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Additional Spells

Moonlight Spell
It is said that if you use a mirror to reflect moonlight into the closed eyes
of a sleeper, the person will be under your spell.

To Draw Your Beloved To You
1)Cast circle and invoke as usual
2)When the moon is in waxing take a photo of the person that you
desire affection from.
3)Place the photo face up in a small pink box, cover with
a herb known as Ladies Thumb.
4)Cover the box and bury it outside near the front entrance
of the house.

To Get Someone To Call You
Take a parchment paper and ink and inscribe the name of the person. Write in a
circle twise, so the ends meet. As you do this, concentrate on the person's face.
Then, while still concentrating, put a needle through the center of the circle
created by the name. Place this by the phone. The call will come within 5 minutes
or 5 days.

Wishing Spell
Know your wish. Write it down. When the moon is new, visualize your wish coming true.
Fold the paper in thirds and place 3 bay leaves inside. Fold the paper in thirds again and
hide it in a dark place-keep visualizing as you do this. Once wish is granted, burn the paper
as thanks.

To Make A Wish Come True
Carve a symbol for what you want or a one-word equivalent into an apple and
eat it. Know that as the food becomes a part of your body, your wish will become
part of your life.

Fiery Love
Create or find a charred stick. Using the charcoal part of the stick, like a pen,
draw two interlinked hearts on paper as you viualize yourself enjoying a satisfying
relationship. Draw with power. Hold some rose petals in your projective hand
and send fiery, love energies into them. Sprinkle the petals over the hearts. Do this
with power. Wrap the package around the petals, still visualizing, throw the package
into a fire or cauldron, light a red candle. As it burns, the power is released.

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