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Segment 12


My Story


You know, it's funny how things change.  This house I wanted so badly, we have lived in it for three years and now we have it listed with a realtor.  We want to sell and move back into an apartment.  We figure things will be better there finance wise.  Indeed, it will not be the same apartment house we moved out of to live here.  That place was a nightmare.

I am still feeling leveled out, a bit manic, but ok.  You probably figured nothing had changed in two days anyway.  But that is the nature of the beast, you can change in a day and travel from one end of the spectrum to the other.

One warning sign I have discovered about myself is when I am going up I get terrible migraine headaches.  These headaches are so bad, the left side of my head will swell and push against the earpiece of my glasses.  I can't stand light, motion or sound.  One main problem is when I am manic I can't sit still.  If I am not up running around, my leg is jiggling a mile a minute.  That turns the headache into a monster.

I find I don't have as many headaches when I am depressed, but nothing else matters either.  I don't want to move or be bothered by anyone or anything.  Thank goodness it is jut my wife and myself living here and she knows to leave me alone when I am like that.  She does come into the room and attempt to talk softly which seems to help a bit.  She can at least give me the days events that way.

I have medicine just for my headaches but I try to stay with three caplets of extra strength Tylenol.  That is the way I start out.  If in two hours that doesn't help I go for the strong stuff.  If it is a simple stress headache the Tylenol works , but if it is a migraine not much at all works.  I even get to thinking the prescription medicine is a placebo as they don't much work either.

I am on my way to the pill drawer now because I feel a headache coming on as we speak.  It is located in the front on my forehead on the right side.  That usually means a strong one, but one that can be handled if caught early, before it gets a firm grip on my brain.

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