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"Bang Bang!" - Cactus Jack

"Owww...Have mercy!" - Dudelove

"Get my fingers out of your mouth!" - Mankind

"13 words- How much would could a woodchuck
chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck would?" -

"Sugar coated testies, is that a new breakfast
cereal?" - Mankind

"I got one word for ya, SOCKO!" - Mankind

"Have a nice Day!" - Mankind

"I'd Rather Hurt A Man, Than Love A Woman!" - Mick

"How can u fly when your missing a foot? How can u
hear when your not only missing an ear, but the
whole ball of wax?" - Cactus Jack

"On my best early to mid-afternoon, I could beat
you on your worst late evening." - Mick Foley

"If the Gods gave me a ladder to the Heavens, I'd
climb up and jump off and give a big elbow on the
world!" - Mankind

"I can't jump high so I jump from high places!" -
Mick Foley

"I am afraid of what I might do when I no longer
have control of my mind!" - Mankind

"Chill out daddy!" - Dudelove

"It takes a good man to beat Mankind... it just
doesnt take them very long" - Mankind

"The president of the US risking a nation for a
girl that i would even turn down in high school,
is a stupid thing!" - Mankind

"I have trained in the museum with Spaceman
Hickey" - Mankind

"What do u know about brutal Socko?"

"I just watched one of Ken Shamrock's interviews,
man is that brutal!" - Mankind and Socko

"Ken shamrock's interview's may be the #1 cause of
teen suicide in america,..." - Mankind

"Yo Stevo!" - Dudelove

"Yo Stevo! I always knew I could beat you,I never knew it would be that easy! - Dudelove

"Besides the birth of my kids .... this is the
greatest day of my life! And to my wife sitting
home sick ..... Yo Adrrain!!! I did it!! -