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~Let Me Tell You A Little Story About Me~
~Hafa Adai~ First of all we want to say Thank You for visiting our home page. Our name's are: Eric Jason Gallo Garcia and June Caroline Fejarang Garcia. We are happlie married together for 3 year. and have a wonderful son name Justin Jay. Were're organailly from the beautiful Island of Guam. Now we currently live in Ewa Beach Hawai'i, just to say it's another island but not like GUAM. To the Chamorro's in guam that we left behind, the food and the places that we go to is not the same. I guess because the family is not there to enjoy it with us.
Also I Dedicate this homepage to:
James Berry as "Videomasterz". Thank You very much for your help. Without you there won't be a homepage.
just click on the picture
~My Family~
My friends
Cluture Dance group: Tao Tao Tano
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My Friends Homepages
Irie Homepage
Jays Homepage

People From Guam
come and meet with my friends or look for family memebers that are far away but still can keep in touch ....
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