The Coming Tornadoes

Dream given to Joyce Chasteen, in 1991 or 1992:

I dreamed I was in a black iron helicopter, Jesus was in the helicopter with me. I know it was Jesus, because the presence with me was peace. The helicopter was hovering in the sky, and I was being shown events that were happening on the earth. There was chaos everywhere, but I was absolutely not afraid of what I was being shown, perhaps this could be more like a vision, I am not sure. Looking outside in the air, were other black iron helicopters hovering in the sky too, I sensed perhaps others like me were being shown the same things.

Here are some things I saw: On the ground were several tornadoes scattered abroad, I counted about 7, but as they were increasing my attention went elsewhere. The earth began to shake. I know that Jesus was showing me America, but it could also be the "earth" too. An evangelist was running out of a white stone building, he had a nice shiney suit on and he was running frantically down the steps of the building, in fear. (This man was Jimmy Swaggert), he jumped into a Mercedes Benz that was a lime or pea green color. As he got into the Mercedes, the wind began to take it, and it spun around and around. The earth split and the car crashed into uprooted earth. In the air I looked at a skyscraper that was at the same level as the helicopter was, the skyscraper shattered into pieces. Broken glass came inside the helicopter, some even went into my mouth, but I just spit it out and wiped the shattered glass off of my arm, nothing could harm me and I was still at total peace, Jesus was with me. There was no fear in me at all at what I was seeing, I was just an observer. After the skyscraper shattered into pieces, I looked again at the earth. I mean it was total chaos, tornadoes, earthquakes, people scattered running frantically everywhere. My attention went on this man. He was running as if he was being tormented. He did not have a shirt on, only jeans, he had on no shoes. As he was running, he was yelling "the occult!!"...."the occult!!"

End of Dream

This is what the Holy Spirit showed me about it. When this dream came to me by our message board, I was at the computer working on Cindy's dream Wake-up Call) and the Holy Spirit told me that the two dreams are connectd. The tornado is the same thing that Cindy saw in her dream, and when it occurs there will be catacylsmic events on earth, and the great deception of the world and the church will begin. (See World-wide Deception)

The thing about helicopters is that they go in the air, which is where the spiritual powers are, with whom we do battle. The evangelist on the ground was of the earth, as the blind, naked church is. (This is not meant on my part to be a criticism of Jimmy Swaggart, but it was the Holy Spirit who chose to use him to represent the church, so I am only explaining what I see.) There is going to be an assault on the church and on the world. The pastor was saying, "the occult..the occult" because the church blames everything on the enemy. But God is the cause of the Tribulation, not Satan. God brings judgment, and it goes to the church first. We who know Jesus, and hear His voice, called "the remnant", will be protected because we will be with Jesus, doing His will. We will see the judgment, but He has some protection for us, for it is not directed to us. The glass flew around you, and indeed hit you, but you were not harmed. We will have power from the Holy Spirit to battle with the enemy, in the midst of such world-wide turmoil. Notice the nice car the pastor was getting into? There will be an attack on the worldly goods of the church, who has hoarded wealth for themselves, at the expense of the lambs. (One sister in Jesus, Therese, describes how she used to go to a church which prided itself that it had three million dollars in the bank! And if anyone from their congregation came to them for help, they judged them, saying, "God is not blessing you. Didn't you pay your tithes?")

The skyscraper is the church buildings, which in the Father's eyes are no different than the Tower of Babel. It is man trying to reach the heavens without Him. In Cindy's dream, the dining hall (representing the church gatherings) blew up, and in Joyce's dream the skyscrapers (representing church buildings built to the sky) blew up. Both explosions represent judgment to the church. During this explosion will come the great deception, described in Revelations 12:9, "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." The "Great Revival" which comes from the enemy will occur during or shortly after this time. Many will believe that Lucifer is the Holy Spirit, as he moves through the churches. (The Father has kept the enemy back from the church in the past, but he will no longer. This was foretold in When A Trumpet Sounds.)

There will be a separation between the remnant and the church. This is why the Holy Spirit has so urgently been calling His remnant to come out of the churches, for He does not want them to be there when judgment hits. He wants them to be in His presence, listening to His voice, and loving and obeying Jesus, so that we might battle with the enemy and his lies which are so widely believed in the world-wide deception. Here is a vision given to a believer named Amy, which pertains to the coming days, concerning the remnant coming out of the church: The Bag of Wheat.

After this interpretation was given to Char Tierney, the Holy Spirit showed Joyce that the pastor's car was green because it represented money, which is green.

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