by Kayla

Part 7:

Xander crept though the yard toward the basement, easing the back door open gently. He slipped quietly inside, waiting with bated breath until his eyes adjusted to the dimness. He scanned the room for anything out of place, sighing with relief when he encountered no looming shadows that might possibly indicate something sinister was lurking.

He flicked on the light and trudged down the steps, eyeing his bed with longing. Then he looked down at himself. //Yick. Why are things with tentacles always *slimy*? And why am I the one who seems to get slimed?// He picked at the crust that had formed on his shirt when the mucus had dried. //Ew...gross.// With a last wistful glance at his bed, he peeled the shirt off, tossing it in general direction of the laundry basket.

Walking toward the bathroom, he paused and leaned against the wall, using it to brace himself as he pulled off his pants. He winced as the muscle in his leg protested, along with his bruised ribs. He examined his calf. The cut there was superficial, but the pants were most likely ruined. //Damn it! I liked this pair, too!//

Xander groaned and dropped the pants on the floor. He scowled at them, then kicked them across the floor. //Don't know how I'm supposed to afford a new pair...considering the fact that I just lost my job -again!- and most of what I do happen to make goes to pay for the privilege of living in this dump. Fuck.// To weary to even think about it anymore, he stepped boxer-clad into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He reached into the shower and turned the water on, adjusting the controls until the temperature was just right.

Removing his boxers, he stepped under the almost scalding spray, moaning contentedly as the water coursed over sore, tired muscles, soothing away the aches. He stood and simply enjoyed the sensation for a few minutes. Eventually, he grabbed a washcloth and soap and began to scrub his chest, glad to be rid of the gunk there, which had dried into a very itchy and irritating patch.

His body clean, he soaked his hair and shampooed the dust out. Finished, he remained under the soothing warmth, eyes closed in ecstasy. Caught up in the welcome sensation, he never heard the bathroom door creak open.


Spike began the trek back to his crypt. As he walked, he pulled a battered, half-full pack of cigarettes from a pocket, extracting one and lighting it. He inhaled deeply, relishing how the nicotine coursed through his system.

Spike stopped. He looked around, frowning. "Where the--?" //This is *not* the way home.// He took stock of his surroundings, trying to figure out where his feet had taken him. When realization hit, he groaned, thumping his head against a convenient wall.

//Bloody rot. I am not doing this. Someone tell me I'm not doing this.// He gave another thump.

{What!? I wanna go see Nummy. You promised.}

//I didn't! What th' Hell are you thinking?//

{Oh, c'mon. You want to see him...admit it!}

Spike's lower lip poked out. //Don't.//

{Do to.}

//Do not.//

{Do -- look, let's not start this tonight.}

//*I* didn't start anythin'.// He folded his arms over his chest.

Mental silence for a bit. Then...{Look. How about you just drop by, maybe see if you can watch the telly. The one at the crypt is busted, and Passions is comin' on.}

Spike hesitated, shuffling his feet.

{And he was bleedin' some. Maybe he'll let you lick 'im}

If he could have, the vampire would have flushed. An unexpected bolt of desire flashed through him, as visions of a naked, wiggling Xander pinned under him and being licked all over paraded through his mind.

{Not quite what I meant, but it'll do. So? How 'bout it?}

Eyes dilated until they were nothing more than blue- and gold-rimmed spheres, Spike continued on his original path -- away from his crypt and toward Xander's house.


Xander's eyes flew open in shock as a hand latched onto his arm in a vice-like grip. Slipping on the shower floor, he was about to fall when the hand yanked him out, pulling him flush against a large, sweaty body that smelled as if it had been liberally doused in whiskey. He stared up into bloodshot eyes, panic pounding through his body. "So, finally decided to show your face, huh boy?"

The sour stench of alcohol blasted Xander's nose as his father leaned in close. Eyes watering, he turned his head away.

"Don' you ignore me!" He backed out of the small room, dragging his son with him.

Xander struggled futilely against the action. He may not have been a small person, but his father was even larger. And even in this drunken state, could easily overpower him. Xander could attest to that fact...repeatedly. He gasped painfully as he was flung down, his knee slamming with jarring force against the hard floor.

Whimpering, he rolled onto his back, curling slightly and pushing himself into a somewhat upright position. Looking up at his father's face, he paled at what he saw there.

Lust. Lust and fury.

Xander felt himself grow cold with horror. He knew what that meant. Frantically, he scuttled backward.

Bellowing in rage, Xander's father leapt after him, grabbing an ankle and hauling him forcibly back. He pinned the boy down, leering into a panic-stricken face. "Y' little whore. Struttin' around here, tauntin' decent folks with yer pretty little ass. Well, lemme show you what that ass is good fer."

//Nononononono!!// Xander bucked up, struggling wildly, but was unable to break free.

His father laughed wickedly. "Yeah. You wan' it, doncha? Just beggin' fer it." He bent to plant a sloppy kiss on plump lips, hissing in frustration as Xander twisted his head to avoid it. He lurched up, straddling his son, and lashed out. His hand connected with Xander's jaw, the crack of flesh resounding in the relative quiet of the night.

"Don' you toy with me, boy. Know y' wan' it." His hand flew again, and Xander's head snapped back and forth as each strike landed.

Dazed, his head pounding, Xander blinked in confusion as the blows ceased. He could barely focus, seeing nothing but a blur of movement over him. He felt himself turned roughly, his legs spread.

The elder Harris looked down at his son's pale flesh, marred by an assortment of bruises and scrapes. Licking his lips hungrily, he spread the boy's legs and parted soft cheeks, gazing at the tiny pucker revealed there. "Been a while, huh boy? Should be nice an' tight fer me. Yeah, jus' like y' used t'be. Been too long." His breathing quickened as he remembered the first time he'd taken his son like this. "Mmmm. You were such a pretty little boy. So tight an' hot. Never fucked a ten-year-old before. Didn' know what I was missin' out on."

He ran his hands over trembling flesh, pinching cruelly and raising vicious red welts. He leaned forward, using his weight to hold Xander down. Lacing his fingers through dark hair, he pressed the boy's face into the floor, licking lewdly at an ear, then biting down on the side of his neck hard enough to draw blood. He smiled at the hitching breaths Xander was dragging in. "Oh yeah, you wan' it."

He shifted his hips up, still pressing his son's body down with one hand, and using the other to unzip his pants, pulling out his stiff, purpled erection. He held onto Xander through a flurry of renewed struggles, moving his hand to squeeze the boy's throat warningly. Shifting slightly, he plunged inside.

Xander gasped for air as spots danced before his eyes. He could feel something stiff poking at his back before moving down wetly. White-hot pain speared through him as he was impaled, and his hoarse cry echoed through the basement. He howled as something inside him tore, and he could feel a flood of warmth trickling out his ass and down between his thighs.

Xander's father groaned in ecstasy as he felt himself surrounded by tight, burning heat. He looked down at where they were joined, reveling in the sight of the scarlet fluid that rushed out to stain his own skin. He set up a pounding pace, not even noticing as his son's struggles grew weaker, his cries fading away.

As his father's length invaded him repeatedly, Xander began to drift. //Don't...wanna stay. Wanna...go away.//

{Shh. Come on. It's safe in here. No one can hurt you here.}

//Safe?// He sank farther into himself, blocking out what was happening to his body.

{Yeah. He can't get in here. It's ok. You'll be ok.}

He shut down completely, retreating as far from his father's actions as he possibly could.

Meanwhile, his father continued his strokes relentlessly. The muscles surrounding him went into a series of spasms, trying to expel the intruder. The vibrations merely spurred him on, and his pace increased. He transferred his grasp to his son's hips, pulling them up brutally as he forced himself into the loosening channel over and over.

After what seemed an eternity, he flung his head back, letting out howl of triumph. He spilled his seed deep inside his son's ravaged body, then collapsed on the still back, panting. For a while, that was the only sound in the room.

Having caught his breath, he lifted himself with a grunt, pulling out of the boy with an obscene slurping noise. He stood and stuffed his limp, sticky flesh back into blood-soaked jeans, stumbling up the stairs and out of the basement. Having gotten what he wanted, he didn't even spare a glance for the still, bloody form of his own child.

Xander swam back up through a fog, blinking rapidly to clear blurred vision. //Gone? Is he--?//

{Yeah. He's gone.}

Xander pushed himself up, trying to regain his feet. After several unsuccessful attempts that left him sprawled back on the floor, he finally managed to make it to his hands and knees, although the one throbbed dully. He stared fuzzily at the sticky mess under him. He shuddered, then began to crawl slowly back to the bathroom, the only thought in his mind a desperate desire to be clean.

Painfully, he levered himself back into the still-running shower, huddling on the floor as icy streams of water pelted him. He sat, knees drawn up to his chest, arms clutched tightly around them. He rocked gently, eyes wide and staring at nothing.


Spike turned onto Xander's street, steps slowing. He came to a halt in front of the human's house, glaring intently at it as he smoked his last cigarette down to a stub. Flicking it away in disgust, he shook his head. //What the bleedin' Hell am I doin'?//

{Hello? Telly? And maybe a little snack?}

//Those're just excuses and you know it. This is pathetic. I'm a 126 year old master vampire, for fuck's sake!//

{Well then, have that talk with him you threatened. At least that way you'll come over more like you're in control.}

Spike sighed. He shuffled a bit longer, then made his way around back. He rapped at the door, tapping a foot impatiently. When no one answered, he knocked louder. Still nothing. Annoyed, he was about to leave when something tickled at him. Some...smell.

He sniffed, tilting his head. Curious now, he pushed the door open, reasoning that he'd been invited before, and since the whelp had never bothered with an uninvite spell, he was obviously still welcome. He stepped inside the dimly lit basement, reeling as the scent assaulted him.


//Blood? Too much...he wasn't hurt *that* bad!//

As he moved farther inside, his eyes were drawn to the dark stain on the throw rug in the center of the room. The blood, still wet, beckoned him. The size of the stain concerned him, although he was loath to admit that. And the smell -- blood, yes, but something about it. He looked around the rest of the room.

"Xander? You in here?" No one answered. Closing his eyes, he concentrated.

There. A heartbeat. slow. He followed the sluggish sound into the bathroom.

If he'd still had a beating heart himself, it would have stopped at the sight of Xander curled up on the floor of the shower, eyes gazing blankly out into space, lips tinged blue with cold and shudders wracking his body, as pink-tinged water slowly swirled down the drain.

Part 8:

< If he'd still had a beating heart himself, it would have stopped at the sight of Xander curled up on the floor of the shower, eyes gazing blankly out into space, lips tinged blue with cold and shudders wracking his body, as pink-tinged water slowly swirled down the drain. >

Panic surged through the vampire, and he rushed forward. Kneeling beside the shower, he forced his voice into calmness. "Xander? Pet? You ok?"

Xander didn't respond, continuing to stare blindly, his battered face taking the brunt of the icy spray.

Spike frowned as cold water splashed out onto his skin. "Pet? That must be cold. Why don't you come out?" When he still received no answer, he nibbled on his lower lip, then shifted up to turn off the taps. Worried about the human's unresponsiveness, he reached out a hand.

Before it could come into contact, Xander jerked away violently. Spike watched in shock as the boy scrabbled at the wall in a desperate attempt at retreat. The wild look in his eyes gave evidence to the fact that he was still mostly unaware of his surroundings.

A fresh wave of scent reached Spike, and he looked down to see a rush of crimson swirl out from under Xander to empty down the drain with the last of the water. //Where...? Where's it comin' from?// Suddenly, the odd smell in the blood from the rug registered, and realization swept over him, leaving him stiff with horror.


There'd been semen in the blood. That meant...

//No!// Spike's demon raged, crying out for revenge. Someone had violated what was his! Someone was going to pay...dearly.

Watching as the terrified boy curled into a bruised, whimpering ball, Spike forced his fury down. Time enough for revenge later...right now, his Nummy needed help.

Making his voice as calming a possible, he began to croon softly to the boy. "Xan? Xan, look at me. It's ok. It's Spike. You know me...I can't hurt you, right? No one's gonna hurt you. He's not here. The bastard who touched you isn't here. Just me, ok? Xan? Luv? Lemme help you out of there. We'll get you dried off and fixed up in no time."

Tentatively, he reached out toward the cringing mortal once more. He stroked tenderly along a trembling arm, trying not to spook Xander again. "Luv? I gotta get you to a doctor or something. There's too much blood. I...I think you got hurt real bad. Xan? Can you hear me?"

Xander lifted his head timidly, unused to receiving such non-violent contact. //Who--?// His eyes cleared slightly, focusing on white-blonde hair and a golden stare that seemed...worried? "s-s-spike?"

The sound was so slight that, even with his vampire hearing, Spike almost missed it. He smiled weakly. "Yeah, pet, it's me."

Xander's mind latched onto this unexpected salvation, not registering the fact that Spike was a soulless, unfeeling creature of the night, just that he was being gentle and soft, almost like he...cared.

He launched himself out, wrapping his shivering form around Spike, who cradled him gently. " dirty...c-c-can't get clean. can...feel h-h-him, all over." The small, childlike voice wavered, battering at the vampire's last defenses.

Spike held the boy close. "Shh, it's ok. Spike's got ya now. Gonna get you to a doc, get you all fixed up. You with me, pet?"

Xander gave a shaky nod.

Spike let out a soft sigh of relief and stood, easily hefting the human's weight. He cursed to himself as he felt liquid warmth drip down his arm. Moving quickly, he strode out of the bathroom. Gently prying the clinging limbs away from him, he eased Xander onto the bed. In seconds, he had a blanket wrapped around clammy skin, and lifted the boy once more

He strode up the stairs and out into the night. Frowning he glanced around, edging out toward the street. An evil grin crossed his face as he saw the pinprick of headlights moving steadily toward them.

He set his fragile burden down, murmuring softly to soothe whimpered protests. He then stepped away from Xander and, timing himself carefully, lurched out into the street, causing the car to screech to a halt bare inches away from him.

The door opened, and the driver stepped out. "Man, what the Hell are you thinking!? I couldda hit you! Geez, some people!" He stalked over to Spike, face red with anger, arms gesticulating wildly. He opened his mouth to continue with his tirade, but stuttered to a stop as the blonde's features seemed to melt, morphing into a fierce mask set off by furious yellow eyes and...Shit! Those were fangs!

Spike growled at the idiot human, displaying those fangs prominently. "Run." His voice hissed out into the night.

Utterly terrified, the driver turned tail and ran down the street.

Spike smirked. Walking around the abandoned car, he leaned inside and across, unlocking the passenger side door, pushing it open. He swiftly returned to the blanked-wrapped figure, hoisting him and moving to lay him inside the vehicle, shutting the door carefully. Getting into the driver's seat, he flipped the heater on full blast and put the car into gear, sparing a quick mental cheer when he noticed the former driver's wallet laying on the dashboard. //Stupid human.// He snagged it and deposited it in one of his pockets, roaring off down the deserted street.

His mind whirled as he tried to remember were the clinic he'd heard about was. Discrete, no unnecessary questions, and used to dealing with patients who weren't quite human. The location came to him, and he wheeled the car sharply.

Steering one handed, he let the other drift down to the head that had made itself at home against his thigh. Patting the damp hair softly, he frowned as he encountered skin even more devoid of warmth than his own. Stealing a glance, he was met with the sight of pale skin that had taken on a sickly, bluish tone. The smell of blood grew stronger in the enclosed space, and his hearing picked up on the slowing heartbeat.

He slammed his foot down on the gas, tearing through the streets. //Damn it! Where the Hell--?//

He slammed on the brakes as the building he wanted finally came into view. Skidding to a halt, he darted from the car, lifting Xander carefully and marching quickly up the steps with him. He gave a wry smirk at the sign on the door that proclaimed 'Come In' in bold, stylish script, and took the proprietors up on their invitation.

Bursting into the quiet building, Spike hurried over to the front desk, looming over the young woman there. She looked up at him, startled.

"I need a doc. Quick!"

Taking one glance at the still form in the blonde's arms, the woman rushed out, returning in minutes with two men wheeling a gurney.

Spike carefully arranged Xander on the gurney, moving to follow when the men began to wheel him away. He felt a small hand rest itself on his arm and he spun around, demon raging to the fore as his face shifted to its vampiric planes.

Calm green eyes regarded him steadily, unflinching. "They'll take care of him, don't worry. But I'm going to need to get some information from you, to help the doctor out."

Clenching his jaw, Spike watched as Xander disappeared down the hallway, then nodded reluctantly. "Right. What d'you need?"

The woman, Karen as her nametag proclaimed, sat down back at her computer. "Just some basic background about the patient. Not too much. First, what name would you like the patient listed under?"

Spike blinked. //Right. Discrete. Um, how about--// "William. You need a last name, too?"

Karen smiled softly. "No, William is just fine. Species?"


"Your relationship to William?"

"He's *mine*!" Spikes' eyes flashed as he snarled that out.

Karen quirked an eyebrow delicately, merely nodding and typing the information into her computer.

"Could you tell me what you know of William's injuries: when he sustained them, how, where he was at the time, if relevant? Anything you can think of."

"Dunno exactly. We...parted ways about two hours ago, then I dropped by his place and found him like that. He was..." Spike swallowed, then went on shakily. "There was a lot of blood, an' he was sittin' in this freezing shower, an' some *bastard* had ra--" He closed his eyes, leaning against a wall and thumping his head back.

After a moment, he calmed. Very quietly, he continued. "Someone beat him, and raped him, and left him to bleed." A lone tear made it's way down his cheek as he stood there.

A soft brush against his arm made his eyes fly open. He stared at the slight woman, scowling. He hadn't even heard he move toward him.

"It'll be all right. We have a very good doctor here tonight, he'll do everything possible for your William." She stepped away, gesturing to another door. "We have a waiting room available, you're welcome to stay there. Doctor Fredericks will be out to see you as soon as possible. He'll let you know what's going on."

Spike hesitated, then nodded weakly, shuffling slowly over to the indicated room.

Part 9:

< "It'll be all right. We have a very good doctor here tonight, he'll do everything possible for your William." She stepped away, gesturing to another door. "We have a waiting room available, you're welcome to stay there. Doctor Fredericks will be out to see you as soon as possible. He'll let you know what's going on."

Spike hesitated, then nodded weakly, shuffling slowly over to the indicated room. >

Spike's head shot up as he heard footsteps approaching. Karen stood in front of him, cup in hand.

"I thought you might want something to eat while you waited." She held the cup out.

Spike took it, sniffing appreciatively. He took a sip of the warm blood, and his eyebrow shot up. "This is human!" He stared at the woman incredulously.

She simply smiled, then left the room again.

Before the blood could cool off, Spike drained the cup, licking his lips. //Damn, been too long since I had any of that!// He placed the empty cup on the table beside his chair. Tapping a foot, he glared impatiently at the clock. The minutes slowly ticked away.

Snarling, the vampire stood and began to pace. After what seemed like ages, he wheeled and fixed his gaze on the clock again. //Five minutes. Five bloody minutes!? What's taking 'em so soddin' long? They'd better not be hurtin' my Nummy!//

He paced some more. The door behind him opened, and he spun, yellow eyes burning.

A dark-haired man of about 35 stood there, dressed in blue scrubs, clipboard in hand. "I'm Dr. Fredericks. You're here with William?" he asked, consulting the sheet he held.

Spike nodded tersely. "He ok? You fixed him up?"

The doctor smiled gently. "Not quite yet. I did an initial examination, and he's currently being prepped for surgery."

"Surgery? But...he's gonna be fine, though. Right?"

Dr. Fredericks sighed, rubbing his thumb across his forehead. "William...sustained extensive injuries, and suffered massive blood loss. Plus, with the mental trauma involved in this kind of assault..." he trailed off with a sigh. "I can assure you, however, that I will do everything in my power to help."

Spike growled softly, golden eyes flashing, and flung himself back into the chair.

"William will probably be in surgery for a while, and with the amount of anesthesia he'll be under, it'll be a few hours before he wakes. You're welcome to wait here if you like, Karen will get you whatever you need." He flicked his eyes toward the cup on the table.

"A few hours, huh?" He pictured the basement where he'd found Xander. "I've got to take care of first, mate. Shouldn't take too long, I'll be back before then."

Dr. Fredericks nodded, feeling little sympathy for whoever was going to bear the brunt of the vampire's wrath.

"Can I...can I see him before I go? Don't want him gettin' worried or nothing."

The doctor hesitated a moment, then motioned for Spike to follow him. He led the vampire into a room where the boy lay, pale and shivering.

Spike barely glanced at the IV that was steadily renewing Xander's supply of blood. He moved close, a hand reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair. "Luv? It's me."

Xander's eyes fluttered open, the pain in them clearly discernable. "h-h-hurts. make...stop."

"Hush, pet. It'll be ok. The doc here is gonna give you somethin', make you sleep, an' he'll fix you up. I'll be here when you wake up, ok?"


Spike kissed his finger, stroking it tenderly down Xander's nose. "Course, pet. I'd never lie to you."

Xander sighed weakly, eyes closing. Spike took hold of one of his hands, petting it as the anesthesia was administered. He then folded the hand gently over Xander's chest. Fixing the doctor with a glare, he hissed, "Take care of him," then turned and stalked out.

Leaving the clinic, he got back into his misappropriated vehicle. He gunned the engine, pulling out with a squeal of the tires. Tearing through near-empty streets, he soon pulled up outside of what appeared to be an abandoned warehouse. Slamming the car into park, he left it running and strode up to a door, knocking loudly.

The door cracked open. "Yeah? What?"

"Open up, mate. Got a prezzie for you."


"Got it in one. Come on now Gr'thek, you want?"

The door closed and a shuffling sound could be heard inside. Spike got back into the car, edging it forward through the opening that had appeared in the side of the building. Parking it, he got out again.

A light blue, scaly Hk'mel demon was walking around it, examining it in detail. His tail swung back and forth as he pondered.

"Well?" Spike pulled out a cigarette, lighting it.

"Hmm. New. Not very in demand, but the parts could be worth a bit. Good quality." Glowing red eyes peered over at him. "$200."

Spike snorted. "Not bloody likely! $650."

Gr'thek sniffed, tapping the trunk with a claw. "Too much. $250."

"You gotta be kidding me. $500."

More muttering and tail twitching. "No good. I can maybe give you $300. That's it."

Spike growled. "Look, $400 and a ride back to my car. That's as low as I'll get."

Gr'thek snorted, then nodded shortly. "Deal." He sighed. "Only for you would I do this, Spike."

Beaming, Spike walked over and clapped the demon heartily on the back. "Ta, mate. Well, let's get to it."

A wad of bills was pulled from some hidden pocket, and Gr'thek silently counted off the correct amount. Spike thrust the cash into a pocket of his own, then followed the other demon to another car. Getting in, they drove off, with a brief stop to close and lock the warehouse up.

Spike gave directions, then fell to taking deep drags from his cigarette.

After watching Spike work his way through a few of them, Gr'thek asked quietly, "Trouble?"

Spike flicked the butt out the window. "Personal."

"The Slayer?"

Spike snarled, baring his teeth. "Much as I hate the bint and would love to rip her apart and bathe in her Not her."

Silence for a bit. Then, "Wanna talk?"

The vampire drummed his fingers on the armrest. Sighing, he tilted his head back against the seat. "Someone got hurt."


"A human."

Gr'thek frowned. "That's bad?"

Another sigh. "I claimed him."

The Hk'mel demon turned to stare at him, stunned. He cleared his throat. "A human. That's...unusual."

Spike merely growled.

"Hey, no offense. I mean, if that's your thing." They drove on. "So, how you gonna handle it?"

Spike shrugged, removing the last cigarette from the pack and lighting it. "I'll manage."

There was a rather noncommittal 'hmmm' from Gr'thek in response, then the two were silent once more. After another few minutes of driving, they pulled up near a dimly lit lot that contained a single vehicle.

Spike stepped out of the Gr'thek's car, heading for his DeSoto.


He turned, quirking an eyebrow inquiringly at the other demon.

Gr'thek offered him a half-smile. "Good luck with your human."

Spike snorted softly. "Ta, mate." //Yeah, you'll need it too, once Xander finds out about this little arrangement.// Squashing that though down, he turned and got into his own car, driving back toward the boy's house. Time for a spot of investigation.


Parts 10 & 11