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Segment 7


My Story


            The date today is Thursday September 14, 2000.  My medications have changed again.  I now take Wellbutrin 150 SR two in the morning and one at bedtime, Depakote 500 mg. one in the morning and two at bedtime, finally Neurontin 400 mg. 2 capsules three times a day.  I no longer take any of the other medications.  I think we have found a happy level for me.  I still have ups and downs, but they are normally not as severe or as long lasting.  I did have one set back the other day when I had my birthday.  I turned 50 years old on August 31.  The morning of the 31st, at approximately 1:15 a.m. I was coming to bed and my wife turned over and asked what time it was.  I told her and she wished me a happy birthday.  I laid there and thought about that.  Then I decided since I had lived fifty years that it was time to go home.  I started to get out of bed, go to where I keep my pistol and shoot myself in the head.   I got the adrenaline rush in my stomach.  I began to get out of bed when I realized that was not the thing to do.  I had to force myself to stay in bed for the remainder of the night.  The next morning I was ok.


            Since school started in early August, I have substitute taught several times.  That always makes me feel good.  I subbed for the fourth grade Friday and again on Monday.  I spent the entire time teaching new material, not babysitting.  It was terrific.  Following that, another teacher requested I sub in her class.  That was an honor to be requested.  Another day, the principal from the middle school called me and asked me to sub in the middle school math class.  He told me he understood I had marked that I would only sub in the elementary school.  Even so, I really like this principal, so I agreed.  These age groups reaffirmed the reason I only sub in the elementary schools.  Several of the students have such a bad attitude.  I know it comes from their home environments.  How can they be expected to care when their parents don't care?  Most of the parents do not spend any time with their children.  They do not help with the homework.  They do not read to their child or let their child read to them.  Well, enough of my soapbox.


            After 75 consecutive days of no rain, it finally rained for a short time the other day.  I don't know if it was an official rain or not, but it sure looked good for the short time it was falling.  Back in June we got more than eight inches of rain in two days.  It flooded terribly.  I was worried it would flood into the house.  It didn't.  But I did not attend a family reunion.  I stood guard just in case.  My wife and son attended the reunion and gave my excuses.  I do not feel comfortable around a group of people anyway.  I am still a recluse.  However, I do need to get out more.  I need to see the sun more often.  My caseworker tells me I need at least two hours of sunlight every day.


            Well, enough for today.  I will try and write to this area more often than I have in the past.  Thank you for reading about my story. 



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