Title : Warm Longing

Series : Body Heat 2

Author : Soft Princess (Sofy)

E-mail : soft_princesse@hotmail.com , princesse_20_@hotmail.com

Disclaimer : Angel, Spike and Xander are not mine, nor are all the places and settings and characters of both BtVS and Angel. They belong to Joss Whedon and all the others. I'm just borrowing them to have some fun. I'll give them back, promise! The plot is mine though.

Pairing : S/X/A

Rating : NC-17

Spoilers : "Tomorrow" for AtS and "Grave" for BtVS

Summary : Spike and Xander bring Angel back to the hotel.

Notes : This picks up exactly where Body Heat left off. Lol. Hope you enjoy! More and more plot has crept in, so I will turn this into a saga! Lol.


Xander and Spike got dressed then helped Angel to his feet. Spike helped him get in the car. The older vampire had some difficulty walking, it had been a long time since he had stood on his feet. Xander picked up the blanket and when Spike had put Angel on the back seat, he climbed in with him and covered the vampire the best he could. Angel had begun to shake again, the warmth leaving him slowly

"You should stay with him luv. Or he'll get too cold again."

"You'll be driving then?"

"Yeah, if you could give me the keys." Xander handed him the car keys and settled on the back seat, Angel's head in his lap. He began to stroke his back and sides, warming him.

"Will the others be there when we get to the hotel?" Angel asked a few minutes after they had begun the journey back.

"Fred should be there. Gunn and Buffy went after that Connor guy..." As he said that, he felt Angel tense. "You can tell me later." Angel nodded. "While Giles and Willow are trying to find Wesley..." Angel tensed again. "You have a lot to tell us, I think."

"Yeah, go on... what about Cordy?"

"She can't be reached either. Fred said a guy named Lorne was trying all his contacts to reach her."

"God. Everyone was gone then."

"Yeah, they were pretty desperate."

Angel stayed silent for a while. Then : "I can't believe what happened. Everyone disappeared at once. I was suppose to meet Cordy at the cliff, and..."

"Shhh, you can tell us later, now we're gonna get you all warm and cuddly."

"Cuddly, I love cuddly." Angel smiled.

"Yeah, I know that Poof."

Angel chuckled. "And you always hated it, didn't you Will?"

"Liked it, just didn’t want to tell you."

"Oh, Pride."


They fell silent, the three of them just enjoying the calm before the storm. They knew there would be many questions when they finally got back to the hotel, but for now, they were calm and relaxed.

"We're here." Breaking the silence Spike stopped the car. He got out and opened the back door of the car, helping Angel out.

"ANGEL!!!" Fred came running outside, frantic. She was so happy to see him, he had NO idea. "God! Where were you? We've been worried sick. We thought you were..."

"Dust." Spike stated, understanding her fears.


"I'm ok Fred. Actually, I'm really not ok. But a good sleep in my bed and a LOT of blood would help. You got blood right?" He added, looking at Spike.

"Yeah. And even better, I got it in my body."

Xander turned towards him in shock. "Spike!"

"What luv? Fresh blood is the best. And since there's no more killing the humans, he can take some from me. I got bagged blood for now, but later, he'll need fresh, warm blood. And I'll give it to him."

"Spike... I..."

"Don't argue Sire. You know it's what's best. And Childe’s blood is just as good as Sire's blood."

They fell silent again. Fred was feeling a bit left out, but she didn't say anything. They went into the lobby and Xander moved to the kitchen to heat some blood. Spike settled Angel on the couch, then went upstairs to get him some clothes.

Finally, Angel had eaten four mugs of blood and gotten dressed. That was the moment Buffy and Gunn choose to appear with Connor between them, struggling to get away, but the slayer had him firmly in her grip.

Suddenly, the young man stopped struggling and looked at Angel. "Angelus."

"No! That's Angel you twat!" Spike could smell something off about that boy. Almost as if... No, that's impossible. "Who are you?"

"I'm Steven." Xander saw Angel drop his eyes and look at the floor, hurt. "And you’re a vampire."

"Good point mate. Me and my Sire here are vampires, with souls."

"Your Sire? What does that mean?"

"You have so much you need to learn Connor."

Now Xander was officially confused. What exactly was the teenager's name?

Connor? Steven?

"And who's gonna be teaching me? You?"

"No. I'm done with that. I tried, you sent me to live eternity in a coffin at the bottom of the ocean. I think I'll leave that up to your brother here."

"Brother??" Spike was as confused as Xander now.

"Yeah. Connor is my son."


"I'm in no shape to explain that to you all. Just accept it ok?" They all nodded, knowing they'd get the information when Angel was feeling better. "So he's my son, and Darla's" He waved his hand, avoiding more questions. "Which makes him your brother Spike."


"Well, Spike is my Childe. I made him. Well Angelus did, but I'm tired of trying to explain the difference to you. That makes you brothers."

Angel fell silent and closed his eyes. He was so tired and cold. He shivered and Xander felt it.

"We should get him in bed. Buff, you can take care of Connor…Steven…whatever tonight?"

"Yeah sure. You three will be all right?"

"Yeah. We'll put him in bed. And go to sleep." 'As if that's even possible. Sleeping with those two...' Xander thought.

"Ok." Spike and Xander went to Angel’s side and helped him to his feet. They walked up the stairs, just stopping to say good night to Fred.

They reached Angel's room and entered. Putting him on the bed they started to undress him.

"I'm getting to love this."

They all laughed, the tension finally broken. Xander leaned over Angel, and kissed him tenderly. "Me too."

Angel was now naked and Spike undressed himself rapidly, while the other two were kissing madly. "Oh, God Angel. I love your mouth." Angel chuckled.

"There’s a chance you don't hate me anymore."

"Yeah. Well, I did this morning, I really don't know what happened."

"Maybe a cold needy body helped you change your mind luv. Now, can I get some too. I'm always left out." Xander turned around and realised he was the only one still dressed.

"Spike, why don't you undress him?"

"Sure Sire. I know you love having a show."

Angel licked his lips and Xander stood up. Spike began undressing him slowly. First the shirt, then the shoes. Finally, he unfastened the pants and slowly took them off. Xander had forgotten to put his boxers back on after the beach. He was now completely naked, flustered and hard. Spike reached for his lips and kissed him passionately. That boy could make him feel so many different emotions.

Angel was breathing hard on the bed, completely aroused. He really needed to touch them. He was so cold again, he needed their heat. "Come here guys." He said shivering.

They both turned to him and moved to his side. Spike leaned over him and kissed him hard, while Xander lay by his side and started to caress his chest and thighs. He felt so good under his hands, soft and... cold, but he was quickly warming up. Angel was moaning deep while Spike and Xander's hands were roaming his body. God, it felt so good so right to have those two men touching him in ways no one else ever had. And he felt at home in their arms. Xander's hands finally reached Angel and Spike's aching members and took them both in his fist.

"Oh yeah, Xan!"


"Um, I guess you like that!" The three of them chuckled and started to move together. Both vampires started to rub against each other, thrusting in Xander's hand.

The boy was completely concentrated on his task, his head on Angel's chest, Spike moving over him. He took one of Angel's nipples in his mouth and started sucking on it. "OH yeah! Xander! Don't stop!" Spike and Angel were both moaning, as they kept thrusting and thrusting. Finally, Xander knew they were near, he could feel it, he bit into Angel's nipple gently, and both vampires came hard between their bellies and in Xander hand.

"Oh Xander. That was so good." Xander blushed and buried his head in Angel's chest.

"You’re the ones who did all the work, I barely held you."

"Yeah, but still, I never thought you..."

"A lot of things you don't know about me Deadboy. In fact, a lot of things I didn't know about myself before Soulboy junior here came back."

"How long have you two been...?"

"Together? About a month."

"Yeah, and Xan here is a quick learner."

"Yeah, I'm sure he is. But you're still..." The three of them look at Xander's crotch. His cock was very hard and a deep purple. Spike licked his lips. He rearranged Angel on the bed until he was leaning against the headboard. Then, he placed Xander between the vampire's legs and knelt between his legs, staring.

He slowly lowered his head and kissed the tip of Xander's aching cock. Angel was enjoying the feeling of having Xander's warm hard body pressed against him. He let his hands roam up and down the boy’s body, learning every curve and all the sensitive spots. He kissed the hollow of Xander’s neck, sending shivers through his body. Xander tensed at first, then he relaxed and bent his head to allow Angel more space.

Spike was teasing the head of Xander’s cock, wanting to drive him crazy. "OH Spike! Please!"

"What do you want luv?"

"Stop teasing me!"

The blond vampire placed his hands on Xander's hips to keep him from moving and kissed the tip again.


"Tell me what you want luv."

"Just tell him Xan, or he won't do anything more." Angel whispered in his ear.

"How do you know?" Xander managed between his moans.

"I taught him. I know every one of his tricks."

Spike was grinning. He would have what he wanted. "Say it luv."

"Oh, damn it. Suck me Spike! Please!" Xander said, desperately.

"As you wish luv." And the hard cock found itself completely embedded in Spike's mouth, the head hitting the back of his throat. God it was so good to have a lover that didn't need to breath.

For a long moment, Xander felt like he was in heaven. He couldn't think, just feel. Angel's hands on him, touching him, caressing him, his mouth on his neck, nibbling. Spike's mouth all around him, sucking on his aching member, licking the head, then going back down, taking all of it in. It was too much for the boy and he exploded deep inside Spike's mouth, the vampire swallowing and draining him of all his strength.

Spike sat back on his heels, looked at his two lovers and licked his lips. Angel couldn't wait any longer, he reached for Spike and brought him closer to them both, trapping Xander between their bodies, he kissed him hard on the mouth, wanting to taste at least a bit of their lover.

"Mmm yummy." He said as they disentangled themselves. The three of them leaned back on the bed, Angel half on top of Spike, while Xander was pressed up against his back.

"Now, Poof, you eat." Spike said seriously.


"If you don't feel comfortable with me watching I can..."

"No don't leave... It's just it's been a while since I've fed on a living... or unliving as the case may be, creature."

"Sure, Sire, but you eat anyway."

"All right”

Spike bent his head on the side and placed Angel's mouth at his silent pulse. Angel, now feeling the blood just underneath the surface, slowly changed into his gameface. He was really hungry, but didn't want to scare Xander by going too fast. Not able to resist anymore, he bit down on Spike's neck.

Angel drank eagerly, he hadn't realised how hungry he was before now. Spike felt like a whole new world had just opened at his feet. His Sire was drinking from him. It was so good. But he shouldn't let him drink too much, no matter how much he needed it. A little at a time, he could have more tomorrow morning. He took Angel's face in his hands and tugged him gently away from his neck.

"Now, enough Sire. Or I'll be sick." Spike leaned up and pressed a tender kiss to Angel's lips cleaning the drops of blood smeared around his mouth

Xander hugged Angel tightly and felt himself drifting to sleep. Angel dropped his head on Spike's chest, not able to keep it up anymore. Spike looked at his two sleeping lovers and wondered what was gonna happen next. Well, he had all the time in the world to figure it out. He felt a surge of warm feelings coursing through him as his heart melted at the thought.

He closed his eyes and let the feeling of their bodies permeate him. It felt so good, it felt safe.

The End…for now!