American Suicides
by Thea

why didn't they jump
they wanted to find the water
the liquidity
constancy, coherency
clean clear coolness

she laughs in the sun
an instant (a year)
on sparkling shining
green grass
blue sky
a slight breeze playing with her September hair
and the instant came and went
and the color drained from her red lips
her hands, clammy, cold, gray and
white around the knuckles
clung to the wet freezing metal rail
on a gray day
and the green-gray bay
sloshed softly and anxiously
patiently and angrily beneath her

these children of the cities of the Dream
and the background hills
the ones with scars that
wouldn't let each other simply fall
how come they never jumped?
they did.

copyright Thea Kinyon 2002