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Outlaw Star Vol:2

This movie contains 2 Episodes :
-Into Burning Space
-When the Hot Ice melts

:Like I said in my first review of Outlaw Star (Vol:1),The graphics are excellent..unfortunately, stills were used (more then in Vol:1).

Soundtrack:Less music was used,but I think its just temporary,there were'nt alot of scenes in this movie that could of used music...

Dubbing:Well the voices dont really change *l* there's been a couple new voices added to the "collection" like Ctarl-Ctarl's leader.Its a pretty annoying voice,like a 5 year old's!

Fight Scenes:There were'nt many fight scenes.There were battleship fights with Hilda's ship (Horus),It ressembled a X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter battle.

Final Analysis:This serie is very promissing!!there was'nt alot of action in this movie,it was more like an introduction.You learn what the Outlaw Star means,what Melphina's does,and other stuff like that.The first 2 volumes are in the past,because the way this movie finished its a new beginning for Jim,Melphina,and Gene

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