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Gill Tarot
number = 17
keyword (reversed) = arrogance, defeatism, loss of faith, loss of hope
The wisdom that the Star brings us is hope for the future. Meditation on this card is indicated in times of stress/need.
affirmation: "I allow spirit to flow through me, knowing that my future is bright with opportunity."
Greer, Mary K. "Tarot For Yourself", Newcastle Publishing, 1984. ISBN 0-87877-077-1 Peach, Emily "Tarot For Tomorrow - An Advanced Handbook Of Tarot Prediction", The Aquarian Press, 1988. ISBN 0-85030-466-0 Reed, Ellen Cannon "The Witches Tarot", Llewellyn Publishing, 1997. ISBN 0-87542-668-9
December 2000