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No1. An Award for a Christian site that "Honors" Christ as its main theme.


No2. This is for a site that inspires others in their "Christian" walk, with stories or poetry, scripture verses, personal inspirations etc,also graphics that inspire.


No3. For a Christian site that uplifts, has NO profanity, nor, attacks or demeans any other groups or races of peoples. No objectional graphics. A site that honors & teaches others about Christianity, Jesus,& Salvation.


No4. For a Christian site that teaches the Word of God, or is Very uplifting,has good graphics and content, statement of Faith is included along with a plan of Salvation. This is a Monthly Award given out.


No.5 This is made for "special" sites that mean something "personal" to me either by the web owner or by the content.



PLEASE E-MAIL ME TO APPLY FOR AN AWARD.INCLUDE YOUR SITE URL, E-MAIL ADDRESS (SO I CAN E-MAIL YOU BACK) and..THE AWARD NUMBER YOU ARE APPLYING FOR. (and if you wish, sign my guestbook :o) A linkback is appreciated but not necessary. Please give me a few days after applying to check your site. Thanks!!


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