Brothers and
sisters, ever since our
fellowship began five and a half years ago,
Jesus has been lenient toward our backslid-
den brethren. No one ever really died
fore. Now in the last few months has
on the deaths of several brethren. One,
named David Chestnut has only lost his life
in the last week or two. He was saved
August 2, 1975, and was a group leader in
the Staten Island fellowship. A few
ago he left Jesus and went after the things
of this world, namely friends and parties.
He was at work on February 7 when the ele-
vator he was on got stuck between floors.
He reached out to the floor directly above
him. As he did this, the elevator began
going down again and he was caught between
the wall and the top of the elevator.
died instantly. Apparently, he didn't know
what hit him nor did he have time to call
out to Jesus. He was backslidden.
night his "close" friends went out and partied.
Some friends. He was 20 years old.
Also, an original
brother here at the
school named John Moran was burned to death
in a boarding house in Scranton, Pa.
He was
found on the-stairway attempting to escape,
having beeb in the company of a Prostitute.
Firemen theorize that he was trying to escape
but he was overcome by smoke and collapsed
caught fire Six others died with him.
Another brother
by the name of Hector Real
of the old Orange
fellowship left once.
Nothing was heard from him for a long time
until the fellowship contacted him about
coming to a big meeting. He consented,
was depressed at the time. The next
when the fellowship was scheduled to pick
him up, his uncle informed us of his death;
Hector "gave up" and jumped off his apartment
building and died.
In all this Jesus gave them all many chances to repent
and they didn't as far as is known. "We must all appear before the
Judgment seat of Christ." God forseeing their unfaithfulness through
a lifetime tool them now and made them accountable now. This should
to sober us up and warn us not to take advantage of Him, knowing that
at any time, He could call us to Him to give account. "A sword, a sword
is sharpened and also polished,sharpened for slaughter, polished to
like lightning."
A positive thing happened right now,
even as this article
is being written- the school has been in contact or contacted many
backsliders who are close to coming back to Jesus. Remember to pray
for all our
backslidden brethren.
Febuary 1977 Lamb Ledger
printed as it appears in ledger