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This is a tutorial on how to make a tube.
Open a picture that you would like to use
for your tube. In this one, I used this guitar.
If you would like to use this one, then just
click on here and save it.

First I will show you how to make a tube from
a picture with a clean background.
Use your magic wand.

magic wand

Click on the white background. You will see
the marching ants around the picture like this.


Go up to Selections, then click on Invert.


Now it will look like this


Go up to Edit, then click on copy.


Go up to Edit, then click on paste as a new image.


It will now look like this.


Now go to File, then click on Export, then click on picture tube.

picture tube

You will get a box that will look like this.


Just use the default settings and where it says
Tube name, go ahead and name your tube.
You can add your name after it if you want to.
Then click on ok. You just saved your picture tube.

This will work if the background is clear.
I will show on Page 2 how to do it if your
background is not a clear one.


For comments or more information,

© Copyright 1999-2002 Sylvia Finegan
All Rights Reserved

Basic Frame for PSP 6   Basic Frame for PSP 7   Adding texture for PSP 6   Flood Fill with a Pattern for PSP 6  
Granite Tile for PSP 6    Making Eyeglasses for PSP 7 Adding Text to Animations for PSP 7  
Saving animations   Increasing Canvas Size for PSP 7   Making a Locket for PSP 6  
Making a Tube for PSP 7 Making a Tube Page 2 for PSP 7 Syl's Tube Page   Syl's Tube Page 2  Syl's Tube Page 3