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More about Me

Hey, everyone!I thought I'd update this section a little bit. I haven't been working on my web site in a while because I was doing college stuff since I'm at college now. So here's my stats for those of you who don't know me.

I'm really into music. I love just about every form, but my fav is rock. I've been trying to figure out some songs. I almost have a lot of them but it would help if any of you would send me some tabs. Thanx! I love my guitar and write music on it all the time. I like to write a lot of stuff like Tool plays, but for the most part it's rhythm and blues so I can work on my licks.

I made the band at college!! We already had one show and we have another one on Oct. 6th. I also tried out for Jazz Band when I got here and I made third chair!! Thanx for all your support.

Everybody thinks I'm really smart....well I guess I am but I don't like to flaunt it and I think everyone can understand what I do.

I miss all you guys that I left when I went to college! I think about all of you every day. I mean come on! You did stick with me all those years. Youe helped make me who I am. I hope you like the friends page I made for you. Oh, and by the way all of you need to send me more pics to put on here.


It's just a pic of me...I need to shave!!! This is the first pic I took of me on my camera when I bought it....I'm dead sexy!!! not really but I hope you don't think i'm dead ugly.

Just Chillin'

I'm just there....messin' with my camera

I'm jammin' on the guitar!!

I'm just awesome on the guitar!!! Listen to how fast I am!! j/k I'm really not that great but I'm working on it. It looks like I'm playing "Hashpipe" by Weezer but really I'm doing the beginning riff of Purple Haze by Jimmy Hendrix.

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