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PSP Frames

This tutorial will teach you to add texture to any image.
Start by opening a new image by going to File/new Use the following settings. You can use any color you want. I used red.

new image new image

If you don't have a texturizer, you can download the zip file here.

Once you download it, you will need to unzip it to your plugins folder in PSP. You may have to restart PSP to get it to work. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me.

Now go to Image/Plugins/Texture/Texturizer Scroll down with the arrow and see what textures are offered. Pick one and you can adjust it by playing with the numbers until you find something you like. I choose the following settings.

new image new image

That's all there is to adding textures! Just remember to have fun with the numbers. You can always undo what you have and try something new.


For comments or more information,

© Copyright 1999-2001 Sylvia Finegan
All Rights Reserved

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