
by Leo Ronin

Your love is like a thorn in my shoe,

like poison through my heart,

and I need not be bothered by your,

fairy tales of love, and your,

stories of a dove,

flying, high above,

blessing me with your love,

for I am not blessed,

no, I am cursed, yes,

cursed by your love,

don’t dare say how you feel about me,

my heart is not convinced of your deep affection,

and it will never be,

with you, I feel no connection,

so don’t express your deepest thoughts,

your simple needs, your utmost wants,

I do not wish to be burdened by your sentiment,

all it will do is fuel my resentment,

and don’t tell me why think,

what you fear, how you live,

for I will not listen, no,

rather would I listen to a man,

old, senile, and no teeth,

for I could understand him more,

yes, I could understand him more,

than your, thoughtless, mindless, chatter of love,

love for me,

don’t love me,

I don’t not need thee,

don’t love me.

copyright Leo Ronin 2001