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PSP Frames

Adding Text to Animations

This tutorial will help you add text to an animation. It is written for PSP 7. This is the clown I used just click on it and you can save it. For this tutorial, you will need to use the animation shop that comes with PSP.

Open animation shop and the animation you would like to work with.

Go to Animation, then insert frames and then click on empty.

Use the default settings.
Choose the arrow tool.

Be sure to click on the empty frame. Go up to Edit, then click on propagate text.


Click on the Text tool.

Choose whatever font and size you want.

You will notice that the mouse will move the text around and you can place it where you want it. This is where I put mine.


Click on the Text tool.

Now, hold down the CTRL button. With your left mouse button, click this on the frame with the text and drag it across to the next frame and place it where you want it. Release the CTRL button first. Your text will print on all the remaining frames and it will delete the text frame. If you release the mouse button first, then you will have to delete the text frame by right clicking on it and then clicking on delete. Save it and name it whatever you want. That's it! You have now added your text to your animation. If you have any questions, please email me.

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© Copyright 1999-2002 Sylvia Finegan
All Rights Reserved

Basic Frame for PSP 6   Basic Frame for PSP 7   Adding texture for PSP 6   Flood Fill with a Pattern for PSP 6  
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