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The eights (Absolute or Perfect Intelligence) speak of the power of the spoken word, of expansion, order and the use of energy.
The eight of Wands (Mercury in Sagittarius) speaks of rapid growth and developement.
The keywords for the eight of Wands are hopes and success.
The keywords for the eight of Wands reversed are impatience, delay and quarreling.
The eight of cups (Saturn in Pisces) speaks of temporary success, or even renouncement of success.
The keywords for the eight of Cups are retreat and moving on.
The keywords for the eight of Cups reversed are emotional entanglement and laziness.
affirmation: "I allow myself the time to find my purpose and who I am as a person."
The eight of Swords (Jupiter in Gemini) speaks of restrictions.
The keywords for the eight of Swords are restriction, confusion and powerlessness.
The keywords fo the eight of Swords reversed are opposition, struggle and anxiety.
affirmation: "I free myself by letting go of restrictive ways of thinking."
The eight of Pentacles (Sun in Scorpio) is about discipline and planning.
The keywords for the eight of Pentacles are craftsmanship, skilled labor and financial security.
The keywords for the eight of Pentacles reversed are lack of ambition and greed.
affirmation: "I obtain my results through steady, diligent work."
December 2000