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Angel Wings

1)An angel gives you your very heart's desire
sometimes as easily as though
it were only an afterthought.

2)Angels keep it simple and always travel light
after all, we are angels in training,
all we have to do is spread our wings and fly.

3)All children are God's angels.

4)An angel respects whatever is really
important to you.

5)An angels heart is filled with love.

6)An angels work is never done.

7)Angels-Don't leave home without'em.

8)Angels appriciate things about you
that you thought no one else ever even noticed.

9)Angels are most inspired by your wish to be

10)Angels are the best leaders because
they follow their own intuition.

11)Angels are never to shy to tell you they
love you.

12)Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder,
the keepers of magick and dreams.

13)Angels are with you every step of the way
help you soar with amazing grace.

14)Angels at work-prepare for random miracles.

15)Angels can do anything they set their minds
because their hearts are set already.

16)Angels can unleash hurricanes of healing,
release tidal waves of love,
move mountains of hatred,
melt icebergs of jealousy,
and evaporate oceans of pain.

17)Angels care about us
because they live close to their souls.

18)Angels don't blow their own horns,
they find it makes living
much too noisy.

19)Angels don't disappear
even if you pretend they don't exist.

20)Angels encourage your best qualities and
hidden talents.

21)Angels fly because they take themselves

22)Angels give you those gentle pats on the
you need to keep going.

23)Angels help you find the courage to do
you were meant to do.

24)Angels help you laugh at life
even when you don't think it's funny.

25)Angels help you see your life in a better

26)Angels keep it simple and always travel

27)Angels never want anything from you
except your own happiness.

28)Angels restore your will to love.

29)Angels sent from above,
please protect the ones we love....

30)Angels walk the tightrope of life with
amazing grace.

31)Babies are a link between angels and man.

32)Beware-Angels at play.

33)Earthly angels are mothers in disguise.

34)God bless our little angels.

35)God sends his love on angels wings.

36)Grandmas are angels in training.

37)Guardian angel hear my prayer,
keep me in your loving care.

38)Listen to your angel.

39)Listening hearts hear angels sing....

40)Mothers are real angels.

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