
We're out patrolling and for once Spike is with us. Ok, so we happen to be patrolling in his cemetery but we were just walking along and he showed up to help. I can't believe I'm saying this and someone, please, shoot me dead, but I kinda missed having him around. I don't know, I guess I sort of started to like hanging out with him. And I know what you're thinking. You're thinking 'yeah, but not for his sparkling conversation and charming manners'. And you can just shut up, because, I'll have you know, I started to like hanging out with him before we got all groinal. I mean, it's nice spending time with someone who actually appreciates the true skill and finesse involved in WWF Smack Down. Someone you can burp and fart in front of without having to blame Miss Kitty Fantastico. That cat has more gas than Billy Johannsen in fifth grade.

And I am so not missing him because of the groiny stuff. In fact, I am pretending the groiny stuff never happened. Particularly the stuff that involved my groin and Spike's ass. As far as I'm concerned if the groiny stuff never happens again I for one will be a very happy man.

And if you say "protesting much Xan?" one more time I am seriously getting a lobotomy.

I gotta stop talking to myself.


Well isn't this just cosy. Me and the remaining three members of the Scooby Gang out for a midnight stroll and a spot of violence against my fellow demonkind. I seriously need a life. So I was bored. So stake me. I heard the Slayerettes a mile off and decided to give 'em a hand seeing as they were making so much bloody noise a completely deaf, blind and stoned vampire would know they were coming. And I don't like their chances if something decided to have a taste of them. Was better when the Watcher was still around, least he kept them in line a bit. Although having to continually save his arse was getting on the tiring side.

"So, the cable guy finally decides to show up today," Harris is saying. "It took him two whole hours but now you are looking at the proud receiver of over one hundred shiny new channels." The witches make appropriate sounds of approval.

"So Spike," the whelp says. I look over at him. "Want to come back and watch some of that whacky international sport later?"

He's inviting me over to his place. To watch sport. I look at him suspiciously. Since when does Harris invite me over to his place?


Spike's looking at me suspiciously. Oh crap…he thinks that…and he thinks I'm asking him because….Oh crap. That is so not why I'm asking. I can't exactly make that clear though because Willow and Tara are like right here. And I have a strict no mentioning recent acts of gay experimentation around ANYONE policy.

"You want me to come over to your place, which I have never been invited into before, to watch sport?" he asks.

"And yet you sound surprised," I say. Hiding major embarrassment and panic behind humorous tone of voice, very good Xander.

Spike's still looking at me suspiciously. Does he want to come or not?

"So what do you say, all that cable's a-wasting?"


The whelp looks serious. I think he actually wants me to watch sport with him. Not that I'm complaining mind. Good to have someone to hang out with, and the kid's not bad company. Yeah, I know, I said it before and I'll say it again. I've gone soft. Bloody glad he's not acting all awkward and weird after last time. Bloody stupid that was. Yeah Spike, lift your shirt for some kid just because you feel a bit horny. Pillock.

I take out a cigarette and light it, considering.

"Yeah," I say. "Why the bloody hell not."

And if it is just a ploy to get into my knickers again, well, good luck to him.

He'd better have beer.


I let Spike into my flat. He looks around and sniffs.

"Better than the basement," he says then shrugs off his duster. I've never noticed before how naked Spike looks without that coat.

"So, you want a drink?" I say, moving to the kitchen. "Sorry no blood but I have bruskies."

"Yeah, that'll do," he says. I hear him turn the television on and start flicking through the channels. "Ever notice how you have a hundred and fifty channels and nearly a hundred and forty of them are showing Gilligan's Island?"

"Hey," I say. "Don't knock Gilligan. It takes a lot of guts to wear white bell bottoms."

Spike chuckles.

"Says the bloke who actually believes that orange is the new pink."
I laugh. "And fashion tips from the man who saw Billy Idol in concert in 1975 and said, hey there's a look?"


The whelp hands me a beer, takes the remote out of my hand and sits down next to me.

He flicks around until he finds what he's looking for: Manchester United vs Liverpool. I could kiss him.

"Does this meet your approval?" he asks.

"That will do VERY nicely," I say.


I figure that if I want Spike to hang around and watch sport with me and NOT bitch I'd better choose something he likes.

And apparently mission accomplished because he is into the game already.


Oh you moron! I can't believe you missed! Play football, Beckham, you prat!


Ok, I admit it, it’s a pretty good game. I'm getting with the getting into itness. It's a bit hard not to with Spike yelling in triumph or hurling abuse at the television set every two minutes. I don't think I've even heard some of those words before. He's on his feet, pointing at the screen now, asking if I saw that and casting doubt on the referee's ancestry. I suddenly begin to understand why English soccer fans have such a reputation.

But oh yessss! Fucking score!!!

Ok, I admit it, I'm having a fucking excellent time too. Glad I asked Spike to watch this with me.


I have to chuckle, hates English football does he? Harris seems to be enjoying the game well enough. He asks me questions every now and then about it. And all right, I admit it, once I high fived him, which I will deny strenuously if he tells anyone.

Heskey you sneaky little bastard!


A couple of hours later the game ends and Spike is elated. Manchester United won. Apparently it's a big deal. Aside from the fact that I was rootin' for them too, I'd hate to see him if they'd lost. He sinks back into the lounge chair and there's a soft satisfied smile on his face.

"That was bloody brilliant," he says.

I stand up quickly. "Another beer?" I ask.


I watch as Harris walks past me. I flick through the channels while he gets a beer. That was a fucking brilliant game. There's a knock on the door.

"Hey Spike, can you get that? It'll be the pizza," he says.

"When did you order pizza?" I ask.

"I think it was right about when you were calling Robbie Fowler a goat shagging arse licker."

I chuckle. That explains why I didn't notice. I pull open the door and relieve the pizza delivery boy of his burden.

"Hey Harris, got any cash?" I yell out, just to see the terror on the pizza kid's face. I go and put the pizza box on the coffee table and fish through my pocket. I hand the kid the cash just as Xander comes over.

"I've got it," I say and shut the door on the pizza kid.

"And William the Bloody actually pays for something. I must be in an alternate universe."

"Ha bloody ha, Harris, who bought you that beer at the bronze the other day?"


Can I gulp now? Oh yeah…the beer at the Bronze. And we all know where that led, don't we subconscious? The image of Spike bent over the back of his couch flashes through my head. Don't go red. Don't go red. Oh crap, I feel my ears burn.

I slap Spike on the arm.

"Now you only owe me four hundred and ninety-nine beers," I say, not looking at him. I hand him the bottle I'm carrying. "And make that an even four hundred and fifty." I take a swig of my own bottle.

"Ta, pet," he says. I suddenly have a coughing fit.


I said pet, didn't I? Bugger. Harris looks like he just had a coronary. From that reaction, I think it's safe to say he had no ulterior motive for inviting me here tonight.

I chuckle and say "What's the matter Harris?" and slap him on the back as if I was joking and it wasn't some Freudian type slip that comes from that thought I just had. The one I got after I stupidly reminded myself about the last time me and Xander Harris were together. Wouldn't mind, cause I like a good fuck as the next bloke, but it's Xander Harris. The kid's cannon fodder. He's the sidekick for fuck's sake. I'm the Big Bad, a master bloody vampire and I can't stop thinking about some human boy fucking me up the arse. Well I can forget about it. I have forgotten about it. I haven't thought about it all evening. Not even when Xander was yelling at the tele alongside me and getting all hot and excited.

I'm going to eat this pizza.


I wipe my eyes. Beer went down the wrong way. I think he was joking. I hope so, because my plan for tonight was to have a nice platonic non-groiny night in with a male friend. Cause I can, just spend time with a guy, without wanting him to suck my cock. Ok, so I haven't quite resigned myself to batting for the other team yet.

I'd better eat some pizza before Spike takes it all.


I take charge of the remote and I flick through all the channels.

"Hey, hey, stop! Back, back," says Xander suddenly. I pause and flick back until he says "There, stop."

"You bloody geek," I say. It's Star Trek Voyager.

"Hey, I don't insult Passions. Oh wait I do, but hey this is a good show."

"I didn't insult the show lame brain, I insulted you. Happen to like this one."

"You do?"

"Yeah, got that chick in it, what's her face, Seven of Nine."

"Really, I thought you'd be a Janeway man myself."

"Janeway has that disciplinarian thing going, but she doesn't look as good in tight silver suits."

Xander nods in agreement. "Oh yess," he says.

And that boy is worried about his sexuality.


Trouble is, now I've thought about Spike, me and sex, it keeps popping into my head. I'm suddenly very aware of him sitting next to me. My jeans tighten. And I can't kid myself that it's because of Jeri Ryan.


I notice Xander shift a bit next to me. A certain scent hits me. He's aroused. And what with some things I've been remembering and all, I feel myself get hard. Wonder if the whelp fancies a shag?


Ok, I'm horny. I'm horny because I thought about when I had sex with Spike. I'm horny thinking about Spike sitting next to me, and the fact that we had sex. There, I've admitted it. See I can deal with the whole he's a guy, I'm a guy issue. Not quite sure about the whole anal penetration of me thing though. And Spike said it was my turn next, so I'd better be sure about this before I mention it. That's even saying he's interested. Cause he's not exactly acting as if he wants to get close and personal. I still have no idea why he let me do him last time, except maybe from the sounds he was making at the time. Guess it mightn't be that bad. Oh crap, if I do mention it, he'll think I only asked him here so we could get up to wild sex monkey stuff, which wasn't why at all. I honestly wanted to watch soccer with the guy.

Oh shut up.


We watch tele for a bit more but all I can focus on is Xander sitting next to me. I notice him glance at me and I shift a bit so I can see him more. All right, so I find him sexually attractive. So bloody what. Doesn't mean anything 'cept I wouldn't mind shagging him again. It's only sex. We watched a good game of football, had a laugh, why not have a couple of orgasms to finish off the night? It's just a bit of fun. I glance over at him again. Wonder if he wants to fuck. He's probably only aroused cause of that chit prancin' about in her tight lycra. Still…

"Oh fuck it," I growl and in a sudden move, I'm leaning over Xander, an arm pressed into the couch on either side of him. I kiss him very firmly, in no uncertain terms, my tongue snaking into his mouth, raking against his. Then I pull back and flop back into my seat.

"There," I say. "Now, you can either ask me to leave or we can do something."


I guess that answers that question. Ha ha, Spike made the first move. He wants me. Oh fuck. Spike wants me. Oh…Spike wants me.

I stretch back on the lounge and look at him.

"What do you mean by something?" I ask, stalling for time, and also trying to look as cool and casual as him.

Spike stretches back too and smirks at me. He glances down at my crotch. Oh yeah, obvious erection.

"I don't know Harris, a little bit more experimentation perhaps?"

Then a brilliant idea hits me. One that doesn't involve my ass.


The whelp actually looks me over. And I find myself getting harder.

"Ok," he says. "I've thought of something that we haven't done yet." And he gets up and walks over to me.

"Oh?" I ask.

"Yeah," he says and kneels between my legs.

You gutsy bastard Harris, didn't think you had the stones. And then he undoes my belt.


Spike inhales sharply when I unbutton his jeans and take him out. Ok, this can't be that hard. Uhoh, sudden performance anxiety. Spike was fucking great at this. What if I'm crap? Can't back out now though or he'll give me so much shit. Ok, I know what I like, I figure I'll just try and do that to him.

I stroke him a couple of times firmly and he shifts forward on the couch. Have I mentioned how big Spike is? He's not ridiculously, x-rated cartoon big but he's definitely above average. He's also uncircumsised. Never played with one of those before. I pull back the foreskin gently then stick out my tongue and take an experimental lick.


Ohh yes Xander, that's a good boy. Do that. For some reason his hesitant exploration of my tackle is hotter than if he got right to it. I lean back in the couch and get ready to enjoy the show.

Oh, pet, that's very nice…I let out a little mmm just to show my approval.


Ok, he seemed to like what I did with my tongue. I cup his balls, fondling them a bit with one hand and hold the base of his penis with the other. Then I open my mouth, take him in and start to suck.


"Yeah Xander, very nice," I murmur. I grip the lounge beside me to stop myself from losing control and fucking into that warm, hot mouth. He's definitely got the hang of this. I run one hand over his shoulder and over his arm as he starts to increase his rhythm. Oh yeah, I could let him do this all night.


Man this is making my mouth sore. I never realised how tiring it is. I pull up for a bit and let my hand slide over his erection that's now slick with my spit and his precum. I pump him while work my jaw muscles, trying to relax. Then I bend down and just suck the head of his cock while I stroke him. I caress his balls, and thank fuck, they are getting tight. And man I'm horny.


"Oh fuck yes Xander!" Oh fuck that feels good. I try not to thrust up into the kid's mouth. He's wearing out, but I'm going to cum any bloody minute now.

"Just a little bit more pet," I say. "Suck me Xander, yeah, like that!"


I take him all the way in again and up the level of suction. He's bucking against me now and gripping my shoulder. I follow my mouth with my hand, moving up and down. Cause there's no way I'm going to get him all in my mouth. Sorry, no deep throating here. Gag reflex.

I move faster and Spike is grunting and moaning. I let the hand that is fondling his balls slip down a bit into his jeans and I run a finger down along his butt crack.

That does it. He bucks up against me and holds for a second and then I've got a mouth full of cum.


"OH FUCKING HELL YES!" I shoot into Xander's mouth. "Oh fuck yes! Oh fuck, pet, yes." I sink down and open my eyes and…he swallowed it. He actually swallowed it. I can't help it, I kiss him.


Spike slides forward and kisses me hard. His tongue sliding into my mouth, and I know he's tasting himself and I press into him, because, you know, so very horny here. And he's holding me, sliding one hand under my shirt at the back and undoing my pants with the other.


I push Harris back onto the floor and follow after him kissing him and pulling those damn jeans of his down. I pull back from his mouth and move down. Time to return the favour.



Oh, and if this is the reward I get for blowing Spike, then yes, sign me up for a year's supply of blow jobs. It's even better than last time. I shut my eyes and just let Spike do that thang he does.

"Oh fuck Spike, oh yes!" So I get a little vocal, so sue me, you obviously haven't been paying attention to what that guy can do with his tongue.


I tug Xander's trousers down more as I suck on his dick. Finally they are off and I sit up and survey him. He's lying there, finger's digging into the carpet, naked from the waist down, cock all hard and delicious. I take him in my mouth and decide to show him another couple of new things.


Ohspikeyeahpleaselikethatohfuckyes. Oh fuck that guy can suck. Must be a vampire thing. The whole not needing to breathe. He shifts and then he tucks his arms under my thighs lifting my ass and my cock up to him. Oh fuck yes, that feels so fantastic. The Spike's mouth has left my cock and he takes it in one hand, and….my eyes roll back in my head as he sucks on my balls.

I moan. A lot.


I run my tongue over the whelp's knackers and then gently suck one at a time into my mouth, rolling my tongue over them. He makes sounds that are coming very close to turning me on again. I repeat that a few times then return to his cock for another couple of sucks. I can deep throat you know. I look up at him, lying there, flushed, moaning, his bare legs around me. I sit up.

"Shirt off," I say.

"Huh?" he says, trying to focus. I stroke his cock then take him in my mouth again before releasing him.

"Shirt. Off." I repeat and he blushes a bit then obeys. And now he's before me naked and completely beautiful. I'm hard, my dick is poking out of my jeans and flat against my stomach it's so erect. I run my hands over his thighs, over his stomach, over his chest. I lick his chest and then flick his erect nipples with my tongue. Then I nibble my way down his stomach, down the little trail of hair. Down to his cock.

I want him.


I buck up against Spike's mouth as he takes me all the way into his mouth and then he lets my cock go again and returns to my balls. Yeah, like that Spike, oh fuckyesplease!

And then he moves down and, HOLY SHIT SPIKE!

"Fuck Spike!" I exclaim.

He runs his tongue over my butt crack once more for good measure.

"You don't like it pet?"

"Oh, I like," I gasp. Then try to laugh. "Who's the ass licker now though?"

He chuckles and then, fuck, he pushes my thighs forward, parting my cheeks and runs his tongue from my balls right down over my anus. And have I mentioned he's still pulling me off?


Xander bucks against me as I lick him. Like that don't you pet? Like more of that wouldn't you? And I work at him until my tongue enters a little. He shudders and his cock thrusts into my hand.

Damn I need lube.


I moan and pump into his hand as he licks me and if it didn't feel so good I would be so grossed out right now. But fuck it feels good and I just want more. Suddenly Spike stops and I let out a moan of protest as he gets up.

He laughs at me.

"Be right back ducks," he smirks. And he goes and grabs his duster. Then he's back and he's….oh…got lube.


I sink down between Harris's thighs again and return to sucking his cock.

"Oh yes Spike! Do that, right there."

I oblige. And then I push his legs forward again, and lubing up my finger run it over his arse. He bucks a bit at the cold.


Gnnnrghhnah! Oh, crap, oh fuck, oh shit, oh…oh….oh yes, oh man, oh fuck Spike, that feels so good. I grip the carpet and arch up.


"You like that, don't you Xander, you want my finger up your arse, don't you pet?" I whisper, lifting my lips from his throbbing erection.

He moans in reply and I touch that magic spot again. He bucks into my mouth and I take his whole length in, moving up and down as I stroke in and out of him with my finger. Gently I start working another one in. He's so tight. Don't want to hurt him. Can't hurt him. Bloody chip makes sure of that. Don't want to hurt him.

He moans and gasps a bit, but then bucks into my mouth again and whimpers in pleasure.

Yeah pet, like that.


Oh fuck yes. It feels so good. So damn nice. Fucking incredible. Spike's fingers stretch me wide, stroking that spot and his mouth takes me in and ohfuckyes, I'm going to cum!
"Oh shit Spike, I'm cumming! OH FUCK, SPIKE!" I cry out and I explode in his mouth, cumming again and again.


I pull back, swallowing. And then I shift up onto my knees. I reach up onto the couch and grab a cushion and slide it under Xander's back, lifting his arse up towards me. I stroke my cock, watching him. He looks completely shagged. He looks at me and moans a little and his dick hardens a bit. He's lying before me completely naked, arse up in the air, ready for me to take him. I slip a slick finger inside him again, he's tight already. I look at his face and for a moment there's this brief flicker of fear there. Sod that. He moans in protest as I pull out my finger. I want hard and fast. I run my hand over my dick and start to toss off.


Spike kneels above me, still fully dressed and starts jerking off over me. Huh? I kind of expected him to do me. I thought that's where this was going, after that finger stuff. Actually, after the finger stuff, I wasn't about to say no. But no, he's kneeling above me, gripping my knee tightly as he pulls himself off. It’s savage and harsh as if he just wants to cum. He's biting his lip and watching me, running his eyes over me, as if I'm the centrefold of some nudey magazine. And it is so wrong and so fucking hot all at once. And I get hard again and want that hand on my cock.


Xander reaches down and starts pulling himself off. It's so bloody erotic.

I jerk against my hand and squeeze hard on his knee.

"Yeah love, toss off for me." Oh fuck yeah. Bloody hell, yes, Xander.

I cum watching Xander wank off watching me masturbate.


Spike cums. He moans and jerks and shoots cum all over me. I don't know how I do it but I cum again soon after and I'm naked, lying on the floor and covered in both of us.

Spike half crawls, half collapses next to me.

"Good idea you had there Harris," he says.

"Yeah, well obviously I'm the brains of this operation," I manage.

And then he kisses me, and it's soft and tender and way too short.


I pull back from Harris then get up and get him a towel. He's a mess.

He takes it and cleans himself up a bit.

"Thanks," he says and he's sort of hesitant as if he's getting a bit embarrassed and not sure…He looks at himself, and he is pretty bloody sticky, the both of us having just blown our loads on him. "Ok, now that's disgusting. I'm going to have a shower," he says. And I nod. And then, while he's in the shower I leave.


I come out of the shower and Spike's gone. I'm too tired to care. I'm too tired to think that this is getting to be a habit. I'm too tired to feel guilty and ashamed. I'm too tired to get embarrassed about what we just did. And I'm too tired to feel a happy sort of feeling when I remember watching soccer and blowing Spike.


I sit outside the whelp's place for too long, having a smoke. It was time for me to go anyway, he'll be wanting to get to bed. Can't be sitting around all evening with him. Will wear out my welcome.

Bloody hell that was a good football game.

Nice bit of work from Xander there too.


I'm just getting into bed when I hear a knock on the door.

Spike is standing there.

"Forgot something," he says.

"What?" I say.

"This." And he grabs the back of my neck, pulls me to him and kisses me hard and firm. He pulls back and smirks. "And to say, thanks for inviting me to watch football. Bloody great match."

I grin. "Yeah, it's not so bad for a girly-man game."

"You know the problem with you Harris," he says, amused. "You've got no taste."

"Tell me about it," I say. "Now get lost unless you want to end up sleeping here."

"Sod that. You probably snore. In fact I know you do, I spent a lot of nights tied to a chair listening to that racket."

I laugh. "And I am still trying to repress those blissful months when I was stuck with you as a roomie."

"You know you loved it," he says as he starts down the stairs.

"Whatever, blood breath," I grin. "See you Spike."

"Yeah, see you." And then he's gone and I shut the door and go to bed.


the end of part 3

Just Friends.