Title: Bound
Author: Mistress Kages
Feedback: mistress_kages@hotmail.com
Distribution: My site, Eternally Yours... Anywhere else? Really? Wow! You want it, let me know so I can fall over in shock.
Disclaimer: Joss is God, I own nothing.
Spoilers: none
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: spike/xander
Summary: 100 word Drabble challenge from the SpikeSlashaholics yahoo group.
Notes: HUGE thanks to my wonderful beta Helen, love you hun. My first thing I've ever written.. be nice. I wrote this since my co-mommies write... and I figured, what the heck, I should at least try... right?


Grasping the headboard, Spike moaned. His lover slammed into him again, hitting that magic spot, inching him closer to completion.

Faster. Harder. Deeper.

Spike pulled on the chains binding him to the bed and preventing him from touching his lover.

The game continued.

Xander ravished his lover's body, as Spike lay there, taking it all and wanting more.

Almost there.

Moans turned to howls, as the lovers declared their love for one another.

Collapsing into a sated heap, Xander released his lover. Curling into a tangle of limbs, they drifted off to sleep.

They were one.

Together, whole and bound.
