It's an Adventure
by MichelleShelly

Part 5:

Cordelia moaned and clutched at her head. Angel and Wesley rushed to her side, leading her to a chair in the nearly empty room.

"Is it a vision?" Wesley asked, worried.

"Yes! I just got a visual of Xander and Spike together! I don't feel well! Ack! I need a happy place to go to!"

"Oh. Yes, well, how about the beach? On a lovely warm day? Humm?" Wesley offered.

Cordelia removed her hands from her face long enough to mutter, "Oh, nice. Naked Xander and Spike doing nasty things to each other and *me* with skin cancer."

Xander glanced over at her. "How about the mall?" He offered.

Cordelia continued to clutch her head. "Better! The mall, yes!"

"The shoe store!" Angel threw out.

"30 to 70 percent off the entire stock!" Xander chimed in again, getting into the game.

"Oo. Yes. Nice. Getting better."

"*You* in nothing but stiletto heels, between me an' Xan, and we're all *naked*," Was Spike's offering.

"Aaagh!!!! Bad! Bad!"

Angel slapped Spike across his head. "What? Now *that's* a *happy* place!"

"Just go back to the shoe sale, Cordy." Angel told her, rubbing her shoulders.

"Ah, Angel?" Xander was looking away from the distressed Cordelia and towards the wall in front of him. And then to all the walls around him. The *empty* walls. He was comfy, happily seated on the sofa, already ignoring Cordelia, but where the TV should be was.nothing! "Where's the TV? Watching TV is a happy place."

Cordelia lifted her head and removed her hands from her eyes, to glare at Xander. "Okay! It's *my* happy place! *You* go find your mental mall!" Xander told her.

Angel settled Cordelia and came to kneel before Xander, placing a hand upon his knee. "There's no TV, Xander. We lost everything in the explosion. We're, well, starting over. A TV wasn't really on the top of my list of things to rush out and replace."

Xander pulled his knee from beneath Angel's hand and scooted over a bit. "So what you're saying is, there's *no* TV. Is that right?"

Angel smiled. "Yes. Sorry."

"Oh! Well great! I don't suppose you have any *popcorn* either?"

"Um, no. We have popcorn. Cordelia likes it."

"Um, yes. I have a case in the kitchen, next to the microwave." Cordeila told them, seemingly having found her happy place.

"You bought a *microwave* before you bought a TV? What's wrong with you people?" Xander demanded, truly astonished. "Fine. I'll go slay demons with you and Spike!"

"Xany? Babe?" Spike simpered.

"What, Spikey-poo?" Xander gritted.

"The sun's up! *And* I'm tired! Had a long drive. Need rest. The effin' Bleathvores will just have to wait. Peaches? Got a room for me and my Xany-poo?"

"Um. Well, no, I don't."

Spike looked around and threw his arms out wide. "There is no room in this entire bleeding city block big ass warehouse you have here? Not a one, peaches?"

"Couch is fine!" Xander began, "If fact, wh-"

"Not *one* room?" Spike demanded, cutting Xander off.

"Plenty of rooms, Spike. Just no furniture in the rooms." Cordeila told the irate vampire.

"Don't need furniture; just a *room*!"

"I thought maybe we could get some research started. I know where the Bleathvores *might* be, but I'm not certain. Plus, I think we need some more information on them before we confront them. Cordy, why don't you check the Internet."

"Oh, and of *course* you have a computer all set up, eh? Shall we surf on over to bleathvore dot com? Visit their website? Check out the links on how to kill and steal from them? They *are* scavengers and pack rats. Maybe they have their stock listed on the website, eh? Is that the plan?"

"You got a *computer* before you got a TV?" Xander asked.

Angel rolled his eyes and gave Spike his evil smile. He ignored Xander. "Spike, there is a lot of useful information on the Internet."

"Yeah. Weirdoes, perverts, and creeps. I'm sure they post *lots* of useful information on their Bleathvore sites. Where's the phone? *I'll* ring my-*the* bleedin' watcher! *Giles* will have the information we need! He has *books*!"

"Good idea, Spike. Why don't I run out and get you a TV, Angel? You got room for a 50 incher in here, at the very least. Cordy? What say we hit the mall, help your boss out while they do the research thing?"

Angel looked at Xander with pained eyes. "I'm not sure I want something that big, Xander."

"Ah, come on! The bigger the better!" He blushed. "Um, I mean, when it comes to TV's! Big is good. For a television."

"Well, I guess you and Cordy could-"

"Get me the bleedin' *phone*! Why can't I get a phone when I want one! I left my batphone in the car!"

"Come with me, grumpy." Cordelia led Spike into what he presumed to be the kitchen. It had a sink, a fridge, and a microwave. And maybe that thing in the wall was an oven. Could be. Oh, and a case of microwave pop corn on the counter. Yep. Kitchen.

He snatched up the phone hanging on the wall and dialed Giles' number.

"Sneaky fuck, you! You didn't say there would be Bleathvores! Oh, yes, I guess you *did* forget that part! We made it fine. Sorry, maybe I'll crash on the way home. No. Not a scratch! Shut yer gob about that! Gimmie everything you know on the bleedin' Bleathvores! Peaches wants some more info on the slimy devils. Well, sure. Ocean. Yeah. Collectors. I *know* that! *Stinging*, watcher! They have *stinging* blood sucking tentacles, ya daft fool! No! I'm calling just to hear yer pretty voice! Yes! I want your help! Hey! You want *my* help! The bloody slayer can get all gobbled up for all I care! No need for threats! I'm here aren't I? Ready to lend my dead hands! Uh, huh? Yeah. Really? *Really*? Well, I've never heard that one before! Um, yes. Uh huh. Interesting. Yeah. Hold on." Spike placed his hand over the mouthpiece and called out for Cordelia.


"Got a pad and pen?"

"Sure, wait a sec." Cordy came back with the requested items.

"Watcher? Repeat all that, slowly, so's the beauty queen can take it all down." Spike handed her the phone. "Here ya go, luv. He's lots of good stuff for you. Be a pet and write it down, wont you? I need to get back to my Xander."

Cordy glared at Spike's retreating back. "Giles? Yes. Hold on! Wait, how do you spell that?"

Part 6:

"Cordelia is gettin' the information from Giles. *Real* information." Spike told the others. He gave Angel a stern look. "Now I want a *room*." He smiled. Beautifully. He walked over to the couch, picking up Xander's hand. He sighed. Dramatically. "I want to sleep. I need my little Xany with me." He leaned down, giving Xander a bussing kiss on the lips. "I just can't sleep without the boy anymore. Call me crazy, but I'm in love." He fluttered his eyelashes at Angel.

Xander choked on his breath. "Ah, *honey*." Xander gave Spike's hand a hard squeeze. He'd have broken bones had it not been a vampire's hand; Spike just smiled down at him and raised their clasped hands to his lips, kissing Xanders'. "I was going to go out and buy Angel a nice TV. You know I love my TV, *sweetums*." Another hard squeeze, useless as the first.

"He can buy his own TV on his *own* time. We're here to get the, um, *thing*. Whatever the bloody hell it is. An' seeing as how I'll have to battle Bleathvores for it, I need some rest. No time for telly, pet."

"Well," Wesley stood. "I've a perfectly good room here, *with* furniture." He smiled. "Well, a bed and chair, at least. You two are more than welcome to it. I won't be needing it any time soon. I'll have to see to the research and such. I'm not certain the type of weapons needed to vanquish Bleathvores, but I'll look into. See what Giles has to say."

"Wesley, you don't have to give up your room to Spike." Angel stated, standing big and wide, arms across his chest. "Spike can help with the research."

"Wes, you don't have to-"

"Splendid!" Spike cut Xander off and ignored his Sire. "Can't quite put you to all the horrible things I've heard about you, mate. You seem a fine chap, really. Show us to your room." Spike gave a smile Angel's way and pulled Xander up.

"Spike, really. I've known you to be up for *days* at a time. Why this sudden need for rest?" Angel asked.

Spike waggled his brows, grinning and holding up his and Xander's clasped hands. "I *need* some *rest* Peaches!"

"Well, I'm not tired at all, and I think Angel *needs* me to go buy him a decent television!"

Spike sighed and rolled his eyes. "Still so innocent, despite all I've done to and taught him!" Spike turned, slid his hands into Xander's hair, cupping his head, and kissed him. He thrust his tongue into Xander's open mouth. Spike moved his hands to Xander's shoulders and pulled the boy close as his tongue slid along Xander's, reaching up to tickle the roof of Xander's mouth. He pulled back to smile at the dazed boy. His smile went to Wesley. "Lead on."

"Um. Yes of course. Follow me." Wesley started and Spike followed, leading Xander along by his hand.

"Here you are. Perhaps I should get some fresh sheets-"

"No need. Thanks so much. We'll strip the bed. Bye." Spike pulled Xander into the room and shut the door in Wesley's face.

"Well, *that* one is perfect company for Peaches!" Spike took off his duster and threw it on the chair.

"You!" Xander gasped, finally finding his voice.

Spike sat on the bed and began unlacing his boots. "Yep. *Me*. This again, pet? Me Spike, you Xander. Thought we covered this already." He stood, bootless, and began undoing his jeans.


"Yep, me." Spike drew his shirt over his head and pushed down his jeans, stepping out of them. He lay on the bed, naked, and patted the spot next to him. "Lay down, Xany."

"You *kissed* me! And now you're *naked*! Why the *hell* are you naked?"

"I'm seducing you, Xander. Get with the program, pet." Spike patted the spot next to him again. "Come, on. Be a luv and lay down. Oh, yeah, take off yer clothes first. That be quicker."

Xander giggled. He *started* with giggles and quickly made his way to full on guffaws. "Spike! Cut it out! We're alone! Game's over."

Spike gave a very put upon sigh. "Fine, Xander. Make it hard on me." Spike rolled off the bed and walked to Xander. He stood before him and looked into his eyes. "I *am* going to have you, pet." He waggled his eyebrows, causing Xander to start giggling again.

"What?! Spike! What's wrong with you? Spike?"

Spike pressed his naked body to Xanders and kissed him again. Hard. Nothing tentative about Spike's kiss. His tongue thrust in, claiming Xanders, as his hands went to Xander's jeans. Xander was unbuttoned and unzipped before he could catch a breath. He jeans and boxers were pushed down and over his ass, falling to gather at his knees, and Spike was cupping his naked ass in seconds, pulling the boys pelvis against his naked hardness. Spike moved his mouth from Xander's mouth to his ear, biting and suckling at the earlobe. "Come on, Xander. Just a bit o' fun for us. Fun is good." Spike whispered into Xander's ear, reaching down and taking hold of Xander's flaccid cock. He began rubbing it as he suckled Xander's earlobe. Spike trailed his cool tongue from Xander's ear to his throat, stopping to suckle at the juncture of neck and shoulder. He pulled away to quickly pull Xander's T-shirt over his head, tossing it over his shoulder. Spike reached back down to Xander's growing erection. "Just all part of the adventure, sweets."

"But-," Xander began.

"Shh." Spike maneuvered Xander to the bed, pushing him down upon it.

"I don't want-"

"Shh." Spike knelt down and removed Xander's shoes. He pulled the jeans off and pushed Xander down, coming on the bed and astride Xander. He smiled down into Xander's confused eyes. "You'll be fine, pet. Don't *think* anymore. Just feel, luv. Open your mouth"

Xander did. Open his mouth. To vocalize his adamant protest, he was sure, but Spike's tongue was in his mouth and down his throat before he could get a word out. And his hands! His hands were doing all kinds of horrible-*wonderful*-things to his body and they robbed him of his ability to speak. To protest. To shout out "no!" And he would have. Of course he would have, but how could he talk when Spike was sucking and biting at his nipples like that? And Spike's finger was in his mouth and he was sucking on it, drawing the digit deep into his throat, and loving the feel of it as it pressed down on his tongue. And Spike's hand-that evil, demonic, *wonderful* hand, was working at his cock like a dream come true, and Spike's mouth was sliding cool fire down his chest to his navel and suckling it! Swirling his tongue around it! So, really, all he could do was moan and thrust his cock into the hand that held it, and *GOD* now into the cool mouth that engulfed it! *All* of it, and Jesus, *yes*. But that felt so *good*! Xander could only whimper in protest when the mouth left, but it came *back*, and a cool hand was holding on to and cupping so sweetly at his balls and JESUS, but a wet finger was sliding into his ass now, and oh my God, what was it *doing*? Don't *stop* doing that, please don't stop. Hands, and mouth, and murmurs, and, God! It all felt so good! And then Spike was over him, smiling down at him, and he felt a burning and a tearing and a pushing and it hurt but it felt *good*, so good, and Xander was pushing back against it and still it hurt but hurt so good and *more*, please. More, oh yes, fuck me, fuck me. And God yes! And the cool hand still working at his cock, and the fullness thrusting into him and now a cool mouth and tongue working at *his* mouth. *With* his mouth. Tongue sliding in and taking over. Xander's hands went to Spike's shoulders, holding the vampire close as he was fucked and licked and jacked. Xander was mindless with pleasure, whimpering, moaning, begging, and clawing at Spike's back. And then he was cumming. *Too* soon, shooting himself across their stomachs, sealing them together, wrapping his arms and legs around Spike, thrilling in Spike's shout of completion and the cool jetting of Spike into his depths. Xander kept himself wrapped tightly around the cool body of the vampire over him, listening to his soft purrs, for several minutes-hours. He didn't know.

And then he was breathing again. Panting, really. Dizzy, because he hadn't taken a breath since that mouth had taken his cock all the way down into its cool tight depths, he was sure. Had *any* thing ever-in this world-felt so wonderful? Had *he* ever felt so wonderful as he did right now? Jesus! *Spike* had made him feel like this! What should he say? What should he do? What did this make him? He placed his still shaking hands on Spike's shoulders.

"Spike?" He whispered, tentatively.

Spike snuggled his body closer. Xander heard a soft snore. The vampire was asleep.

Part 7:

"Spike?" Xander whispered a little louder.

Not even a snore. He really was *asleep*. Xander pushed at the vampire's shoulder. He was rewarded with a snore this time. Soft, sure, but a snore none the less.

"Well, hell!" Xander was *bubbling* with energy and confusion. He wanted to talk. He wanted to hash this out. He wanted to. . .

He wanted to do it again!

How could you have mind blowing sex and just fall asleep?! He wondered.

Should he wake him?



*Yes*, Xander thought.

He'd wake him.

He'd go get a drink of something and *then* he'd wake him.

Yep. Good plan. Xander pushed the sleeping vampire off of him. Spike rolled over, lying flat on his back, but didn't flutter an eyelash. Xander gave a disgusted snort and sat up. Water. He was thirsty. Mind blowing sex will sometimes do that to you. He reached for his jeans and shoved them on. He gave the sleeping vampire a dirty look and headed towards the door.

Once opening it he ran into Angel.

"Xander." Angel placed a hand on Xander's shoulder, squeezing it. Doing that *thumb* thing again! "Are you okay? You look- well you look-"

"'Well and thoroughly fucked' is the phrase you're looking for, Angel, and he does." Cordelia chimed in, coming down the hallway. "And can I just and a heartfelt 'yuck'? 'Cause, *yuck*! It's *not* I sight I'll be putting in my happy places and sites to revisit, let me tell you!" She narrowed her eyes at Xander. "Where's grumpy?"

Xander blinked. "Um, Spike is asleep."

Cordelia snorted. "Yeah, I bet. *We're* researching like crazy and you two are doing nasty naked things to each other. Fairness is lacking, here."

"Spike's tired! He hasn't slept-" Xander began, defending the vampire he was pissed off at.

Angel squeezed Xander's shoulder again, moving his body in front of him. Close.

"But are you okay, Xander? He didn't, um, he didn't *hurt* you did he?"

Xander coughed, backing away. "Um, no! Of course he di-"

"Oh, Angel, please. If *that* look is hurt, then sign me up for some of that kind of pain! And forget I just said that! Come on! I've found something." Cordelia began pulling Angel away, but the vampire's eyes stayed on Xander's, concerned. "What was it you needed, Xander? Can I get you anything?"

"Um, no. I'm fine. I was thirsty, but I'm not. Um, I'm not anymore. I'm okay. You go on."

Angel raised his eyebrows as Cordelia continued to pull him away. "We have juice. Would you like some juice?"

"No! No. Really, I'm fine. I need to talk to Spike, anyway. We'll be out, soon."

"Well, let's *hope* so!" Was Cordelia's parting shot, as she led Angel down and out of the hallway.

Xander backed up; keeping his eyes on Angel as his hand went behind him and opened the door.

Man! He really had it bad for him, didn't he? Xander's brain surmised.

Xander went back into the room, closing the door behind him and turned to look at Spike. He walked to the bed and plopped down upon it. He scooted his body close to Spike's and slammed his fist down upon the vampires' chest.

Spike's eyes opened. He blinked, coming awake. "You just hit me, pet?"

Xander glared down at Spike. "Yes."

"Um, thought you might have." Spike rubbed the spot where Xander had socked him. "You know, it says a lot about the affection I hold for you that I'm not trying to rip your lungs out."

Xander continued to glare down at him. He snickered. "Not really. You *can't* rip my lungs out, remember?"

"Um, yeah." Spike reached a hand up to rub across his eyes and down his face. "True, pet, but I didn't even *try* did, I?" He yawned. "So what's this about, then, you hitting me as I slumber? And don't think I'm not *wanting* to rip yer lungs out about it." Spike grinned, belying his words.

"You!" Xander sputtered.

"Damn it, Xander! We've *done* this! Me Spike, you Xander! I want to slee-"

"You went to sleep after we, uh, after we-"

Spike grunted. "Shagged, pet. After we *shagged*. And a good shagging it was, eh?" He grinned up at Xander.

Xander sputtered and brought his fist down again. Spike grabbed it and rolled them over, coming to rest over the flustered youth. "*What's* got yer knickers in a twist?" Spike asked, truly confused. "What? We had a good shag, right? Now we sleep!"

"No! Now we have to talk! Now I have to know what you were doing with me! Now I have to know if you're-"

Spike placed a hand across Xander's mouth and nodded his head. "Ah. I get it. You-"

"And I went out to get a drink of water and Angel was all over me!"

"*What*? What? Angel was all over you?"

"Yes!" Xander told him. "He wanted to know if you hurt me and if I was oka-"

"If I *hurt* you? What does the pouf think I'm doing to you? Oh! He thinks he can just move on you, once I've got you all primed! He can just think a-"

"Huh?" Xander asked.

Spike blinked. "Um, I mean to say, he's just hoping to catch you at a vulnerable moment, pet. And you go off all half-cocked 'cause I'm sleepy. How does that look?" Spike leaned down and kissed Xander. He thrust his tongue into the dark eyed boy's mouth and swept it in, tasting and tantalizing. He pulled back, pleased to see the eyes looking back at him, dazed. "I *like* you Xander. You are important to me. You're special." Spike kissed Xander again and then lay his head down on Xander's chest, hoping to go back to sleep.

Xander socked him in the head. "Oh, very nice. That would make me feel *much* better *if* I was still a freshman in high school and you just stole my virginity!"

Spike groaned but didn't raise his head. "What? It's not universal? I like you. You're important to me. I won't tell my friends. I won't tell your friends. I want to see you again. Besides, pet, while I might have *snacked* on, or *killed* you, I certainly wouldn't have wanted to *shag* you when you were a freshman! I'm not Angel, Xanpet."

Xander bit down on Spike's shoulder. He drew blood.

Spike chuckled, truly amused. He lifted his head. "What?" He smiled down at Xander. "Come on, Xany, can't we sleep? I really *do* have to battle Bleathvores, you know. I need to rest up for that. And the shagging really was important to me. You're mine now. All mine, sealed with bodily fluids." Spike rocked his body against Xander's.

"Yes, but, I-"

Spike sighed and cut Xander off with a kiss. He reached his hand down to Xander's jeans and undid them. Spike looked at Xander. "Note for future reference: If I put you to bed naked? *Stay* naked." He told the boy, shoving Xander's jeans down.

"Oh! You can't just start fuc-"

Spike reached down and pulled out Xander's cock. He held and caressed it, kissing Xander's responsive mouth. "Um, maybe you can." Xander mumbled as Spike pulled away and thrust a finger into his mouth, sliding his body down, and engulfing Xander's hardening cock into his cool mouth. Spike took all of Xander down his throat and began running his tongue across Xander's already tightened sac.

"Oh, god, Spike. Yes! I'm sorry. What ever I said to you, I'm sorry and i take it back!"

Spike grinned around his mouthful of Xander. He let Xander's cock fall from his mouth and raised up. He shushed the boy's protests and pulled Xander's jeans from him, tossing them to the floor, coming up and laying next to the youth. "Kiss me, pet." Spike commanded, softly.

Xander did, placing his lips tentatively to the vampire's cool ones. Spike's mouth opened and Xander plunged his tongue inside, thrilling at the taste. Xander's hand went to Spike's face, cupping his cheek and holding him still, as his tongue and lips explored and savored Spike as he would a particularly good piece of chocolate. His hand began to roam across Spike's chest, his thumb stopping to rub at a nipple. Xander moved his mouth from Spike's, sliding down his cheek to his neck, leaving a wet trail. Xander suckled and nuzzled, licked and bit his way down Spike's body, until he was able to draw a beaded nipple into his mouth.

"Nice, pet." Spike murmured as his hands came up to slide into Xander's hair.

Xander let out a incoherent sound and continued to lick his way down Spike's body. When he reached the vampire's erection, he took it in hand and ran his tongue across the weeping head, savoring the taste of Spike. Spike let out a moan, and Xander took the tip into his mouth, running this tongue around it.

"Good, pet. More."

Xander nodded his head, Spike still in his mouth, and pushed the cock deeper inside of him. He let his tongue cup the underside of Spike's cock as he bobbed his head, sucking and tasting. Xander gripped Spike harder, his thumb running along the thick vein, as he continued sucking the vampire deep into his mouth.

"Ah, yes, pet. Lovely. More."

The slurred, pleasure filled words, thrilled Xander and he increased his pace.

"Umm. I'm gonna cum soon, luv"

Xander nodded his head vigorously, wanting to taste Spike.


Xander placed his unoccupied hand across Spike's mouth and sucked the vampire's cock deeper into his mouth. Spike sucked two of Xander's fingers into his mouth and matched Xander's sucking rhythm. Xander would have grinned if he could have, instead, he continued sucking and jacking Spike into the hot depths of his mouth. Spike gave a shout and came. Xander paused, tasting, savoring, and finally swallowing. He held Spike in his mouth and hand, sucking softly as the vampire's cock softened.

He looked up, grinning at Spike.

"Liked that, did you, pet?"

"Yes." Was Xander's unabashed and enthusiastic reply.

"Sleepy?" Spike asked, a little hopeful.

Xander shook his head like a wet dog. "No!"

Spike grinned. "You're a horny thing, aren't you?"

"It would seem so." Xander gave his best Giles impersonation.

Spike laughed. *Really* laughed, greatly pleased and pleasured. He reached down and grasped Xander's shoulders. He pulled Xander up and then tossed the boy down, flat on his back, swooping down, he swallowed Xander's cock whole. In minutes Xander was gasping out in completion and pleasure, thrusting into Spike's talented mouth.

Spike crawled up the bed, coming to lie next to Xander. He thrust a hand under the boy and pulled him close, placing Xander's head on his shoulder and his chin resting on Xander's silky head. "Sleep, now? Please?"

"Um, yeah. I could sleep now."

Spike gave a contented sigh and closed his eyes.


Spike bit back his moan. "Yeah?"

"I like you. You're important to me."

Spike smiled against Xander's soft hair. "Won't tell your mates?"

"Not if they don't ask."

Spike sucked in a mouthful of Xander's hair and pulled at it.

All he got in reply was a soft snore. Xander was asleep.


Parts 8, 9 & 10