I love you.
In your eyes I see you know the hate, the anger, the need for vengeance growing within you
The salty sweat of another in your hands
The sweet blood on the tip of your tongue
The stale, dry stillness surrounds you, reeking of carcasses hanging from around you.
Bullets in their muscle, aching no more
Jerking to stillness
Lifeless bastards pinned against the walls with legs of chairs in their mouths, through their skulls
Abusive assholes die screaming with their eyes opened in death, enlarged with fear as they watched in their last moments, you forced ice-picks through their stomachs
Rapists skinned alive, stripping the stolen innocence, white to pink flesh pulled back, ripped, and screaming for mercy, screaming for death
Bleeding down her legs, she hangs crucified in your presence, soulless and undead
You sit and stare at me with your mad, haunting eyes, you glare at my naked soul, telling my innocent self to run with your grin
I stand before you worshiping your every existence, your presence, your vengeful heart, your murderous hands, your mad grin, and your dead, sunken, evil eyes
Returned from the grave, you are every broken life, seeking revenge, seeking justice
Still sitting, staring at me in a room full of bodies, but you're dead too
And that's everything that's in me.

by lyta