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The Source Banner Exchange

Join Now — It's Free!
Banner Network is 100% FREE

Get your site seen!
So you have a great website, but no one even knows it's there. Solution, get your web sites Ad Banner displayed on THOUSANDS of web sites.

What We Do...
The Source Banner Exchange is here to help our fellow webmasters promote there websites with banner ads. Banner ads are basically internet commercials, on T.V. shows use commercials to tell the people about there show, and to come watch it. On the net, we use banner ads, like the one you see at the top of this page. Your banner ad could appear there for thousands of people to see, click on and visit your web site.

How It Work's
The Network is full of web sites such as yours, needing attention. Each web site has a banner displayed somewhere on there page. Every time a banner is shown on your page, your banner ad is displayed on another members web site, it's that simple. Therefore your web site will be available for hundreds of thousands of people to go to.

Benefits Of Joining

•  It's free
•  Reach more than 65% of all visitors to the web, and over 40 million viewers.
•  Advertise your website across thousands of websites all over the world.
•  Did we mention it was free?
What you need
All you need is a banner 468 x 60 pixels in size to advertise, and a website that wants visitors.

Join Now — It's Free!
Banner Network is 100% free.

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