12 Step Program For Tarot Book Addiction
It has come to my attention that there may be some people within this group that are addicted to books. If you are not sure, check the following list of symptoms - if you are showing more than one, you are addicted and need to contact me for information about local meetings in your area.
1. As a child, you would rather read than play outside.
2. As a student, you took the summer reading list very seriously.
3. The first card that you had in your own name was a library card.
4. The librarians in your local library know you by name.
5. You have the phone number to the library memorized - so that you can call in and renew the books that you haven't finished reading (and making notes on).
6. The first place that you turn to in the Sunday paper is the book reviews.
7. At least once a year you buy a new bookcase in which to house your books.
8. You have reference books for your reference books.
9. The plants in your house are sitting on books.
10. You own stock (or should) in Amazon.com.
11. You are on a first name basis with the UPS man, and he knows to leave packages at the back door when you are not home.
12. You are seriously considering writing a book.
If you show one or more of the above symptoms, please consider getting help. For those with serious addictions - we have an ancillary 22 step program.
© Bonnie Cehovet December 2000
The Tarot Connection - The Tarot Podcast dedicated to the traditional, historic and modern Tarot.