Could the stars send a partner if I wait long enough?

By Misty

Are you tired of finding out your partner is not what they first appeared to be? Wouldn't it be nice to know what effect a person has on you in advance. But if you really think about it – how deeply do you know yourself? You know what sign the Sun was in from your birth month, but there’s more! We need to add the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto also placed in other signs of the zodiac. And to top it off we all have a strong influence from the sign which was rising on the eastern horizon when we were born too. This is called the Ascendant and the exact time of birth needs to be known to know this.

This in itself makes us rather fascinating creatures don’t you think? After we are born, as the planets move around the sky they trigger our unique planetary line-up at birth. Then our destiny unfolds before us with the planets above urging us to do this and that. We are not willed to do it, but sometimes we just follow pressing instincts and intuition that comes from the blue as if it feels like we should be doing it somehow. Though it really pays to be choosy as far as following random hunches, because some are ready to lead us to places we really don’t want to go. There's no guarantee they are going to be from a source which indicates success at all times. They may be from a bad energy source, which emanates the urge of rebellion.

However, it’s a fair system with similar cyclic planetary occurrences happening to everyone at set ages e.g. there’s the 'reaching 29 years old' itch, where people suddenly feel like doing something drastic to change their life and so on. No problem--Saturn has just returned to its original position at birth again. The differences in people’s destiny occur from this cyclic activity occurring in different areas of life for everyone. This is what makes us unique.

These areas fit in twelve categories, which astrologers call the 12 Houses. When we are born the Sun, Moon and planets are positioned all around the 12 Houses and colour the events the house rules. This tells us how harmonious these areas of life are for us. Can you imagine a cake cut into twelve pieces? These are the Houses. Six segments above the horizon in the sky and six below the earth.

The three most interesting ones for romantics are the 5th House of romance well below the horizon, 7th House of marriage just above the western horizon and the 8th House of intimacy, positioned above that house.

What we need to know is whether any pleasant influences are going to pass through these Houses and sweep any nice partners into our lives. Or if we already have a partner, will anything change in that relationship?

A competent astrologer forecasting romance, will notice transiting planets in the zodiac sign in these three Houses at birth. If so, things can change and what to expect may be accurately predicted if they stick to the tried and true astrology rules drawn up in ancient Chaldea. Practice makes perfect! It takes a few years of experience to predict it right, as all factors need to be weighed up and analyzed to come to a decision.

If the unexpected happens in a person’s relationship, many people don’t have any clues why it happened. The ideal is to know in advance if changes are on the horizon and to anticipate any drama, rejections, unfaithfulness or beneficial influences that may occur and be prepared. Small things can blow over and not turn nasty if they are dealt with as warnings to deal with problems now. You could be tempted to have an affair, when in a relationship, but being forewarned you can firmly overcome temptation and carry on as normal, as the urge to flirt, may possibly be fleeting anyway.

Each planet brings a different type of person to us and they all represent something within us that we need to experience in life, even if just by observation.

However, that doesn’t mean that we always have to be a victim of bad luck whenever things turn sour astrologically, as two planets rub each other up the wrong way. But we can avoid quite a lot of strife in all areas of life, if we know in advance likely situations heading our way and we are flexible. The ideal is not to overreact, as sometimes they bundle up as they transit the sky and overwhelm us, but in time they separate again and things smooth out.

Some influences are temporary and some are permanent, depending on how long they take to pass through a House. This could range from two and a half days if it’s the Moon or thirty years if it’s Pluto. It all depends on how fast the orb travels around the sky.

Keep your chin up--on a brighter note sooner or later if we wait long enough something favourable will enter these Houses. Timing is the crucial factor, and we wouldn’t want to miss out by having given up hope by staying at home, when love is in the air.

The ideal is to wait until the planets are in a beneficial position for a long stretch and this may open the door for a partner to actually stay in our lives. Their influence could connect with us in the 5th House of romance or 7th House of marriage, and we can even tell astrologically which one of our Houses their planets are affecting.

Of course, some people have a stronger inclination to actually get out and pursue relationships than others and they may find them either a heartache and/or source of great satisfaction. How much interest you have in relating to others depends on which planets were in the relationship Houses at birth (or not in them, as the case may be.)

But still, even if someone was initially born with an inharmonious relationship House sector, experience along the way can ultimately make one wiser so that it needn’t be a permanent handicap. Your horoscope shows what character traits you had at birth, but people can change a lot. However, it's rare to find anybody who doesn't fit the standard description of the planet in whatever sign they were born with.

This bad luck may be due to a characteristic and as they say, character is destiny. Some people are easily deceived, fickle, impulsive, tactless or suspicious, so these tendencies in themselves can cause inharmony by not starting a relationship off on the right foot. Again, if someone was born with good influences here, they may take things for granted and ultimately end up lonely, e.g. because they may have relied on looks.

So what are we to look out for if we sit back and wait for the planets marching around the sun to whisk the person of our dreams into our life?

The influence in a House from the Sun makes all things shine;

Mercury makes for riveting conversation;

Venus causes cupid to send arrows and brings beauty and romance;

The moon creates a sentimental, intimate energy;

Mars brings passion and excitement;

Jupiter brings adventure and fantastic good luck;

Saturn brings loyalty and calm and for some a little bit of a wait before things move;

Uranus brings unexpected activity and a broadened view of life with many more friends;

Neptune brings mystery and intrigues and for some a little bit of confusion

and lastly Pluto brings all sorts, but intensity and drama and sudden beginnings and endings may occur for some.

No planet in itself is entirely good or bad, it depends how well it connects with other planets as to which side we get, but all the planets can work out for the better if we understand why they changed us. So rest assured the solar system we belong to is working silently in our life somewhere doing something that will eventually work for good in the eternal scheme of things. So hold on people, Venus spins around the Sun every couple of years and enters every house (luckily for us), so don’t throw away that perfume or aftershave yet you may need it!



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