Everyone is asked to stand in circle and hold hands. Two leaders stand together but don't hold hands with each other. With everyone saying the first verse, one leader leads everyone into the circle, starting with a wide circle, but winding everyone into a smaller and smaller circle until they all get into the centre and can no longer move.
Hand in hand you see us well
Creep like a snail into his shell
Ever nearer, ever nearer
Ever closer, ever closer
Very snug indeed you dwell
Snail within your tiny shell
Once everyone is in the centre, the other leader who is the last person in line, starts to "unwind" the snail. Everyone says the next verse making a wider and wider circle until they are all standing in the same position as when they started.
Hand in hand you see us well
Creep like a snail out of his shell
Ever further, ever further
Ever wider, ever wider
Who'd have thought this tiny shell
Could have held us all so well?