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Additional Terms

1)Bolline = The white-handled knife
used in magick for practical purposes such as
cutting herbs.

2)Initiation = A process whereby an
individual is introduced to or admitted into a
group, interest,
skill or religion. May be ritual occasions but can
also occur spontaneously.

3)Kahuna = A practitioner of the old
Hawaiian philosophical, scientific and magickal

4)Labrys = A double-headed axe which
symbolizes the Goddess in ancient Crete, still used
by some Wiccans for this purpose. Placed or leaned
on the left side of the altar.

5)Grimoire = A Book Of Shadows

6)Menhir = A standing stone probably
lifted by early people for religious, spiritual or

7)The Old Ones = A Wiccan term often
used to encompass all aspects of the Goddess and

8)Psychism = The act of being
consciously psychic, in which the Psychic mind and
mind are linked and working in harmony.

9)Polarity = The concept of equal,
opposite energies. Universal balance.

10)Personal Power = That energy which
sustains our bodies. Magick is often a movement
of personal power for a specific reason.

11)Runes = Stick-like figures, some of
which are remnents of old Teutonic alphabets.
are pictographs.

12)Visualization = The process of
forming mental images.

13)Shaman = A man or woman who has
obtained knowledge of the subtler dimensions of
Earth, usually through periods of alternate

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