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PSP Frames

Making a locket!
Here is the chain that is used in the locket.
Step 1-Open a New Image by going to File/New and use the following.
Step 2-Click on ok. Choose the selection tool.
Use the following on the Tool Options Palette.
Step 3-Make an oval starting at 150x150 which is in the bottom left corner of your screen.

Step 4-Flood fill with white using the Flood fill bucket.
Click on CTRL D. If it is not exactly where you want it, you can move it to where you want it by choosing the mover tool. Remember to leave enough room at the top and left for the chain.

Step 5-Choose the magic wand
Using the following settings, click on the white oval to select it.
Step 6- Go to image/plug-ins/Flaming Pear/Blade Pro. Using the selector, choose gold_shiny q9q and before clicking on ok, make a note of the radius number on picture #6a then click on ok.

Step 7-Now, add 3 to the radius number that you made note of and go to selections/modify/contract. Type in that number and click on ok. I used 16.
Step 8-Go to Selections/Invert.
Step 9-Now open up the picture you want to use. (I find that a 200 width works well for me.) Click on CTRL C. You can close the picture now if you want to. You will be working with the locket and click on CTRL L. Move the picture until you get it right where you want it.
Click on CTRL X.
Step 10-Click on CTRL D. Now go to Layers and make sure there is a checkmark in front of Layer 1. It is way at the bottom. Then click on layers/duplicate.
Step 11-Your layer palette should look like this.
Left click on 'Copy of layer 1' and hold down the button and move it up. Now you should have this.
Step 12-Go to Layers and click on 'New Raster Layer' then click on ok. Your layer palette will look like this.
Step 13-Add your text. I used black with the following settings. If you would like to add a drop shadow, now would be the time to do that. I chose not to. Click on CTRL D.
Step 14-On the layer palette, X out layers 1 and 2.
Go to Layers and down to Merge then click on merge visible.
Now, your layer palette will look like this.
Step 15-Add a layer by going to Layers, click on new raster layer and then click on ok. On the layer palette, move layer 3 down below the merged layer using the method in Step 11. This is so the chain will go behind the locket. Now your layer palette will look like this.
Open the chain image and click on CTRL C. Go to the locket and click on CTRL E. Position the chain where you would like it to be on the locket. Click on CTRL D.
Step 16- Go to Layers and click on Merge and then on Merge visible. Save this as a transparent gif, by going to File, then Export, then transparent gif. Use the wizard and save it under the name of Locket Front.
Locket Front
Step 17- Click on CTRL Z. Now go to the layer palette and X out the Merged layer. Move layer 3 down to the bottom.
Go to Layers, then Merge and then Merge visible. Save as a transparent gif, same way as before, and name it Locker Back.
Locket Back
Step 18-Now open Animation Shop by clicking on File then Run animation shop. Click on File then animation wizard. Use these settings and click on next.
Use these settings and click on next.
Use these settings and click on next.
Use these settings and click on next.
Step 19- Click on Add image and then go to where you saved the gifs. Select them both by clicking on CTRL as you select them. Click on next.
A new screen will come up. Click on next. Then click on Finish. You will have your locket on the screen. Go to view then animation and you can see it work. Save this as a gif.
Well, that is it and you are all done. I hope this was easy to understand. If you have any questions, please email me.


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© Copyright 1999-2002 Sylvia Finegan
All Rights Reserved

Basic Frame for PSP 6   Basic Frame for PSP 7   Adding texture for PSP 6   Flood Fill with a Pattern for PSP 6  
Granite Tile for PSP 6    Making Eyeglasses for PSP 7 Adding Text to Animations for PSP 7  
Saving animations   Increasing Canvas Size for PSP 7   Making a Locket for PSP 6  
Making a Tube for PSP 7 Making a Tube Page 2 for PSP 7 Syl's Tube Page   Syl's Tube Page 2  Syl's Tube Page 3