by Kayla

Part 18:

Buffy slumped on her stool, expression grim. The gang had retired to the Bronze after a day of fruitless searching. Spike's crypt had appeared to be ransacked, and the vampire himself was nowhere to be found. Even his car was missing form it's usual spot, and Buffy had thought it would have been a simple thing to find considering its...uniqueness. But it seemed no one was talking if they knew anything about...*anything*. Even Willie hadn't squealed, which either meant he really didn't know -- unlikely -- or he was way more scared of talking than getting beaten up by the Slayer. *Not* a good sign.

Giles watched his charge consume yet another drink. He could see how the tension of this situation was eating away at her, but he could think of nothing that might help. The revelation about Spike had shocked them all, and they were all worried that, eventually, the vampire's forcibly repressed violent tendencies would break out, resulting in a bloodbath.

Willow just sat close to her girlfriend, sniffling occasionally. Her eyes were red from crying, and she tried desperately not to imagine what might have happened to her best friend, what Spike may have done to him.

Buffy sat up straight when she caught a snatch of the conversation from a few tables away. She stood abruptly, making her way over to the man who was telling his tale of woe. She tapped him on the shoulder, and when he turned, asked, "What did you say?"

The man looked her up and down. "Excuse me?"

Buffy smiled invitingly at him. "I heard you talking about a blonde guy who attacked you. What happened?"

Eager to impress, the man went into his spiel again. "Well, I was driving home the night before last, and this bleached blonde punk guy jumps out in the middle of the road. I slam on my brakes and get out to make sure he wasn't hurt, you know? So, there I am trying to help him, when he grabs me. His face goes all weird and, I kid you not, he grew these fangs. Fangs! Well, let me tell you, *that* was freaky enough, but then his eyes start this glowing thing like they could burn right through me. And he shakes me really hard, totally lifting me off the ground, then he tosses me about 15 feet away. He starts coming after me all growling and snarling and shit, and hey, I'm not ashamed to admit it, but I high-tailed it out of there! Yeah, buddy!" He tossed back the rest of his drink, then continued. "Well, I go back a little later, and guess what? My car is gone. That...thing stole my car! What a perfect ending to my day, huh?"

Buffy nodded as if in commiseration. "So, um, where did this happen, do you remember?" she asked nonchalantly. Her eyes grew wide when the man gave her the name of the street that Xander lived on. "Was...was there anyone else with him?"

The man shrugged. "Not so I noticed. Although I looked back once, and he was lugging this big bundle into the street. Probably a body or something."

"Um, well, thanks." Turning, she hurried back to where Giles and the witches were waiting curiously. "Jackpot!" she announced.

"What? What is it?" Willow leaned toward her, almost falling off her stool.

"That guy saw Spike out by Xander's house the other night. Spike attacked him and stole his car, and he was carrying something that could have been a person."

"Oh goddess!" Willow gasped. "You don't think he's...dead?"

Buffy patted her shoulder reassuringly. "Of course not, Wills. His father didn't say anything about Xander being killed. I'm sure Spike just knocked him out or something. Don't worry, we'll hunt down that bleached wonder and get Xander back."

Willow responded with a wavering grin. Then her jaw dropped. "Oh! A spell! Why didn't I think of that before!" She turned toward Tara in excitement. "We can do a scrying spell and find out where Spike has Xander."

"Yes, of course," Giles put in. "I believe I have just the thing in one of my books, it's just a matter of getting the proper ingredients together. Well, that and translating the spell, of course."

Buffy threw up her hands. "It would have been more helpful to think of this *before* we wasted the entire day...but better late than never. Well? What are you guys waiting for? Let's get cracking!"

Willow stood in the doorway, bag in hand. "Ok, good news and bad news." She held up the bag. "Good news is, I got all but the pickled Troglith eyes for the spell. Bad news is, none of the stores have those in stock, so I ordered some, but it will take a few days to get it in."

Frowning, Buffy ceased her pacing, wrinkling her nose. "Pickled Trog--? Never mind, I *really* don't want to know. Damn!" She glanced at her Watcher. "Giles? Are you sure we need the eyes? Maybe you translated the spell ingredients wrong."

Giles removed his glasses, polishing them thoroughly as he leveled a hard stare at the Slayer. "I hardly think you need to call my abilities into question simply because you're frustrated. Blaming me won't help any of us a bit."

Buffy flopped down onto a chair, groaning heavily. "Yeah, I know. But I'm kinda 'take-action girl' here. I *hate* waiting! Besides, who knows what's happening to Xander in the meantime?"

"In that case, I'd suggest we keep up the search for either him or Spike while we wait, since it will be days before we can implement the spell." He replaced his glasses, going over the spell translation a final time.

Grinning, Buffy cracked her knuckles. "Yep. Time to go pound some demons -- and whiney little bartenders -- for more information." She bounced up, moving over to where Willow had seated herself beside her girlfriend. "You coming?"


Spike sat on the bed behind Xander, running a soft brush through the human's hair in what had quickly become a daily ritual. Each snarl and tangle was gently picked apart and smoothed out, and the vampire delighted in the feel of the silken strands between his fingers. He'd always loved brushing Dru's hair, but the vampiress was usually too impatient to sit and let him play his fill with it. //Hmm. Maybe I can convince the boy to grow it out some.//

"Spike?" The name was said in a tone just barely above a whisper.

Spike frowned slightly. He didn't like how quiet and withdrawn Xander had gotten over the last few days. He rarely spoke, and when he did, it was always in the same soft voice. There had been no inane arguments, no witty quips, no *anything*. It was like he was simply...existing.

The vampire wasn't used to Xander being so passive. Sure, it might have been amusing before to have control over one of Slutty's little lackeys, but the boy had come to be something more than that to him. And he did *not* care for this change that had come over his Nummy. Not one bit.

The vampire gave himself an internal shake. //Later, dolt!// "Yeah, Xan?" he finally responded.

Xander hesitated, then twisted about in Spike's loose grip. "Are we...are we gonna stay here?"

Spike's brow furrowed. The hotel wasn't cheap, and he'd quickly gone through the money he'd managed to acquire. And most of the junk he'd lugged away from Xander's old place ended up being virtually worthless, providing him with much less income than he'd anticipated. In short, they were almost broke. //Damn! Times like these I wish I'd listened to the pouf’s incessant nattering about investing. Could do with a stash of quid about now.//

He smoothed his face out, offering the boy a smile. "Not to worry, mate. Spike's got everything all figured out." //Liar!// "We'll look for some other place after we get out of the clinic tonight, ok?"

Xander hunched down imperceptibly. "D-do we have to go?"

Spike set the brush down, twining his fingers deeper into Xander's hair as he began to massage his scalp. "Hey, no big deal. The doc'll do a bit of a poke and prod, and you'll be good as new." He rubbed his nose against the base of Xander's neck. "I'll make sure nothing happens to you."

"How?" He relaxed as those magic fingers seemed to suck his tension away.

//Don't say it. Don't even say it you moron!//

{I'm not listening...} "Well, you know, once I've claimed you proper, the other demon types won't mess with you."

//You idiot! You said it!//

{Oh, sod off!}

//He's gonna freak when he finds out what you want to do. You *know* he will!//

{If you don't bloody well take a hike, I'll make *you* figure out what to do about straits.}

//Ooooh. Scary though. You know as well as I do that I'd end up handling that anyway. I mean, who's got the brains around here?//

{You are *one* step away--}

"Um, Spike?"

Spike jerked out of his internal dialogue. "Huh? What was that, pet?"

"I just...I asked what you meant by 'proper'." Large, liquid brown eyes gazed up at the vampire trustingly.

//Oh, it's that look... Tell him!//

{Oh my. And who's changed their tune?}

//Yeah, like you can resist when he does *that*. Please!//

"Well, it's a, you don't have to do it, not if you don't want to." He sighed. "It' know how vamps are made, right?"

Xander nodded, although it was apparent the he was somewhat confused.

"Yeah, the whole exchanging blood thing. Well, the strongest vampires can do something similar without actually turning someone. See, I could take a little of your blood, give you a bit of mine, and it would...mark you. Other demons will sense it, and pretty much let you be."

Xander's breath caught, and he shuddered, eyes growing wide as he stared at Spike in disbelief. "" He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them again. "You...want to...bite me?"

Spike gulped. "I wouldn't hurt you, luv," he assured the boy. "I would *never* hurt you." He rocked the human gently, purring softly until he felt Xander once more relax. "I'm not gonna make's's an option."

There was silence for long moments, then Xander sighed. "Ok," he whispered. Tilting his head up, he looked directly at Spike. "P-promise there won't be much pain?"

Spike gave him a quick hug. "Swear, Xan. Never any pain." Shifting them around, he lay Xander down on his back, efficiently removing his shirt. He lay next to the boy, hand stroking lightly on his belly. "Shh, luv. Just relax for me."

Scooting in closer, he nuzzled his head into the curve of Xander's shoulder. He scented the boy, nearly moaning at the lack of fear and the faintest glimmer of perhaps something more. Carefully, he turned Xander's face toward him, brushing a finger over slightly parted lips. He slowly leaned over the human, letting his features settle into their vampiric planes. He noticed the jump in pulse, but still detected no fear, so he lowered his head to the bared neck.

Ever so gently, Spike let his lips press against the tender skin. His tongue flickered out to lave the patch of flesh, and then he brought his fangs close. Mindful of the chip in his head, he sincerely tried to convince it that doing this wouldn't harm Xander, but would prove to be a source of protection. He figured it had worked when his fangs sliced neatly in, parting the fragile skin, and there wasn't the faintest twinge of pain in his head. He didn't bite deep, just lapped at the blood that welled from the twin punctures. He barely even took a mouthful, all told.

Reluctantly, the vampire pulled himself away from the trickle of rich fluid. Sitting up a bit, he made eye contact with Xander and brought his wrist to his lips. He bit down, opening up a small wound. Then, he offered his bloody wrist to Xander, who swallowed hard, then timidly brought the wrist to his mouth. He grimaced at first when the coppery liquid rushed into his mouth, but obediently consumed the liquid. He had only swallowed once or twice when Spike removed his wrist, unconsciously licking up the remainder of the blood that had escaped.

Relieved that the claim was now a little more binding, Spike lay down again, slinging his arm over Xander's waist. He tenderly kissed the spot just below Xander's ear, murmuring, "Sleep now, pet. Everything's gonna be fine."

Xander sighed, snuggling into the cool body next to him as he quickly nodded off.

Spike watched the sleeping boy for a few minutes, then closed his eyes as well. Smiling almost sweetly, he curved his body protectively around Xander's, joining him in slumber.


Part 19