Outlaw Star Vol:1
This movie contains 2 Episodes :
-Outlaw Star
-The Star Of Desire
Animation:The graphics were excellent!No stills were used,well Not that I've seen some...The characters movements were pretty realistic.I thought the graphics and movements ressembled those in ninja scroll vol 1.
Soundtrack:The music was pretty good!It was used often as a little background music providing from a radio or something else in the scene.It was'nt moody or anything,it just fitted well the moments and the scenes.
Dubbing:I was pretty impressed.Anime characters rarely have cool voices like in this anime movie.
Fight Scenes:There were a couple of interesting fight scenes.Not only Gene (the main character) has good fighting skills,But he has these incredible guns that can destroy buildings with a single bullet,I thought that was pretty impressing!Another thing I liked was the ennemy's special attacks, like this huge monster he summoned 2 times,it looked like a dragon (a la Leviathan).
Final Analysis:Big guns,Dragons,Nice graphics,pirates,Fight scenes...It has it all,(what more do you want)???BUY IT.