Unrequited Love

Kara Montgomery

I yearn for your soft eyes that change colors with the mood of the
stars and
the sky.
For them to look upon me with absolute temptation and desire
would be pure
When you stroll into a room, all eyes are fascinated by your
The way your hair drifts with the breeze causes my whole body to
My heart throbs with excitement and ecstasy when I hear your
tender melodious
To be your beloved is my fondest dream that I have forever
From hither and yon will you come to me when you hear me call?

Come to me, come to me, my beloved. I have been waiting far
too long.
Hark, hark, do I hear the patter of your dainty feet?
Has my forever-longing dream come true alas?
There you are so pure, so bitterly sweet and aloof.
What a joy to feel as your whole body caresses against my leg.
The shrill of your enchanting purr sends chills up and down my
Surely you must love me.
But now you go off again seeking adventures far from me.
What sober sadness I feel, what pain and misery you have
My grief will remain endless until you jump into my arms.
I long to hear your tender meow again soon.
What mortification it is to love a cat.

copyright Kara Montgomery 2001