by Kayla

Title: Cake
Author: Kayla
Pairing: Spike/Xander
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Xander finds out when Spike's birthday is, and decides to celebrate it.
Disclaimer: They were loaned to me for my birthday, and I was fully appreciative of it. :)
Notes: I wrote this just because. It's my birthday, and if I had a Spike and Xander set, this is how I'd like to celebrate. Enjoy! And, have a slice of cake...the normal kind.


Xander wiped the sweat from his forehead as he stared around at the shambles of his kitchen. The place had *definitely* seen better days. But he'd done it. All by himself.

Beaming proudly, he observed his creation. The cake was two layers, mostly round -- he'd had to fudge it and cut some slightly burnt bits off -- and covered with pink frosting. It had been white, but once the blood was mixed in, it ended up a cheerful pink. Same went for the actual cake. Both were vanilla, but Xander had decided to give them an extra bit of oomph. And of course, there was the surprise filling.

//Ok, so it looks girly. I'm sure it tastes fine...not that *I'm* gonna try it! And it's not like he can complain...I sprang for actual human blood!// He wrinkled his nose. //The things I do for him...//

He glanced out the window, noticing that the sun was nearly down. //Crap!// Moving quickly, he rinsed off the pile of cooking utensils, shoving them into the dishwasher. A wet cloth was used to wipe up splatters of cake mix and one medium-sized puddle of blood from where he'd dropped the baggie.

In a record 13 minutes, the kitchen was as clean as it got, dishwasher clanking away in the background. The cake was placed over by the stove and the stained cloth thrown in the laundry hamper in the bathroom. He grimaced at his clothes, which were dotted with red and white. He skimmed out of them, adding them to the pile in the hamper.

Naked, he darted back to his bedroom, where he pulled on a pair of tight-fitting jeans and a shirt, which he left unbuttoned. A rattling noise from the door caught his attention, and he ran back out to the living room in time to see his lover cross the threshold.

Spike grinned at the flushed and panting human. "Xan! You been havin' fun without me?"

Xander just smiled, walking over to Spike and pulling him into a wet, passionate kiss. He released those soft lips with a last lick, nibbling a path across to his ear. "Happy birthday, Spike," he breathed huskily.

Spikes eyed widened, and he pulled away. "What--? How'd you know--?"

Xander blushed and shrugged, fiddling with the edges of his shirt. "No biggie. I just kinda nosed through Giles' Watcher books, did some researching on any references to you. Found a couple mentions of this date tending to be a big party time for you, so I took a chance." He looked into astonished blue eyes. "Um, was I wrong?"

"No. No, you were right. I went to all that trouble for me?"

"Yeah, well, you know..." He blushed again.

Spike plastered his body up against Xander's, rubbing his nipples and licking up the side of his neck. "Mmmm, thanks luv."

"I-I got you a p-p-present," Xander stammered as that wicked tongue traced its path along his skin.

"Yeah. I know. Think I'll unwrap it now," Spike answered with a leer, pushing the shirt off of Xander's shoulders so it dropped to the floor.

Panting, Xander pulled away, smacking at the groping hands that followed. "I didn't mean that!"

Spike pouted. "Aw, why not? It's m'birthday, an I wanna open my pressie!" He again reached for Xander, who squirmed away in protest.

"But...I made something for you!" He grabbed Spike's hand,, dragging him into the kitchen. "See?" He pointed.

Spike blinked. "It'" He scowled at Xander. "A *pink* cake? I may be shaggin' you, but I ain't some nancy boy!"

Frowning, Xander batted him on the shoulder. "It's only pink 'cause of the blood, dummy."

Eyes lighting up, Spike reached out with a finger, scraping some of the frosting off. Slurping the laden finger into his mouth, he sucked blissfully. "Mmm. An' it's human!" He grinned happily, giving the brunette a peck on the cheek before snagging another fingerful of the pink icing.

Xander watched proudly as the vampire cheerfully nibbled at the edges, pinching little bites and popping them into his mouth. He gulped as intense blue eyes suddenly pierced him, and the vampire licked his lips evilly. "W-what?"

Spike let his eyes drift down Xander's torso to linger on his covered groin. "Think I should finish unwrapping my other pressie." With that, he pounced, wrestling Xander to the floor. Kneeling over the human, he reached down and unsnapped the button on his jeans, then pulled the zipper down. He smirked when he encountered flesh and pubic hair instead of the usual cotton boxers. "Looks like I'm corrupting you, mate." Then he slipped his hand inside, grasping hard, heated flesh.

Xander gasped, arching his back and thrusting his hips up. "Spiiiike!" He reached down to help, whimpering when his hands were batted away.

"*My* pressie." He snickered, yanking the jeans down around Xander's knees. He licked the crease of the human's thigh, smiling when this produced a loud moan. Scooting back, he finished peeling off the denim, flinging the pants across the kitchen. Kneeling up, he cocked his head as he examined the naked, wiggling figure under him. Standing, he practically ripped his own clothes off, then, grabbing the tray with the cake on it, he knelt over the human once more.

Xander stared up at him, eyeing the cake quizzically. "Um, what are you doing?"

"Thought I'd enjoy both pressies at once. Didn't you ever hear the saying 'bout having your cake and eating it too?" With that, he dug his hand into the pink dessert, ladling out a handful and dropping it onto Xander's stomach.

"Ah! Eeww, gross! Spike!" Xander tried to sit up, but a sticky, frosting-covered hand to his chest persuaded him otherwise.

Still grinning, Spike nudged the pink mess, smearing it all over Xander's abdomen. A dollop of icing was deposited onto each nipple, then covered with matching pink crumbs. Bending over, he slowly licked the sugary treat off the stiff nubs of flesh, purring when he heard Xander begin to moan uncontrollably.

Using his fingers to pinch and torment Xander's throbbing nipples, he moved his head lower to feast on the cake he'd put there. He felt hands grip his hair, and a stiff cock bounced against his chin. Ignoring it for the moment, he dipped his tongue into the brunette's frosting-filled navel, laving it until he'd removed every trace of sugar. He then proceeded to clean of the rest of Xander's belly, never once letting up on his teasing of the boy's taut, heated skin.

Xander tried to push Spike's head down even lower, but the vampire was having none of that. With a growl, he grabbed Xander's hands and pinned them to the linoleum, not letting go until he'd finally gotten every trace of pink off of flushed and trembling skin.

Sitting back on his heels, Spike licked his lips, then dug back into the cake, scraping some frosting off it. Very carefully, he painted Xander's drooling cock with it, adding an extra fingerful to the head. Grinning, fangs dropping, he bent once more, licking ever so gently at the bloody icing, circling the rock hard flesh with his tongue.

Xander moaned and whimpered, thrusting up as he babbled desperately for relief. He gave a cry of disappointment when Spike pulled away again.

The vampire went for the cake again, digging into the middle of it. He paused as his fingers met something of a decidedly different consistency than either the cake or the frosting. Curious, he used both hands to break the cake open, smiling delightedly when he saw the rich pudding at the center.

He licked his hand clean, then carefully scooped out some of the pudding, making sure there were no stray bits of cake hiding in it. With another leer at Xander, he spread the boy's legs apart and moved between them. "Legs up, luv," he encouraged.

Panting, Xander complied, pulling his legs against his sticky chest, holding himself open for Spike. He watched wide-eyed as a pudding- coated finger aimed itself for his hole, pushing immediately inside.

Spike worked more of the smooth pudding into Xander, stretching the boy thoroughly. He then rubbed his hand over his own erection, smearing the creamy substance over it. Inching forward, he lightly rubbed his cock against Xander's ass. "Want me, pet?"

Xander nodded, wiggling his hips temptingly. Breathless, he watched as Spike's face loomed closer, the vampire covering his body with his own. He groaned happily as cool lips pressed themselves to his, opening his mouth in invitation. A tongue slipped inside him, flicking over his teeth and gums. The taste of sugar was overlaid by the slight tang of blood, and Xander accepted it eagerly.

Spike hissed as he pushed forward, his cock enveloped by the scorching heat of Xander's body. Growling, he continued to plunder the human's mouth while his hips set up their own rhythm. Xander's muscles milked him, squeezing tight around his flesh as he thrust in and out.

Barely able to catch his breath, and not really caring, Xander circled Spike's waist with his legs, spurring the vampire on by the pleading noises he made in the back of his throat. Most of Spike's strokes were managing to scrape over his prostate, which made him clench down on the invader in appreciation.

Spike's hips snapped forward again and again as he pounded into the warm body under him. The warmth, the tightness, the constant pressure of the muscles rippling around him, it was all too much. Tearing his mouth away from Xander's, he threw his head back, cumming with a loud howl that echoed through the apartment. Through his orgasm, he continued to thrust into Xander, grinding his stomach down onto the cock trapped between them.

Xander could feel Spike cum inside of him, and was grateful that the fucking didn't end. He wiggled around, trying to push his cock up into Spike, needing just a little bit more...

The hand reaching between them and rubbing over the tip of his erection threw him over the edge, and he came, shuddering. It seemed to go on forever, with Spike still moving slowly inside him.

Spike didn't stop fucking the human until he had softened completely, slipping out of Xander's clinging interior. With a sigh, he fell on top of the boy, who accepted his weight with a sigh of his own.

They lay there, sticky and sweaty, covered with drying cum and icing, pudding smearing the floor under them. Neither cared. With just a twist of their heads, the kissed once more, lazily enjoying each other in the aftermath of their passion. After long minutes, Spike pulled his head back, smiling softly at Xander. "Thanks, Xanluv. Best birthday I ever had."


In case you care, this is the kind of cake I made myself...but not burnt and without the blood. :)