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Submitting Your Site To Search Engines

So you have a great site, everything's perfect, but no one is coming to see it. This is one of the biggest problems webmaster's face. We are here to change this, we are going to attempt to get your website seen in all it's glory.

If you haven’t noticed, the majority of the people on the net use Search Engines to find the site's they need. Which means, you want your website to be in all the search engines possible.

Here's a question, when you go searching for something on the net using a search engine such as, etc... you type in a keyword to search for, then you get a result's page displaying usually about 10 link's. Do you ever actually go to the next results page to see the next 10 links? Or even the hundred's of result pages after that? Usually not. When you search for something, most people just use the first 10 link's that come up. This my friend is where you want your website to be...

Most webmasters who submit there websites to search engines, will not get that top 10 ranking, most sites get put back behind hundred's of link's, even more if the subject of your site is popular such as music, games etc... Who is going to take the time to go through hundred’s of result pages to finally find the link to your site, not to many.

So before going out and submitting your web page to search engine's, let's edit a few thing's to make sure you get the best rating in the search engines.

When you submit your website to a search engine, the search engine sends a spider to your website. No not the scary little bug, the spider search engines send is a program that explores your web page for information, then it decides where to place your web page into it's search engine. Your goal is to get that spider to retrieve all the most important information on your website.

The first thing to do is make sure you have the correct title tag for your web page. You probably already have a title tag on your web page, if you don't you need to add one, title tag's look like this:

<TITLE>Your WebPages Title Here</TITLE>

Then obviously change "Your WebPages Title Here" with the actual title of your web page.

The title tag should be placed within the <HEAD> tag's of your web page.

Your title should contain the main subject of your site. For example, if you have a site about aliens, you should have the word aliens in the title. Here's an example of a alien web pages title

<TITLE>John Does Home Page the webs source for alien information and alien photo's</TITLE>

Now when the spider explores this web page, it will see the words alien in the title, and place the web page in a certain section. So when you search for the word alien, this web page will have a better chance at being one of the first link's to show up. Not only does the <TITLE> tag help your site get indexed in search engines, it's also the name of the link leading back to your web page. For example, you search for something using a search engine, when you get your results back, you see a bunch of sites, and the link's back to the sites, that link is the text that is in the <TITLE> tag on the page.

Each page on your website should have a unique title. When a spider explores your web page, it doesn't just look at your main front page, it goes to the link's on that page as well. So make sure each web page on your site has a unique name.

Next thing to do is add your META tag's. There are a bunch of different kinds META tag's, and different spider's look for different META tag's, but the primary ones, the ones that basically every single spider looks for is the KEYWORD and DISCRIPTION META tag's. These tag's should also be placed within the <HEAD> tags right under the <TITLE> tag. These tag's look like this:

<META NAME="description" CONTENT="Here you write a brief description of your page">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Here you put keywords about your site">

The description META tag is where you get a chance to write a short summary about your website. When you get your results back from a search engine, there’s a title of the page, then a description of the page, that description is the text within that web pages META Description tag. Just like the <TITLE> tag, you want to have the main subject of your page in there, so if your web page is about music, you want the word music in there somewhere.

The keyword META tag is where you type the key word's about your website, each keyword is separated by a comma ( , ). These key words are the words that will index your page. For example you have a web page about music, your keywords might look something like this:

music,lyrics,songs,downloads,rock,country,hip,hop,r&b,britney,spears,nsync etc....

Make sure you have both general and specific words about your site, meaning as in the example above, there’s music lyrics songs which is basic general stuff, then there’s more specific stuff about the site like britney spears and nsync. This is important.

So lets do an example, here is what the first few tags on a website about music should be:

<TITLE>Joe's Web Page where you can find Music of all types<TITLE>
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="This website is all about music, we have Downloads, Lyrics, pictures and more!">
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="music,lyrics,downloads,songs,pictures,rap,rock,britney,spears,DMX,eminem">

Now if you where to submit this page to a search engine, and search for one of the keywords in the META tag, the results page will looks something like this:

A few things to remember

1. Even though you probably have a whole bunch of keywords you would like to add to your META tag's, don't add them all. Your META keyword tag should have no more than 255 characters, which is about 10 keywords. Why you ask, because some spider's, if they see to many keywords will just pass over your site and wont index it at all.

2. Your META description tag should be no more than 70 characters long. Just like the keyword tag, some spiders will pass your page up if it has to long of a description.

Your META tags are not the only things spider's use to index your website

CLICK HERE to learn how else you can optimize your site for spider's

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