Coming Out
by Kayla

Part 8:

Spike stood, pulling Xander up. Taking a step back, he leered at the picture the boy made, damp and flushed, radiating arousal. In a swift movement, he pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it aside.

Xander could practically feel himself starting to drool as ivory skin was exposed for his perusal. Then the hands went to unbuckle the belt and remove the jeans.

He backed up unconsciously, and Spike followed, shedding his remaining clothes, eyes glowing intently.

Spike held back a laugh as Xander's legs struck the edge of the bed, and the boy went tumbling down. All humor fled when he noticed that the sudden change in position had managed to dislodge the towel. Growling softly, he pounced.

Straddling the boy on all fours, he watched as a pink tongue snaked out to moisten dry lips. Swooping down, he captured the tongue in his mouth, sucking hungrily. He then nibbled over Xander's smooth neck, grinning as he felt hands grasp his waist, struggling to pull him down.

He lifted his head to stare into dark, lust-filled eyes. "Ah, ah! Who's showing who, here?"

Xander whimpered, but let his hands drop back down onto the bed, fisting tightly into the covers.

Spike returned to his neck, latching his teeth on and biting down gently over the jugular. He fought the desire to simply rip into the warm flesh, letting go as he felt himself shift into gameface.

Xander froze as yellow eyes burned into him. //Vampire! Vampire in my bed!// His momentary panic dissipated completely as cool bare skin plastered itself to him, and he gasped, arching up.

Spike's face smoothed out, becoming human again. He pressed his erection into Xander's hip, wiggling until he'd positioned their cocks next to each other, eliciting a strangled moan from the boy under him. He pressed a soft kiss onto the open mouth, then slid his tongue across a slightly rough cheek to trace the whorls of an ear. "Like it, pet? Gonna make you feel *good*." He thrust once, twice, leaving a slick trail in the groove of Xander's thigh.

Xander released the blanket, unable to keep his hands off the vampire any longer. He wrapped his arms around Spike's torso, pulling him close as he bucked up. He feverishly laid wet, sloppy kisses along the smooth line of his neck, causing the blonde to hiss in appreciation.

"Bit eager, aren't we, pet? No rush...we got all night." He pulled away from the writhing body, ignoring his own erection as he slid down Xander's body. He stared at the hard cock, watching in fascination as a drop of fluid formed at the tip, then slid slowly down the length to land glistening in the dark thatch of pubic hairs.

"Please," Xander whispered, almost sobbing. He felt like he'd been hard forever. Looking into glittering blue eyes full of mischief, Xander knew Spike was planning on driving him insane. Somehow, he couldn't seem to make himself care. His hands reached down, but Spike shook his head.

"Uh-uh. No touching yourself. Not this time. You just lay back and relax, let ol' Spike take care of you." He snickered softly. Oh, he was going to take care of Xander, all right!

Breathing lightly on the purpled erection, he ran a finger from base to tip, circling the dripping head. Feather, barely-there strokes, not enough to give any kind of satisfaction. Back down to rub against the base again, then gently lifting swollen testicles. He sucked on a finger, then traced it over the wrinkled skin, blowing cool streams of air across it.

Xander stuffed a fist into his mouth, stifling his cries. He spread his legs open, pressing himself against the fingers stroking him.

Finally, Spike wrapped his hand around Xander's cock, pumping it once, spreading the boy's juices over it. He pressed the head, scraping a nail ever-so-lightly across the slit. Xander gasped, eyes rolling up in their sockets.

Spike continued stroking, occasionally sending gusts of air swirling over screaming nerve endings. The bed squeaked rhythmically as Xander strained up into the tight channel of Spike's fist.

Xander could feel his balls drawing up, knew that release was near. He craved it...burned for it.

The hand let go, and Xander's cock slapped wetly down on his stomach. He cried out, dark eyes accusing as he glared at the blonde.

Spike grinned. "Ah, you didn't think we'd be done so soon, did you?" He tsked, capturing the hands that had moved of their own accord to finish the job. "None of that, now. Am I gonna need to tie you down?"

Xander caught his breath, eyes dilating madly. Spike could smell the intense wave of arousal that rolled off the boy. //Oooh, found a kink! Mental note to explore that a little later.// Noticing embarrassment beginning to creep over Xander's face, he crawled up the bed and planted a deep kiss on his lips.

"Ah-ah. Not allowed. Anything goes tonight." Another kiss, then a nibble and lick. "Gonna taste you. All over. Wanna lick, and nibble, and bite."

Xander pulled away minutely, but Spike yanked him back. "Not gonna hurt you. Shh, won't hurt you none. Gonna make you scream, though."

Shivering at the husky tone, Xander melted back into the vampire's embrace. Spike petted him soothingly, waiting for the boy's need to die down a little. Once it had, he pushed him over onto his stomach.

Xander tensed. Then he felt a mouth latch onto the back of his neck, nipping softly. Strong hands kneaded the muscled in his shoulders and back, tickling every so often down his sides. A tongue began working between his shoulder-blades, little cat licks all the way down his spine.

He felt the hands ghost across his ass, and he yelped when the tongue dipped into the top of his cleft.

Spike chuckled, then released the mounds of flesh. Moving farther down, he nibbled behind each knee, licking and digging his tongue into the trembling skin until Xander's moans increased in volume. Then he reared up and flipped the boy back over again.

Xander stared up at him, panting and shaking.

Again, Spike started at the neck, balancing so that he didn't come into contact with Xander's cock. Nibbling down over the collarbone, he latched onto a shoulder and suckled hard.

Xander made incoherent pleading sounds, reaching to thread his fingers through blonde hair, holding Spike's head in place.

Releasing the flesh with a sucking sound, Spike licked his lips as he studied the mark, blood-red on pale skin. Giving it a parting kiss, he moved down to the stiff nipples, flicking one as he circled the other with a wet finger. Sucking the dusky kernel of flesh into his mouth, he bit down just hard enough to make Xander begin to babble hoarsely, but not hard enough to cause real pain, thus avoiding any nasty chip incidents.

While he feasted on the nipple, laving it with his tongue, he rolled the other between his fingers, caressing it. With a pop, his mouth let go, and he switched off, sucking on the neglected one while he played with the one still wet and swollen from his attentions.

Xander squirmed, trying frantically to find something -- anything! -- that he could rub against to relieve some of the ache in his groin. He was beyond thinking, living only for the sensations running through him.

Spike moved to taste Xander's navel, swirling his tongue through the light dusting of hair on the human's belly, his fingers still busy with taut nipples. He lapped at the tiny crevice, then ran his tongue over a hip into the crease of the thigh.

He sat up and moved to the end of the bed, lifting a foot into his lap. He rubbed the arch, kneading. Looking up into dark, glazed eyes, he bent his head and nipped at the ankle, making the leg jerk in his grasp.

He worked his way up the leg, fingers dancing along ahead of his mouth. Finally, he reached Xander's groin. He paused to stare at the hard flesh.

Xander whimpered some more, desperately wanting Spike to do something. He tossed his head back and forth mindlessly chanting, "please..oh, please...please, god, please," over and over.

Spike sat up between the boy's legs, reaching down to take hold of himself. As he slowly pumped at his erection, he lifted an eyebrow at Xander. "Something you want, pet?"

"Spiiiiiiike....please! I-I have to...let me..." Another abortive movement of his hands toward his cock, hips thrusting lewdly up into the air.

Spike sighed. "Oh, all right." Swooping down, he engulfed Xander's erection, lips sliding down to the base as he swallowed.

Xander shouted, then clapped his hand over his mouth, eyes darting wildly to the basement door. He was unable to worry for long, however, as Spike exercised the muscles of his throat around the hot piece of flesh.

Pulling his head up, he took hold of Xander's cock and licked at the tip, sliding just the head into his mouth and sucking hard. He let it go, then shifted to suck on the boy's testicles, rolling each into his mouth and licking it thoroughly. His hands held Xander's thighs apart, thumbs stroking the sensitive skin.

Once more, he swallowed down the boy's erection, milking it. He felt Xander tense, and shudder. Still sucking, he circled the base of the cock with one hand, fingers squeezing tightly as he used the other hand to tug Xander's balls away from his body.

Xander howled with frustration, the constriction leaving him unable to find release. The suction around his cock never stopped, and he thrust harder, deeper, doing his best to crawl inside the other man. The feelings were so intense, they bordered on painful, and just when he was sure any more would kill him, the wicked mouth gave up possession of his cock.

Still restraining Xander so he wouldn't cum, Spike smiled as he dipped a finger into the boy's navel, playing idly. He kept his grip until he was reasonably certain that letting go wouldn't end his fun, then stood, hungrily taking in the needy figure sprawled out across the bed.

Xander looked up at him, questioning. "What--? Why--?"

Spike laid a finger over his lips, shushing him. He turned, looking around the room. Walking a few steps away, he bent and scooped the nearly forgotten white tube off the floor, where he'd dropped it as he'd undressed. He moved quickly back to the bed, straddling the boy's hips.

Xander had watched all this, flushing as he was presented with a lovely view of the vampire's bare ass, then proudly bouncing cock on the return trip. He stared in bemusement at Spike opened the tube, squeezing out a ribbon of the sweet-smelling lube onto his fingers. His gaze followed those fingers as they moved south, past the cock and under the balls, to the hidden shadow between his cheeks.

As the fingers slid out of his sight into Spike's body, he gasped. //He can't...he's not gonna... Oh god, he is. Omigodomigodomigod!//

After breathless minutes, the fingers reappeared. Another squeeze of the tube, and they were again headed south, this time straight for Xander's cock. They rubbed the slick lube over his straining flesh, then the tube was tossed back onto the floor.

Spike lifted up, holding Xander's cock in place against the pucker of his body. Poised there, he stared deep into the human's eyes. "Xander?"

Xander could hardly breath. He could feel the tip of his cock pressing slightly into a tight channel, and he wanted nothing more that to plunge into it, thrusting, pounding. He met those gold-flecked eyes with his own. Nodding jerkily, he whispered, "please, spike, pleeease!"

Spike smiled, then slowly sank down.

Xander's heart stopped briefly as he was encased in the tightest, softest thing he'd ever experienced. Hid hands flew to hold onto Spike's hips, holding him in place. Nothing could possibly feel better than this.

Spike seated himself fully, head thrown back as he gasped, the fullness of Xander's cock practically burning inside him. //God, been too *long* since I had this. Forgot how good -- how *hot* a human felt!// He hissed through his teeth and his body grew accostumed to the invader. Then he began to move.

Xander's mouth fell open, panting, as Spike lifted himself, than dropped back down. The tight ring of muscle clutched at him, sliding up and down on his rigid length. Picking up the motion, he began to move as well, sliding easily into the well-lubricated hole as the scent of strawberries drifted around him.

Spike rode the human, relishing the feeling of being fucked, but in control. He sped up his movements, almost bouncing on Xander's cock.

Xander knew he was about to cum. Any second now... He prayed fervently that Spike wouldn't be sadistic enough to stop it again.

Spike stilled.

Xander sobbed, clawing at the lean hips, leaving small, bloody welts.

"Xander? Look at me."

Groaning, Xander pried his eyelids up, trying his best to glare, but managing only to look petulant.

"Pet, I want you to touch me."

Harsh breaths sounded loud in the room. "...*am* touching--!" Xander tried to buck up again, but Spikes thighs were clamped tight on him.

"No." Spike moved one of Xander’s hands toward his drooling cock. "*Touch* me."

Xander stared at the cock. A cock...not his own. It suddenly struck him what he was doing here. And he...liked it.

Swallowing hard, he tentatively stroked the vampire's cock. His fingers lingered at the tip, sliding across the alien bit of skin there. He played with it a bit, deciding he liked it. Pulling it back, he ran his thumb over the head of Spike's cock.

Spike moaned, squeezing down tight around the length inside him. This made Xander shout, his grip tightening on Spike's cock.

"Tha's it, pet. yeah..." Spike picked up his movements again, rocking on Xander's erection as his own was stroked and squeezed. He leaned forward slightly, the angle shift causing Xander's cock to scrape across his prostate on every stroke. He knew he was going to cum soon, and began to use the muscles in his ass to draw Xander's orgasm out. He wanted the boy to cum first.

As the walls surrounding his cock rippled and clenched around him, Xander cried out. His entire body stiffened, and he thrust as hard as he could. Shaking, feeling like he was about to explode, he came, pulsing inside Spike's cool depths.

As he felt the burst of warmth inside him, Spike let go. Howling, he slammed himself down as hard as he could, his cock shooting semen all over Xander's chest. His body remained rigid for a moment, then he collapsed bonelessly on top of the boy. Panting, he brushed his fangs lightly over the dark welt by his cheek.

Xander barely felt when Spike's weight settled on his chest. Unconsciously, he circled his waist with his arms, hugging him close. Twins sighs sounded as they separated.

Xander yawned, his eyes fluttering closed. Drifting off, he muttered, "Spike?"

Spike grinned, his features slowly slipping back to human. "Yeah, pet?"

Another yawn, then snuggling down into the bed. "'m still not gay, y'know."

Spike snorted, lifting his head to look at the now-sleeping human. Shifting, he tugged a blanket out from under them, covering them both up. Kissing Xander's jaw, he lowered his head again. "Course not, luv. Just...slightly bent." He closed his eyes, joining Xander in sleep.


Xander snuggled into the cool body next to him, breathing in the heady scents of sex permeating the room. Smiling, he opened his eyes.

"Ahh!" He pushed back, yelping as his chest came unstuck painfully.

Spike gasped and sat up, rubbing gingerly at his chest. "What the bleedin' hell'd you do that for?" He glared at Xander.

"'re naked! In my bed!" He stared in horror at the vampire. The naked, rumpled, adorable-looking vampire. //Ack! No! Staring is bad. Don't stare!//

Spike frowned. "Well...yeah. What, you expected me to leave a nice comfy bed in the middle of the night? After what was, if I do say so myself, a bloody good shag?"

"S-s-shag?" Xander squeaked.

"Mate? You ok?" Spike leaned forward, peering into the boy's eyes. "You hit your head or somethin'?"

Slowly, Xander recalled what had transpired the previous night. How Spike had teased, and touched, and ridden him to unconsciousness. He flushed all over.

Spike watched the process in fascination. "Hell, mate, even your dick's blushing. I didn't know you could do that." He bent for a closer look.

Xander yanked a corner of the covers over him. "Spike!"

The blonde rolled his eyes. "Look, what is with you?"


"Shagged. Yes, we did. Glad you remember. I liked it, you liked it, so what's the problem here?"

"I just...wait, you liked it?"

Spike looked at him in disbelief. "What the--? Of course I liked it! I'm dead, not stupid!"

Xander smiled, but still seemed uncomfortable.

//Oh, you bloody humans!// Spike sighed dramatically. "What, you want to forget this? Pretend it didn't happen? No repeat performance?"

Shrugging, Xander stared down at the pillow, plucking at the hem. "I...I'm not gay, Spike."

"Right. Yeah, I think we established that, pet."

"It's just, I don't want you to think...I mean, it was good, *great*, but I, I mean we..." He ran his hand through his hair. "Look, you're not gonna start getting all...territorial, are you?"

His jaw dropped. "Hell, Xander, we shagged! It's not like we're bloody well *dating* or something!" He flopped back down on the bed, muttering dire imprecations about humans with their heads stuck in romance novels.

Xander sighed in relief. "Oh. Good. It's just, you know, that whole thing you've got going with Dru... It didn't really bode well."

Spike glared. "That's different. Dru...she's my dark princess. We've hunted together, killed together, sank our teeth into the same prey and drained it together. That's not something a bloke just takes lightly, you know."

"Um, yeah. Eww, but yeah."

They lay there silently. Eventually, Spike cleared his throat. Climbing over Xander, he got out of bed, standing and scratching idly at the flaking semen coating his chest. "Well, I'm gonna pop in the shower for a bit." He raised an eyebrow, waiting.

Xander nodded. "Sure." He stared at the slim, pale body as Spike continued to stand in front of him.

Spike cleared his throat. "Well? Coming?"

Xander jerked his head up. "Huh?" He rewound his brain, playing back the last minute or so. //Oh. Oh!// "You, uh, want me to shower with you?"

Spike gritted his teeth. "No, actually I wanted to show you a new game called 'Drop the Soap' -- Yes I want you to shower with me! What, never fucked in the shower before?"

//Why, hello Mr. Happy. I see you're alive and well this morning.// Xander took a split second to weigh his choices. //Let's see -- shower alone...shower with Spike. Naked with Spike. Fucking a wet, slippery Spike in the shower.//

He vaulted out of the bed, hurrying toward the bathroom. "Well, what are you waiting for?"

Spike caught him before he went through the doorway, pulling the taller man back against him, grazing his teeth over a shoulder-blade.

Xander shuddered as the hand pressed against his chest inched its way down, brushing lightly over his pubic hairs. "I...thought we were gonna...take a shower," he gasped out.

Spike smirked, letting go of Xander and slipping around him. He turned on the shower and stepped inside, looking out at the human through the curtain of blonde hair plastered to his forehead. He held out a bar of soap, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Wanna play?"

Laughing, Xander grabbed the soap and hopped in. He kissed Spike's nose, flipping up the lock of hair. "Good look on you."

"What, naked and wet?" He walked his fingers over Xander's chest, scraping softly.

Xander licked at the drops of water dripping down the vampire's chin. "Yes, naked and wet, but I meant the hair. It looks nice hanging around your face like that. Like it."

"Mmmm. Less talking, more kissing." He reached for the boy's face, but Xander pulled back. "'ey! Come back here!"

Xander held up the bar of soap, reaching out of the stall to grab a washcloth. "Shower, clean. Remember?" He got the cloth sudsy, then applied it to Spike's stomach, scrubbing at the dried cum.

"No, shower, shag. Remember?" He snatched the cloth away, dropping it to the floor.

Shaking his head stubbornly, Xander held up the bar of soap. "Clean first, then shag."

Spike pouted, rubbing his hands teasingly down his chest. "Shag first. That way, we only have to clean once." He spread his legs apart, a finger dipping back to circle his hole.

Xander gulped. The soap slipped out of his hand onto the floor.

Grinning, Spike turned around, bracing his hands against the wall.

Shaking his head and sending beads of water flying, Xander reached out and stroked his hand down over the soft curve of Spike's ass.

Spike purred, arching his back. "Yeah, pet, do it."

He swallowed hard, pressing a shaking finger into the slippery cleft. He rubbed against the muscular ring, breath hissing as it opened, his finger sliding in easily. He pressed it deep into the still slick depths, amazed at how soft it cool wet silk gripping him.

Another finger pushed in, and he rotated them, brushing across something that made the vampire moan sharply and push back against him. He shifted, banging his elbow painfully against one of the metal taps and hissing in frustration. "I don't think this thing was designed for this."

Spike thrust an arm back to drag him closer. "We'll manage. Now shut up and fuck me."

Xander obliged, pushing his hard cock against the opening, sliding forward until he was totally inside.

Spike tightened his muscles, squeezing. He set to rocking, pulling as far away as he could, then jamming himself back again. A growl grew in his throat as Xander bent forward and mouthed his neck, blunt teeth digging into the soft skin. Hands slid down his body, clasping around his erection.

Hunching into the vampire's tight, wonderfully cool body, Xander wrapped his arms around the smaller man. He still could barely believe the softness and strength of the passage he was inside. As muscles rippled around him, he knew he wouldn't be able to last long.

The movement of his hips sped up, and he began to pump quickly at Spike's cock. Spike met each thrust, snarling when one happened to rake across his prostate. He flung his head back, howling as his seed spurted out to coat the wall before being washed down the drain.

When Spike came, his anal muscles had clamped down around Xander's cock, making him gasp and moan at the intense pressure. It was too much for him, and he came screaming, pouring his essence into the blonde.

When it was over, Xander held onto Spike, head dropping forward onto his shoulder. His panting could be heard even over the noise of the shower. They remained locked together for long minutes, neither wanting to break the connection.

The two stood there, shivering under water that had begun to turn cold. Finally, Xander pulled out with a wistful sigh, turning off the taps and pulling Spike out of the shower with him. In silence, they dried each other off, towels wiping gently over sensitive skin.

The damp towels were tossed onto the floor, then Spike tugged Xander's head down for another kiss. Swiping his tongue inside the hot mouth, he chased down and caught the boy's tongue.

Panting, Xander could feel himself growing unbelievably aroused once again. He moaned, sucking on the invader probing inside him.

Spike smiled, herding Xander toward the door. "Bed, pet. There's lots more fun to be had." He backed out, pulling on the boy's hand, then shoving him up against the wall and kissing him hard.

When Spike's mouth lifted, allowing him to breathe, Xander opened his eyes. Looking toward the bed, he froze.

"Um, hi Anya."


Part 9