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The Do's And Don'ts Of Witches'

1)Witches DO NOT do evil...Witches believe
that doing evil and harm is against all ethical
and moral laws. Witches simply do not do harm(even
to themselves).

2)Witches DO NOT worship Satan...Witches do
not have a Satan/Devil or any all-evil deity
in their religious structure. Witchcraft is a
religion that underscores polarity and views
the God and the Goddess as equal entities.

3)A Male witch is NOT a warlock...The word
Warlock is a scottish word meaning "oath
breaker" and is also an Anglo-Saxon term
meaning "liar and betrayer of trust" it became
a term designating a male witch during
the "Burning times". A male witch is simply a male

4)Witches wear clothes of every color and
every style...Many witches do choose to wear black
clothing or ritual robes. The color black is the
culmination of all vibrational rates of light
on the material plane. Black absorbs light
information and helps witches be more receptive
to phychic impressions and energies.

5)Witches come from every society and economic
and ethnic backgrounds...Many witches are
professional people such as doctors, nurses,
teachers, police officers, ect. Witchcraft does
not discriminate against color or ethnic origin
and does view everything as equal in the eyes
of the Goddess and the God.

6)Witches do use spells...A spell is a
thought, projection or a prayer. Our religions use
prayer, meditation, projection and ritual to
produce an intended result. The word "spell"
does NOT imply evil or harm.

7)Witches do use magick wands...Cartoons and
movies make the idea seem frivolous. In
actuality they are used in healing for directing

8)Witches do use witchcraft as a science, an
art and a religion...They use their knowledge
and magick in harmony with the universe and nature
around them.

9)The word "witch" has a deep and rich
history...As defined by the English Oxford
"Witchcraft is a Celtic(pronounced Kell-tick) word
meaning the wise, good people.
"Wicce"(Wick-kay) designates a female witch. Where
as "Wicca"(Wick-kah)designates a
male witch.

10)In the religion of Witchcraft we view the
pentacle as an amulet and a symbol for
protection...The five pointed star represents the
human body and the earth. In combination,
The Star surrounded by the circle represents the
human body encompassed by the protection
of the Goddess/God force. The pentacle is the
symbol for Universal Wisdom.

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