Spirit of the Times.... Zeitgeist wind drying sweat from my forehead as I recall a crystalline engine churning in the abyss... like a tornado on the twilight horizon, something is waiting for us out there... some undertow gravity well that draws out the shadows last felt from dreaming into the underbelly of a thunderstorm. Feel the thousand stories dancing at the horizons edge when taking a single strand of night air into your body. LookFar into that mirror Jewel Net and remember your heritage...... Sol's real, Dreamers all.... There are questions that we have dismissed ever since childhood.... ...questions that lay bare that most essential.... ...face to face with the totality of your own being.... ... but with the fresh aired morning sun forgotten for that stretching zenith reaching noon....we are caught in the chase ...the cling... ....the spinning, fleeting wheel of life's web ..... ....and those questions we intended to get back to are just some twilight shadows memory swaying on the walls of some forgotten grey-green hallway we haven't walked through since the dream..... ..... when the outward reaching word is most effective it challenges us to gaze inward once again.... ..... to review and reassess.....to take stock of ourselves....to remember.... .... to once again acknowledge our own shadow in the light of those first heavy questions balling up in your throat.... ..... thats the gravity tugging beneath the surface like in the movie "WhatDreams May Come".. ... the gravity..... ..... the killing anxiety of those first unanswered questions while our eyes fall upon the stark magenta sunset..... ....the gravity of your own pebble totality suspended there, in the vast infinite ..... ....that silent witness who through timeless inward flowing answers the unnameable question..... .....pebble in the hand I AM ....tossed to that boundless abyss....and rippling shimmer bliss .... .....and when you shake with laughter ........when you shake with tears....... .....at that very moment, you are a pulse......radiating outward into the void ..... .....this precious utter shudder that can't help but be heard ..... felt .... .....all the way to the opposite ends of the universe..... ... to return beneath your feet like distant peals of thunder..... ....this is my heart going out to you at this very moment.... ..... an open heart knows a network of vibrations across the fathomless night like an architecture of souls.... A cicadas' mantra to the midnight sun... by SilasFlood ~the Beckoning~ brothers apart, since birth it seems one of world, one of dreams a widening distance comes between will you hear the beckoning...? I cannot tell you where or when only that... for sure, I've been among the dark clouds gathering rain for there do parts of me remain everyone knows the shores to which oceans thunder belong but do we know the distance that it's calling from for you feel that you have lost a day like a wind blown far away and who is it that keeps our sleep whose lullaby to shield the bright who closed our eyes by sending wind losing sight to witness night a mountains vigil, with that quiet place where energies unite seeks that cavern where abide all the things that you might hide... and at that loft of broadest view one wonders where one's flowing to as all that's stored begins to melt remembering all the things you've felt know there, what has always been: that silent witness from within and all must cross a windy dark and bear witness to their heart and in that place where winds will part where sleeping knowledge grow hides a force that blows apart resistance to the flow and just as with the wind a tendency can build into glimpses of the time sent rushing through the field that stirring in the heart as any wind will show was power from the start the seed of what we know and when that mornings' breath does touch me it holds elusive childhood days and in whose interest could one say do other voices in us play... turning to see both sides no longer recognized "you!...hey, I remember a smile" long since gone, yes it's been awhile yet I recall words with someone someone who spoke to me about our endless possibility ...of what it means to be free entangled with a flock of dreamers on winds of long ago...convinced it was my true home all along yet I have never been there since ~Tapestry~ and now the drying of my sweat in the tossing of the breeze permeates my mind into shadow memories: the time...the very space we breathe is waiting, pregnant with the seed hides the pattern of its weave dwelling too long with the eye gets woven into minds design an earth that draws the time boundlessly flowing through our minds molding signs in shadow-lines pulled by a silent source unseen... I am the shadow of my sol gaze among its shade and glow see the essence of a face see the acts that leave their trace... mockery in light, arranged to silhouette those things unchanged history wrote in lines of shade stain a soul that will not fade so which of the threads that make this weave surely leads not to deceive (surely leaves knots to deceive) there is that brilliant source of hues blossomed avalanching sun as an earthy, windy veil screens the colors we become watching shadows growing long knows the twilight as a song changing colors to the time of that daylight turned to night in its blanket lullaby... ~Passage Of Souls~ wait there at that calmest waters ....confer with your eclipse mesmerized, bathed in the glow as moon reflects your passin' Sol that "the moon could not be stolen..." I heard the lowest places say but watch that Rivers flow now slowing as the moon is borne away... before that celestial River white the dark of space was surely light and who could know how bright it'd be if we but see past our debris... this veil of matter...dust in eyes hiding the light of a billion lives a bridge beyond this shore so WIDE got ta' find that sun inside the spark of something alien inside this human shell left us looking up to heaven for what just might hide in hell and there's a sun to everyone but whose the mother of the sun she turns her children to the sea and yet she's still surrounding me...)) ) ) like clouds in the sunrise, entranced by coming dawn we're looking at our galaxy edge-on the One we we're in that womb of the abyss is the one we return to after this (ohh! she sends me so far....))))))) the crushing weight of being shadow rolling like a wheel unless awakened from this dream we are asleep to what feels real... up from the corners of this earth beckon memories beyond birth of something crushing, tumbling through to shake a distance within you where is that source of shifting thought? where does that breath begin? ...an invisible star in the core of heart!! so find it before you leave, my friend... he-heye-heye-heye-heye-heye-he-ah-hah-hah heye-heye-heye-heye-heye-he-ahhhhhhhhh))) ) ) ) ~Canopy~ and if that world tidal pool collapse and draw you in again would you brave that lost expanse prepared to take the swim...? and now as something there is leaking from that floodgates other side I'm still following the footsteps not yet washed up by the tide... don't know if I could fight this sinking as I drift out to that Wide...no))) )) ) ) but they can't find me till that River has dried.... and as I taste this ?empty space with unblinking, searching eye the sense of what could beneath that far horizon lie replaced with knowing depths inside to feel the shore of sight's right here feels a calling...breaking through to catch the breath that's leaving you... only to hear my distant cry from a world that's closing in but that bird in it's ocean doesn't think about the swim He's like that fish-of-sky calling through a sea of rain... and another day of flight is yet a new found memory... please let me breathe! please let me see !!))) please let me live !!!... 'ta know my heart! ) .. .. .. .. and to escape the edge of heaven is that birds drifting fantasy... ...and swallowed by the sea ...it left no trace of me ...save that of memory ~Speak To Me~ tree speak through spirit of wind tree feel that moving spirit loud he says its name on high spirit of wind will never die!! watch the million spirits fly breathing wind through sea of sky that river speaks the tongue of a silent whisper roar... that the ocean would hear our babbling self-importance and ! laugh ! against the shore and when your water stills the silence fills with the echoes of an ancient voice then we recognize that other side of hearing deep and speaking void so laugh with that ocean the humming of the trees stir more in the mind than leaves in the breeze... watch the million spirits fly breathing wind through sea of sky a tree that sleeps in winter when he travels with his dreams will shift his energy to center as he flies off with his leaves the stirring of this motion is that ebb within the tide a wind of emotion that mood with the time... if that of me which I can't see is just as much a part of me when will the wind blow through my limbs and speak to me of mystery...unveiled ~Oblation~ We are earth...born of earth death inearthed: ! eclipse the soul ! the eye, the hand: our wills extension shapes this earth to minds design this molding earth, as buildings show our grasp of earth, our world defined (ah.....) this gripping earth: ! eclipse the sol ! the more he squeezed the more he'd know this living earth defies control as the more slipped through his fingers working body! working soul! this labor of love: woman and man that both shed blood in labor of love a man in the sun sheds freely life's blood and more...and more, his body dies with all his heart again he would to put their lifes need back inside and the woman too, bleeds in her growth she hides within a dream she's hurled for the faith to share with her betrothed yet another life into this world for that which kills us gives us life as two paths saw that each reflect the reapers call ...of an acts' un-awareness done for you...done for all what joy in their hearts could yet account for this travail your deaths responsibility must find what joy is there ruthlessly, but humbly...respectfully and in that sunrise of a man aware a horizon divides the here and there the roughening of the stretched out land seen in your cut and calloused hand and then the silent fields are flooded by your memories in an anguished cry as a crescent shadow crushed you under all the weight of what you knew that all your wounds would burst asunder in that tide thats come for you... "no more my friend, will the sun shine upon your face no more will your figure pace the mystery that is earth" the careless word like a mishandled sword places cut will leave their stain as improper use is all we can blame as the northern wind reflects the day in which all things will wane away it calls through your every whim calls through that tormentor in men these small defeats throughout our test ask us what we're building to along with myriad tiny debts that tormentor within us grew so to what end, but work in vain not to win like tyrants do but if we could but end that reign or maybe we're just not quite through ...and die inside ...and stay the same watch as your anger uncontrolled turns into a flaming coal but throw it and you'll scar the land hold it and you lose your hand "forbearance, in a sense, defined holds back with spirit what is due" wherever you'll be I'm sure you'll find that Spirit looking in to you. be warned and on your guard despite the wonders that arise... forget not that the dual-edged sword still lies in wait...uprooting lies. be warned, it's blade reflects an Orb whose light absorbs all...hypnotized that all your leaks would flow for you to know the half that we disguise.... ~LookFar~ Copyright 1997, SilasFlood