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Basic Frame
This is an easy frame tutorial.

Open a new image by going to File/new and use the settings below.
It will come out like the second picture.

new image new image

Choose the color you would like to make your frame and select
it in the background color box. Now go to Images/Add borders
new image

and use the following settings to come up with the second picture.

new image new image

Now select the magic wand.
new image

Click on the border and it will look like this.

new image

Go to Effects/Plug-in Filters/Texture/Texturizer. If you don't have the texturizer, you can download it here.

new image

Use the following settings to come up with the second picture.

new image new image

Go to Effects/3D Effects/Cutout.

new image

Use the following settings to come up with the second picture.

new image new image

Now while the frame is still selected, go to Edit/Copy.

new image

Then click on Edit/Paste/Paste as a new image.

new image

You should end up with this.

new image

Now you can save it as a tube or as a picture frame. Pick out a
name for it. I just used basicframe for mine. To save it as a
picture frame, go to File/Save As

new image

This box will come open and you will save it in your frames
folder under PSP. I am showing you the path here.
When you type in your name, be sure and add .pfr at the end
so it will save it as a frame.

new image

If you want to save it as a tube, then you go to File/Export/Picture Tube

new image

Use the following settings and name your tube. I always
add -syl at the end of my tubes just to show it is one I made.
You can do what you like.

new image

There you have it. You have made a basic frame and saved
it as a frame or as a tube. One more quick trick to change the color
of it if you ever want to. Go to Colors/Colorize

new image

With the following settings you will get the color in the second picture.

new image new image

You can change the hue to whatever number you want and it will change
the color of the frame. You can save them in different colors,
or just change the color when you want to use it.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me.

For comments or more information,


© Copyright 1999-2002 Sylvia Finegan
All Rights Reserved

Basic Frame for PSP 6   Basic Frame for PSP 7   Adding texture for PSP 6   Flood Fill with a Pattern for PSP 6  
Granite Tile for PSP 6    Making Eyeglasses for PSP 7 Adding Text to Animations for PSP 7  
Saving animations   Increasing Canvas Size for PSP 7   Making a Locket for PSP 6  
Making a Tube for PSP 7 Making a Tube Page 2 for PSP 7 Syl's Tube Page   Syl's Tube Page 2  Syl's Tube Page 3