This is a dream that Char Tierney had on March 22, 1998, and following it is the interpretation from the Holy Spirit.I dreamt that I was on a stage behind a drawn dark curtain. There were four males with me, (two were boys) who were going to do something when the curtain was drawn. Two of the boys were standing side by side, and the larger two males were standing side by side behind them. One of the boys left and I went to get Him because the time was close for the curtain to be opened. The second boy went with me. The other two males stayed behind the curtain, waiting for us to come back. The second boy, who had light hair and blue eyes, was saying to me that he wanted to blow the shofar when the curtain opened. I said, "No, I want Nathan to blow the shofar. If Nathan will blow the shofar with all his heart, with feeling, so the people FEEL something when they hear it, then I want Nathan to blow it. Otherwise, you can blow it."
We met Nathan coming back from an upper room to which he had gone. Before we could get back to the stage, I saw an audience sitting in pews some distance in front of the stage. There were men, women, and children in the audience. I recognized that they were the church. I sent the two boys back behind the curtain to wait. While Nathan was gone, the church had gotten bored with waiting. As a consequence, they had sent out two women, with six young girls (younger than the boys) and set up a table in the area in front of the pews. The girls were going to perform a skit, under the direction of the two women.
I went to the front and side of the pews to a control room. There was a woman inside who was wearing a wig. She was controlling the skit, although those in the pews did not realize it. She had contact with the two women and was directing them.
The girls were going to do a skit but did not know what to do, they only followed the direction of the two women. The women told them to pretend they were in Sunday School. I heard the women say, "Make small talk." I was shocked in the dream because I grew up going to Sunday School, and in it we talked about Jesus, but these women were deliberately telling the girls to be shallow and worldly, and that would represent Sunday School. The girls were silly and they giggled and chattered under the direction of the women.
So I was standing there, shocked and dismayed, and the girls' skit was proceeding, and the four males were behind the curtain, waiting for the time to come that the curtain would be drawn back, when I awoke.
Here is the interpretation that the Holy Spirit gave to us: Silvana correctly described to me the way things looked in the dream (such as the fact that it was a curved stage, and a dark curtain, and the second boy had light hair and blue eyes) before I told her these details. This supernatural knowledge came from the Holy Spirit, as He began to give the interpretation to us.
The two boys are thirteen. Nathan represents Remnant Israel, and the second boy represents Remnant Church. They are to blow the shofar to call the people. The other two males are angels. One is Michael, who stood behind Nathan, the other is Gabriel, who stood behind the boy who is the Remnant Church. The curtain is time, and it is dark because we cannot see past it. The stage is the world, and it is waiting for the curtain to be drawn. When the boys are mature, the curtain will be drawn. The two boys are the two witnesses which are spoken of in Revelation 11. They are also called, "the two olive trees before the Lord." The boy who was Remnant Israel left to go to the upper room - which represented going to get the Holy Spirit.
The church, who loves to be entertained, got bored waiting for events to be revealed, so they put on their own play while they were waiting. The two woman represent two things: one is foolish women, who are mentioned in II Timothy 3. They are allowed by the leadership in the church to teach the lambs. The Holy Spirit said that although they also represent a type of people, they are actually spirits. One spirit is false doctrine, and the other is unbelief. The woman who was out of sight in the control room, and who was orchestrating the skit, is actually the enemy. The wig was a disguise. He orchestrated the skit and the deception. The Holy Spirit said that the table is a table set by the enemy in the presence of Jesus. It is the reverse of what is promised to us by the Father, "a table in the presence of our enemies." He said that the table is a mockery of Jesus in the spiritual realm. The girls were virgins, young and silly and foolish, and easily led. The Holy Spirit said that the church has become an audience. The leadership does not lead the people to Jesus, and the sheep in the church, are easily deceived, as long as they are entertained.
There are two comments that I want to make: one is that I have never used the word "shofar". I always say "trumpet" and I do not know the significance of shofars. The second thing is that I asked Jesus what the name "Nathan" signified. He said that it was to represent Israel.
In Jesus' name,
Char Tierney
Table of the RemnantPS This is a minor point, but Jesus said that the stage was curved because it represents the world, which is curved.
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