This tutorial will teach you to flood fill an image with a pattern. First open an image with the following settings by going to File/New.
Go to your selection tool and make a shape in the center. This is only so you can see how to flood fill a particular area. You can use any shape. This is just for practice. It should look like this. |
Now you will use your Flood Fill tool, the paint bucket. Go to the tool palette and use the following settings.
Now you can open up an image that you would like to flood fill with. It can be a floral image or any image you would like to use. If you look at the tool palette in the above image, you will see a circle on the second tab. Click on this tab and choose the image you would like to use. I choose a red flower image. |
You will be able to choose from any image that you have open. Now click on the part with the marching ants. |
Let your imagination go wild and have fun with it. |
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© Copyright 1999-2002 Sylvia Finegan All Rights Reserved |
Basic Frame for PSP 6
Basic Frame for PSP 7
Adding texture for PSP 6
Flood Fill with a Pattern for PSP 6
Granite Tile for PSP 6
Making Eyeglasses for PSP 7
Adding Text to Animations for PSP 7
Saving animations
Increasing Canvas Size for PSP 7
Making a Locket for PSP 6
Making a Tube for PSP 7
Making a Tube Page 2 for PSP 7
Syl's Tube Page Syl's Tube Page 2 Syl's Tube Page 3