hers is the "knowing without knowing", going beyond where intellect will take you. Meditating on the High Priestess is a great help when your goal is to remove/dissolve blocks and/or negativity.
affirmation: "I honor the knowledge of the ancients within myself."
Greer, Mary K. "Tarot For Yourself", Newcastle Publishing, 1984. ISBN 0-87877-077-1 Peach, Emily "Tarot For Tomorrow - An Advanced Handbook Of Tarot Prediction", The Aquarian Press, 1988. ISBN 0-85030-466-0 Reed, Ellen Cannon "The Witches Tarot", Llewellyn Publishing, 1997. ISBN 0-87542-668-9
December 2000
The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.