Hi, and welcome to my first web site.
As far as i know, the images used here are public
domain, if you know differently.please e-mail me and
i'll remove it, or put your banner with a link back
to your site, whichever you prefer.
These graphics are not to be used for commercial or
for profit-sites. If some of them are used in
collections a link MUST be provided back to this
site, or my banner must be shown wth a link back to
this site, as some images have a copyright, and i
have obtained permission from the owner to use them.
The pages i've made have thumbnails at the bottom
of each page, which contain every image used on the
page, the midis are on a seperate page. Just click
on the thumbnails to get a larger image. PLEASE
transload these images, do not link to this server.
I would hate to lose this site due to people using
direct linking instead of transloading.
There are some people i would like to thank for
their help while i was building this site. Thanks
Mojo, for helping me get started. Thanks Steve for
showing me how to make a table. I especially want to
thank Clif, whose help was always there, and without
his help this site might never have been.
There are three pages that have two or more
animated graphics, so they load a litte slowly, to
speed up the loading, hold down your CMD key and hit
the R key rapidly five or six times. Just hit your
back button to return to this page.
I hope you enjoy this site, and come back often,
as i will be adding to it.
Webtv'ers reload with Cmd and R so you won't
anything new.
ADDITION: As of July 13th i have built three more sites, please visit them by clicking on their banners at the bottom of this page.