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Leaving an Eternal Legacy

The greatest legacy you can leave is
in the lives you touch for God.
As I have gotten older, each passing year
makes me realize all the more how brief
our journey here in this life really is.
It is only natural that we think about how we might
be remembered after we are gone.
I don't want to sound cold,
but the fact is,
other than our family and
possibly a few close friends,
the memory of our life will fade quickly.
Once we are gone from this life,
there is very little left to remind people
we were even here.
Some people may be memorialized
by having a building or
road named after them,
others may have their memory honored
by having an event named after them.
But for most part there will be little evidence
of this life once it is over.
My purpose today is not to discourage you,
but to challenge you in regard
to how you CAN live on
long after your life is over.

I have often talked about leaving behind the temporal things
of this world when we die.
How the only thing we will take from this
live into eternity is our relationship with Christ.
That our works will be tested and
much of what we do in this life will be burned up
as wood, hay, and stubble.
The works that will stand the test of fire
are those eternal works.
So it is with our legacy,
what we leave behind.
We leave behind our name, which may
or may not continue.
The most visible thing we leave
is our children,
but they too will one day die.
What we do leave behind that will NOT pass away
are those souls who will live for eternity
because we were obedient.
Understand that only the Holy Spirit
can bring a person to the saving knowledge
of Jesus Christ.
However, God uses human instruments
to affect a person's life and
bring them to that point.

Your prayers, your kind words, your acts of charity,
your unconditional love for others
during your life
will live on in that person for eternity!

The point I want you to understand today
is that it is never too early in life,
or too late in life
to impact someone for eternity.
It is after all our purpose in this life.
Our purpose is to serve and glorify God.
Our service to God comes in the service to others.
Our service to others has ETERNAL consequences.
It is our greatest legacy.
It is the part of us that WILL live on
for eternity.
We live on long after we leave this life,
in the lives of those we touch along our way.

I love you and care about you so much.
I pray today that you will take these words
and meditate on them throughout the day.
This is one of those Devotionals
that you should print out and keep with you.
We all go through those times in our life
when we wonder what it is all about,
if it really matters.
The answer is a resounding YES!
We need to be reminded from time to time
that we are significant
because God uses us in His plan and
purpose to touch other lives
at every step along our journey.
I am so appreciative to God
that He has given me this wonderful opportunity
to share the love and hope
we have in Jesus Christ
with thousands worldwide each day.
I am clearly focused now
more than ever,
that the best way I can make my life count,
is in those the Lord allows me to minister to
along the way.
It is the greatest way I can imagine
to live my life.

My challenge to you today is
to make sure you leave an eternal legacy,
that you live on after your death
in the lives of those the Lord allows
to cross your path.

If You Know The Author of this devotional,
Please let me know
so credit is given